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Travel Tale Challenge 2020


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Day 7- leave your mark.  Not sure if I have got this right but here it is.


I have learned a lot from this challenge.  All the areas covered in the bootcamp were included, and some extra things as well.  Learning a lot about PSP with these projects.  Everyone has submitted some lovely work and the ideas for scrapbooking are endless.  Thank you Cassel for giving me the opportunity of learning with you, and for providing excellent tutorials.

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Day 7 - I have had another final go at this challenge, using a different photo of a place in the UK called Wookey Hole.  I think I still need some practice with the text as it was not as clear as I would have liked, but the preset shape was fine.


The text is from Alice in Wonderland:  "I am not crazy, I just have a different reality to you."


I tried different fonts, but each had their own quirkiness with the cut out effects, but here goes ...

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And here is my day 6 with the postcard. I don't get much done these days because we are  also having a heatwave just as Carole has in Canada! But overhere those waves mostly don't last very long and this one will be ending the coming weekend according the weatherforcast. Anyway creating the postcard was fun, now up to the last day of this challenge. I read that a number of you had problems with that one, so I'll give it a try.


The text on the postcard is in Dutch, because if I would send such a card it would go to family at home.

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Well, I am totally annoyed. I had posted comments yesterday for everyone who had posted since my last comment, and it has disappeared! Grrr! I am sorry if it looked like I ignored you. I didn't! So, let's re-write everything and more!


Isabel, your engraving is good. I find the beige one is the best. The one with the heart seems to have the cutout in the opposite direction for the heart shape.


Barbara, when I get to my work computer, I will post a picture of what we did. It was a printed paper passport we did for a project. I know I got the design from Freepik.


Shirley, I think you might have forgotten the bevel inside the hole. Once it is added, you can thread a ball chain! I like the dark background for your stamps. It makes it different, but having collected stamps for many years, I know that white paper is no longer required. As for the postcard, think of every step of your trip as a little story to put on one. Then, add that story to your page, so we can follow along with more than just the photos. The map with the cutout is quite original. I think it looks "odd" simply because the map is a busy background. It would need more defined edges than in the tutorial to stand out from that busy map.


Lynda, I think it was a cool idea to replicate those signs and I find you did a pretty good job. Are you planning on printing a whole album? You can keep adding more and more pages if you have more photos and stories!


Krystyna, adding the shadow to the stamp gives a real sense of dimension. As for the datestamp on the stamp, typically it would have to be at least the size of the stamp itself and only show partially on the stamp while the rest would be on the envelope or postcard. For your font, I think you did a good job! It is sad that those previously simple AND free tools are no longer free :( For the writing on the sand, I think it would give a better result on a solid surface. If you want to do it on the sand, you would have to play with the perspective as the writing would be flat on the ground, and not "standing" straight up. But the second one is really cool; I had to look twice to realize you had added it.


Cindy, you are having fun with those datestamps. Be careful not to distort them if you need to resize them. One detail to remember also, is that datestamps are made of ink, and ink has no thickness so they don't need shadows at all.


Janice, I love the solid color silhouettes. Bold and happy statement for that page.


Art, maybe in that grey structure, the dark cutout would be enough and no need for the white cutout? Did you try that? Having the other samples on the same structure can help try to replicate the color.


Mary, double-pages are great to add more photos, larger photos or more stories. And they tend to look good in a printed album too.


Brian, your "issue" with the cutout MIGHT be due to one setting being checked in the Cutout window: the Fill interior with color should be UNchecked. See if that might be the problem? Isn't it fun to notice that you are using the same quote as Lynda in your engraving project?


Euka, I think you did a fine job. You just need one extra step: perspective. The wall is not facing straight, so you need to tweak the writing to match it. Here is a tutorial that uses that perspective to match a wall: https://scrapbookcampus.com/2019/07/painting-on-the-wall/


Sawnie, glad to see your project. I guess you were not too far from me and a few of our members! Looking forward to the rest of your trip.


Nemesis, even if the emails are stopping, the challenge is NOT closing, so you can continue to post your projects as you make them. It is interesting that you are using masks on your projects. We have seen very few of those! good work.


Corrie, it is quite alright to write in your own language as this is for you. If you want to translate for us, it is fine, but it is not essential; we can still enjoy the pictures!


Remember to fill out the survey!

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I love to see all the new projects posted. Lots of inspiration. Great work, everyone!


I am still not sure about the papers, so  I played a bit with the blend mode. Now, only the pictures for the right side are missing, but this will go faster, as I don't have to create anything else anymore.


For Day 7, I wanted to create something of wood but also including a photo, like a photo painted on wood. It didn't come out as I thought, so I decided to make a flair button of it. For the writing, I inverted the colors, where it said black I did with white and vice-versa.

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Hi Carole,


In answer to your question, I am looking into publishing these pages as it seems like a lot of work to do nothing with them. I am looking into Picaboo as I've had them make several books for me with great results but they were all made with Picaboo's templates. Don't know if it will work with pages already created. I'll let you know how it goes.





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Hi everyone. Mine is still a work in progress. It's a double page but this is just the right-hand side. I did the map and the title. Struggling with all those layers! I am planning on adding the date and multiple small photos soon and then I'll be done!
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Brian, I didn't mean you copied the slogan, but you happened to use the same one, probably from different sources, which is why I thought it was "interesting".


Cristina, are you concentrating all the elements of the challenge into one double-page?


Lynda, you can also check out the various resources listed in the Outside Resources page. But some printer will have options for different layout yet, they might have an option for ONE large photo. If that is the case, simply put your layout as ONE photo (they won't know if it is a single photo or a scrapbook page) and it would do the same.


Diane Co, that is a good start. And you are correct in using the template that way: they are only meant as a starting point, but they almost always end up being modified, somehow.


Ann, are you struggling with the multiple layers in the template? if so, you might want to have a look at the last class we had about templates. You can view it HERE.

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Carole, yes, as I am only creating one double-page with all the elements as I did with the previous Trave Tale Challenges. I prefer to have one finished LO than a few unfinished ones ... I have a few here!


Do you have any tips about the layout? I'd love to hear your input. :)

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Hi, everyone - and especially you, Carole.  I know I am really behind time.  I finally finished the 4th day - the leather tag! I've had to go over and over that tutorial and I am still not sure but what I would have to go over it again.  Anyway, I did have to do it for the barefoot tag this morning as I had saved it as a .jpg and not a .png.  Actually, even though it has taken me forever, I've really had fun.  Also I am really studying your Tips & Tricks book that was printed.  I deal best with a print book I can hold in my hand.  Well, I really had trouble with the Hershey kiss - had to do that one over and over again, but it finally turned out well.  One thing sure - I am going to stop for a while after I finish the stamp, the postcard and the "Wish You Were Here" final day.  I am going to have to work with the tablet; on the Hershey kiss, I outlined that  with the mouse on that picture of the Hershey statues outside of the park.  I really like picture tubes!  I really appreciate everyone's take on this Challenge - some really good stuff here.  Thanks to you, Carole; you are one swell teacher!
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Here I am again.  This time I did the stamps and so I am uploading them here.  Was interesting.  The .jpg of the block of stamps I put a black background on them so that the holes could be seen.  When I did it without the background, you could not see the holes.  So here is my take.  The scene is from that trip to Delaware by way of Niagra Falls in Pennsylvania on our way down from Hershey, PA to Deleware.



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Hi there, I finally  made my "mark". I had a lot of trouble doing this, Whatever I did it didn't work, it only gave me something what looked like normally typed. So I started to change some settings, no result. I even was one evening behind my PC with the mouse in one hand and the printed tutorial of day 7 in de other! And I followed all the steps: NOTHING! But yesterday I found the solution: It is in the order with which you must do it. I discovered that I must first activate the flood fill tool and change the Blend mode and the Opacity before I set the other adjustments for the flood fill and the 2 Cutout layers!!!! And now it is working really simple. So Carole I know I could have asked you, but I wanted to solve this myselve, but it has taken me a couple of days. Here is the result and I still love scrapbooking!!!!! Now I have to go and clean up all the mess I made on my computer.
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While travelling in Russia every church we saw had these beautiful onion-domed steeples. Very ICONIC, you might say.


Thanks for the suggestion on the grey structure. I have saved the components of that image and will try your suggestion.


I had enjoyed learning to create the leather tag. I had to try it a few times to get a good result and in the process got very familiar with the  3D cut-out and related features.


Now on to Day 5

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