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Travel Tale Challenge 2020


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First of all, come and say HI if once you register for this challenge.


We want to know who else will be there, on our side to challenge us.


Remember that it is NOT a contest. It is a friendly challenge to get you to do something you might not have thought of doing before.


Once the Challenge is started, on June 15th, you can post your pages, and your stories (if it is too small to read, you can always copy and paste the text, if you want).


Remember to resize your image to about 600 pixels before uploading it so it won't slow down the site when we have lots of your masterpieces. If you are using double pages, it might be better to split them in half and post both halves separately, otherwise they will be too small to really see.


Now, pack your bag and grab your ticket. Take off will be soon.


In case you see this post before it is announced elsewhere, congratulations, you are very observant. If you want to register, here is where you can reserve your seat.

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Hi there, as soon as I saw this challenge I had to sign up for it! I visited my daughter and her family last january/february and made a lot of photo's. I came home just in time before all the lockdown measures. I have already made a printed photobook; I always do that right away, but except my husband nobody has seen it so far. Since then I started scrapbooking and I'm lloking forward to making a lot of pages to add to my book. I already did some other challenges and I like them very much and I have learned so much in this relatively short period.


See you soon!

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Hi everyone! I should have been traveling as of tomorrow morning ... but plans got changed and now I don't get to go for two more weeks. I have time to play, too! Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with. Will be fun and an opportunity to see loads of different ideas! I'm in!
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I'm here for the Travel Challenge.


Our last trip was from December to March. I'm sure some of you will have already seen some of the photos I will be using but what the heck what are they for if you can't revisit.


We traveled from Illinois to Arizona then we stayed in Arizona and  did some sightseeing in Nevada while we were there. On the way back we visited New Mexico and back to Illinois. We spent Christmas with family , met new people, found new beer and food and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves.


Here are my states. For the colors I used each states flag colors and their emblem

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Ooops, so sorry. Posted it in the wrong place. Anyway ... here goes again.


I don’t really do too much singular travel anymore … so for this challenge I got all the pictures off of my husbands old Ipad before he passed. We took a week when he got sick and went to Bar Harbor, Maine. A beautiful place with the Bar Harbor Inn, Acadia National Park, the shops, the dining, cruise liners, a four masted schooner, a horse drawn carriage ride. It was a lovely place and very treasured memories for me. He captured it pretty well with his photos. :o)

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Hi everyone.


Excited to take part in the Travel Challenge.


Hubby and I traveled to warm places for our January vacations. We're from New York where it's pretty cold in January. I'm planning on a composite of our vacations in Mexico. It became our favorite where we returned year after year.


I found one photo so far.. here we are having a good time at Las Brisas (The Breezes) Resort, high on the mountain overlooking Acapulco Bay.

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For this challenge I have created a memory of a holiday I spent with my mother 30 years ago. We went on a coach trip from London and across the channel to Austria, for 14 days. We travelled through Belgium, Holland, Germany, Black Forest, Austria, down the Danube, to Ulm, and France, We visited a lot of interesting places on long the way, including Hellbrunn - Schloss, Wasserspiele und Gartenanlage, where the garden had many water displays, and the owner of the castle used to love playing tricks on his guests with water shooting up from their seats in the garden. In Austria, we went to a Straus Concert played by the Straus Orchestra. Great memories I still carry with me.
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My wife and I love to travel. Our big thing is seeing the natural world but in so doing we see a lot if the man-made world as well. My goal in this challenge is to highlight some of our most exciting moments and then eventually share them with our children because they do not want to look at all the pictures we have taken over 40 years of travel.
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Thank you, Lyn. Love the colorful theme on yours and the photos are gorgeous! I envy you that trip. Must have been truly lovely. That was a lot of things to see (and experience) in 14 days and I can just imagine those memories will be with you forever!! Awesome page.
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Most of our vacations in the 60s were road trips to visit my mother's Aunt Bonnie in Duluth. Dad never took the same route twice, always planning and studying for months in advance. Any place east of the Mississippi was on the table from Truman's home in Missouri to the Blue Ridge Parkway with a possible side trip to South Carolina to visit my mother's sister.


I took my role as big brother seriously. My parents often used the Santa Claus/Coal in Your Stocking threat in the early years. The angelic grin I was flashing was a ruse that, decades later, I still use upon occasion.


Pictured are Dad, my sister Lori, and me in the back seat; Mother was taking the picture.

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Corrie, it will be fun to revisit that visit to your daughter. Maybe something you can print for her to share those memories!


Yes, Cristina, we had this challenge two years ago.


Shirley, I hope you won't lose your luggage during the trip! It has happened to my daughter and it was not fun!


Hey Cindy, glad to see you participate again. Remember, you can always ask questions!


James, get ready because you will have the opportunity to display a lot of photos if you want.


Yes Minka, everyone's travel plans have been kind of changed so let's travel virtually! Your start of the album on Bar Harbour is great! Nice map.


Isabel, you can showcase a very old trip if you want! We will travel with you.


Alicia, I think many people would love to visit New-Zeland so you will have some travel buddies with you.


Annie, how about choosing images to showcase an actual trip you did take. You will have the opportunity to share the stories, and that, I am sure you have some!


Lynda, I guess you got lucky to complete your trip before the lockdown!! Good start to your album.


Ann, I can truly understand the need for warmth in January. We live even more north from you so we definitely get our share of cold weather!


Lyn Lou, that is a great map to envision your trip. That is a long trip so I am sure you will have plenty of photos to share!


Art, I also hope you took a picture of that bear with a zoom! I am sure that if you make an album and get it printed, it could become a conversation piece, even if the children don't THINK they want to look at your photos! Showcasing them in an album with stories and embellishments (even if just a few) is sooo much more fun than just watching a slide show!


Gerry, that is great that you have that old picture of you!!! Perfect to put you in that story!


Connie, you can start there, and through the various days, you can find ways to tweak and modify that page. We always do!

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Thank you Minka & Carole for your compliments. :) Love the bear ART, I love Nature, and Animals too. Great job Gerry and I love reading the back stories to these trips.  I have photos of other trips I have done over the years which  will be digging out over the week.
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Hi to all and so nice to see a few familiar names and some new ones!   Of course the creative talent once again shines - thank you!


My daughter had been wanting to go on a cruise and to visit Port Arthur in Tasmania for many years so when I saw a cruise advertised that covered both I booked.   Fortunately it was last October, I am not sure I would get her on a cruise after the recent issues with the virus and cruises.   I love cruising and will cruise again once everything settles down.

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All aboard and no lost luggage Carole.  I am not sure if I have captured this day 1 as you invised, but here it is.When our family lived in Australia, we would goto Perth and visit  for a month in the winter  which for us is June July August. The wild flowers were in full bloom and such a pretty sight. I have used the colours that represent our rugby teams.  We have the All Blacks, and Australia colours are green and gold.
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