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What are you working on (in April 2020)?


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Isn't it great when you learn a few new things? Makes me feel like my day wasn't altogether wasted sitting around the house. Yeah, there is plenty to do here ... but maybe not fun stuff. The vector classes were both fun and packed with tips. The trick is to get them ingrained in the brain for use later. So that's where I've been the last few days ... It was great to learn how to save them, store them for reuse, etc. Of course you have to get to the caliber of proficient to even make one suitable enough to want to save it! LOL I played with making a whole bunch of them ... and eventually they started coming out better and better just because I learned how to work the "handles" and kind of anticipated the look I wanted and how to achieve it. I won't bore you any further, but just to say I did have fun playing with what we learned. I filled a couple simple ones and had fun there, too. I am not much of a scrapbook person, but I do like to play with psp. Even made a simple movie one to go along with this months theme. Yes, I know Rio is from another movie, but you know those Disney characters probably all know one another. Haha
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Playing with Crop Shapes & Paper Clips.  It is not easy yet, but I think I got the concept.


You guys are all sooo goood!  I lost track of whose projects to comment on.  There are so many of them that look like professional art work!  WOW!  I have months and months of learning and practice to go, but at least now I have a goal to aim for.  Thank you, everyone for the inspiration.

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Great stuff, everyone. I really have to make time to watch those Vector classes.


Did this for my gaming group's daily pic. I never tried creating my own word art before. If you're interested, these are the fonts I used: Gutenberg, Gulya Script, Brixton TC Outline, Sky High, and Dinomiko.

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Minka, one can see you are very comfortable playing with vectors. Great results.


Trish, nice papers… I like very much the tulip paper and its bright color.


Cyndi, lovely layout and colors.


Michele, this is so cute… I love the WordArt.


Bonnie, another nice layout. I like the creative way you arranged the photos.


Libera, nice result playing with the crop tool. There are tons of things we can learn with Carole… it never ends :)

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Like so many others I've kept myself busy psping during  these difficult times.  Our weather   hasn't been the nicest. We had a couple of  plus 15c days,  but  they didn't last long.  Even today on Easter Sunday we are having snow flurries.  None the less it hasn't stopped me  going and about shooting birds as they start to arrive after wintering in warmer climes.  Many are  just passing through, while others will stay and  nest.  Here are some projects  that I've  created.  The frame in the crow image is made using  the bracket frame tutorial  in the lab.  The font used is Imprint MT shadow.  The  flax flower and Vesper sparrow image, is a double exposure.  There's a masterclass on blending.  Everyone has been busy being creative, and the pages posted are out of this world.  A very creative bunch you all are.
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Besides  following Basic Scrap Course I have been working on the following 3 pages: all about easter; 2 for my granddaughters and 1 for wishing all my loved ones a happy easter. I tried to follow and combine the thing I just learned.


Next week I'll continue with module 3.


Best wishes and stay safe and at home!

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Thoughts of Easter past:


Those of the  child who loved the Easter Bunny.


The teenager who loved sunrises and wildlife.


The adult who loves flowers and things that are pink.


The older lady on the block who wishes all of you and yours a wonderful Easter.



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It was a slow Easter day here in Florida ... so I bought a few of Cassel's toys to play with and try to learn. Made the frame below just as an exercise to try out a few of the things. The paper for the frame I used her Basic Stitches and that was the letter x that I turned sideways after filling up a big paper ... her bows of course, the trim around the frame was her gradient maker which worked like a charm - loads of fun there. The Alpha Beads were another of her scripts which were simple and fast! I got the marble beads, but no luck there, think I might need a little help with that one. Also got the acrylic styles and played with that. Learned a lot and sadly, still have a lot to learn! LOL But it certainly made the time pass on an otherwise altogether too quiet day. Sure did like those Alpha Beads ... going to have to make a lot of words just to keep on hand.
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