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October 1-2-3 Challenge (2023)


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Let's make things a little fun for you. Are you looking for ways to spark your creativity and still create something meaningful? This will be a new monthly challenge for you. Every month, you will be given instructions to use 1, 2, and 3 of something. Would that be more than you usually use? or less? Let's see. Create a layout using :

  • 1 sequin element
  • 2 Polaroid frames
  • 3 paperclips

You can create those elements or use what you currently have in your stash. Showcase any photo, use any template (if you want). Just make sure you include the required elements.

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Ah, this worked out nicely for one of the new great grands this year. I didn't really do a layout for Jonah, Logan's little brother, born June 20th. He was GG #4 and we're also welcomed Raja as GG #5 when I did the Sketch Challenge. I found neat sequin photo corners from Elif Sahin at Pixelscrappers. The clips from my stash labeled LF-Choose-to-Shine were originally copper but I changed them. The Polaroid frames are all part of a vintage collage. The fonts are Bungee Inline, Cabin Sketch and Brush Script. The background paper is from a Marisa Lerin Kit called "Touch of Delight." The photos all came from the Paolucci family. Ilana is my youngest granddaughter, with my Laurey as her mother.


Edited by Ann Seeber
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The days of crouching and crawling around on the ground is coming to a close for this year.  It does pay off though, along with a lot of patience, it can be very rewarding. Everything is my own work. Pin, paperclips, sequin, polaroid images.  Carole's corner punch, and lifted corner script.  The background paper is from from another photo I took on the same day, lightened.


Edited by Sue Thomas
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3 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

The days of crouching and crawling around on the ground is coming to a close for this year.  It does pay off though, along with a lot of patience, it can be very rewarding. Everything is my own work. Pin, paperclips, sequin, polaroid images.  Carole's corner punch, and lifted corner script.  The background paper is from from another photo I took on the same day, lightened.


Wow!  beautiful.  And thank you for letting me see what lives my 'hood.  We can hear them calling to each other and one day one brought it's snack to my yard and once i was treated  to an airshow as they were training the kids to hunt. One flew over the yard (I was outside) and it hit the afterburners part way through, took off like a rocket.  Amazing!

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2 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

For easier reading.  I simply can not resist adding  word art. The background paper is taken from the same photo used in the background paper on the main page. Changed the colour, overlay, etc.


I love how the background, you can see what it is but doesnt overpower.  And of course your text on a path is mimicing your words about the Merlin's flight patterns.  Magnificent birds.  I'll have to get onto FB to see the full size one.

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9 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

I love how the background, you can see what it is but doesnt overpower.  And of course your text on a path is mimicing your words about the Merlin's flight patterns.  Magnificent birds.  I'll have to get onto FB to see the full size one.

I haven't put it on Facebook yet, but I will do it shortly.  Thank you!

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15 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

Wow!  beautiful.  And thank you for letting me see what lives my 'hood.  We can hear them calling to each other and one day one brought it's snack to my yard and once i was treated  to an airshow as they were training the kids to hunt. One flew over the yard (I was outside) and it hit the afterburners part way through, took off like a rocket.  Amazing!

Thank you,  they certainly are masters of the air.  Their flight skills are  mind blowing to watch in real time. 

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1 hour ago, Susan Ewart said:

Thank you.  My internet went offline for some reason now it's back.  We still have TV and streaming devices worked.  So weird.

Thank you ever so much  for your kinds, posted on facebook.  You need to get out of your controlled photographic studio, and start shooting  what you see around  you.  I would love to see those photos, and  showcased in  lovely pages. next spring and summer, you'll have  the bees that will occupy your bee tower hotels, and just think of all the creatures that you'll get to see and shoot that  will be attracted to your flowers. I guarantee it, that you'll get a real buzz from it! ?

Edited by Sue Thomas
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9 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

Thank you ever so much  for your kinds, posted on facebook.  You need to get out of your controlled photographic studio, and start shooting  what you see around  you.  I would love to see those photos, and  showcased in  lovely pages. next spring and summer, you'll have  the bees that will occupy your bee tower hotels, and just think of all the creatures that you'll get to see and shoot that  will be attracted to your flowers. I guarantee it, that you'll get a real buzz from it! ?

You are absolutely right!  I'm planning for next year.  I have doubled my garden space for flowers in the last couple weeks and even going to try and grow some vegys.  And I want to get out into nature like I used to.  The studio is still a favorite place to get lost in and I have lots of projects I'd like to do in there.  It has taught me a lot about observing light.  But, winter is the time for indoor photography.  Most of the flower photography was out doors this year, a nice change(some indoor stuff for later extraction to have as elements).  It's a short time period and I tried to make of the time I had.   

On another note:  The weirdest thing happened at the bird baths late this afternoon.  We had 6-8 what I thought was robins come and drink and bath and they were there for sometime.  they had the rusty chest and a white ring around the eye, the ring was very noticeable so we thought it might not be robins and because I've never seen that many in one spot. I didnt know if they hang out together like the waxwings do. There was even more in the trees.  I looked in my bird book and it said they were migratory (and that some overwinter as well) so we thought maybe they migrated as a group and just stopped by.  Must do a bit more research on that.  

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11 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

You are absolutely right!  I'm planning for next year.  I have doubled my garden space for flowers in the last couple weeks and even going to try and grow some vegys.  And I want to get out into nature like I used to.  The studio is still a favorite place to get lost in and I have lots of projects I'd like to do in there.  It has taught me a lot about observing light.  But, winter is the time for indoor photography.  Most of the flower photography was out doors this year, a nice change(some indoor stuff for later extraction to have as elements).  It's a short time period and I tried to make of the time I had.   

On another note:  The weirdest thing happened at the bird baths late this afternoon.  We had 6-8 what I thought was robins come and drink and bath and they were there for sometime.  they had the rusty chest and a white ring around the eye, the ring was very noticeable so we thought it might not be robins and because I've never seen that many in one spot. I didnt know if they hang out together like the waxwings do. There was even more in the trees.  I looked in my bird book and it said they were migratory (and that some overwinter as well) so we thought maybe they migrated as a group and just stopped by.  Must do a bit more research on that.  

Few Robins will over winter, providing there are sufficient berries for them.  The great majority of them migrate. At the moment they are passing through, but it's now coming to an end.  As they migrate they do flock, sometimes in great numbers.  I'm still putting out blueberries for them, (apples, grapes that have gone over too) as  there are very few insects for  them now.  You'll be surprised what they can find under the leaf litter. It's  in the Spring, when they are passing through I have the largest flocks, around 200 plus, will descend out in the trees.  I'm prepared for them, as they will go through  6-7 apples and other fruit in a day.  They will leave on mass in a few days.  Those that stay will remain for the summer, rearing 2 clutches, depending on whether it's is a good season for insects. I heard a Robin out in trees today, the photo was taken  on the 8th Oct.  They are not in their breeding plumage now, and  you have immature Robins, which can make them a little difficult to  ID, if you don't know what to look for.  The only little birds I have now are the Juncos.  There's one on the ground in the photo.

Robins 8 Oct (3).JPG

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31 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

Few Robins will over winter, providing there are sufficient berries for them.  The great majority of them migrate. At the moment they are passing through, but it's now coming to an end.  As they migrate they do flock, sometimes in great numbers.  I'm still putting out blueberries for them, (apples, grapes that have gone over too) as  there are very few insects for  them now.  You'll be surprised what they can find under the leaf litter. It's  in the Spring, when they are passing through I have the largest flocks, around 200 plus, will descend out in the trees.  I'm prepared for them, as they will go through  6-7 apples and other fruit in a day.  They will leave on mass in a few days.  Those that stay will remain for the summer, rearing 2 clutches, depending on whether it's is a good season for insects. I heard a Robin out in trees today, the photo was taken  on the 8th Oct.  They are not in their breeding plumage now, and  you have immature Robins, which can make them a little difficult to  ID, if you don't know what to look for.  The only little birds I have now are the Juncos.  There's one on the ground in the photo.

Robins 8 Oct (3).JPG

What an awesome shot!  These are the ones, well, not the EXACT ones, but ones just like it that were at my baths.  By the way, that is a really nice bath you have.  I even see the junco.  I'm tempting Mother Nature by leaving my baths out this long.  I'm trying to keep them out as long as possible for the birds, they seem to be using it more than I would have expected. Hope we dont get a sudden freeze.  Thank you for sharing this photo and for information on these guys.  I'm told their song is really pretty.  I've probably heard it but didnt know which type of bird sung the song.  Some, like the Merlin are distinctive.  the one that fools me the most is the blue jay, I heard they are mimic birds, some pretty odd sounds come out of them.  I never get tired of crows and ravens and love the magpies, as they seem to talk a lot.  they are the tabby cats of the bird world.

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9 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

What an awesome shot!  These are the ones, well, not the EXACT ones, but ones just like it that were at my baths.  By the way, that is a really nice bath you have.  I even see the junco.  I'm tempting Mother Nature by leaving my baths out this long.  I'm trying to keep them out as long as possible for the birds, they seem to be using it more than I would have expected. Hope we dont get a sudden freeze.  Thank you for sharing this photo and for information on these guys.  I'm told their song is really pretty.  I've probably heard it but didnt know which type of bird sung the song.  Some, like the Merlin are distinctive.  the one that fools me the most is the blue jay, I heard they are mimic birds, some pretty odd sounds come out of them.  I never get tired of crows and ravens and love the magpies, as they seem to talk a lot.  they are the tabby cats of the bird world.

I leave the bird baths out, certainly until the first snow fall, and until the temps do not rise above freezing during the day.  Now I am emptying just after dark, and refilling them just after the sun has risen.  As we have  had a couple of  nights of frost. Some use heated baths during the winter, personally I feel it isn't a good idea, as some birds have been known to  get frozen to  wire, with wet feet, when it's 20 or 30 below.  Bird can and will eat snow.  The Robin has a very distinctive song, one of the sweetest songs you'll hear. Second to them I would say are the Native sparrows, I hear them before I see them, especially the  American Song Sparrow, and the Vesper Sparrow.  

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@Sue Thomas 

The days of crouching and crawling around on the ground is coming to a close for this year.  It does pay off though, along with a lot of patience, it can be very rewarding. Everything is my own work. Pin, paperclips, sequin, polaroid images.  Carole's corner punch, and lifted corner script.  The background paper is from from another photo I took on the same day, lightened.

 Love your layouts.

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31 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

I leave the bird baths out, certainly until the first snow fall, and until the temps do not rise above freezing during the day.  Now I am emptying just after dark, and refilling them just after the sun has risen.  As we have  had a couple of  nights of frost. Some use heated baths during the winter, personally I feel it isn't a good idea, as some birds have been known to  get frozen to  wire, with wet feet, when it's 20 or 30 below.  Bird can and will eat snow.  The Robin has a very distinctive song, one of the sweetest songs you'll hear. Second to them I would say are the Native sparrows, I hear them before I see them, especially the  American Song Sparrow, and the Vesper Sparrow.  

I have been doing the same, empty at night, fill in the day.  I do admit I use a heated bath and was worried about that, so I sought out some advice.  I have a friend who works with a biologist who studies birds for a conservation Trust.  She said she hasnt heard that happening, as they are well adapted to bathing in standing water that they find in the winter.  She did say it's possible to happen and if using a heated bath she said to keep metal objects away to be on the safe side. I have lots of branches that I place around the bath.  It gets emptied every night and stored inside till the morning.  It's against the garage wall so it does not get snowed on.  Last year the LBJs (LBJs -Little Brown Jobs- ) found a spent plant pot with dirt in it and were bathing in it. They like this fine dirt I have in one spot so this year I have made two dirt bath spots in low wide planter pots. I have placed branch perches nearby as well.  I'll be excited to see if they use them.  

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30 minutes ago, Mary Solaas said:

@Sue Thomas 

The days of crouching and crawling around on the ground is coming to a close for this year.  It does pay off though, along with a lot of patience, it can be very rewarding. Everything is my own work. Pin, paperclips, sequin, polaroid images.  Carole's corner punch, and lifted corner script.  The background paper is from from another photo I took on the same day, lightened.

 Love your layouts.

Thank you! I appreciate your words, as I do  other comments that I receive. I look forward to seeing what you come up with for your 1-2-3 challenge layout. 

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5 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

I have been doing the same, empty at night, fill in the day.  I do admit I use a heated bath and was worried about that, so I sought out some advice.  I have a friend who works with a biologist who studies birds for a conservation Trust.  She said she hasnt heard that happening, as they are well adapted to bathing in standing water that they find in the winter.  She did say it's possible to happen and if using a heated bath she said to keep metal objects away to be on the safe side. I have lots of branches that I place around the bath.  It gets emptied every night and stored inside till the morning.  It's against the garage wall so it does not get snowed on.  Last year the LBJs (LBJs -Little Brown Jobs- ) found a spent plant pot with dirt in it and were bathing in it. They like this fine dirt I have in one spot so this year I have made two dirt bath spots in low wide planter pots. I have placed branch perches nearby as well.  I'll be excited to see if they use them.  

That is interesting, about the heated baths. I appreciate a professionals opinion, other than my own.  Between the heated bath,  dirt baths,  and a buffet, your birds get the luxury of a  full spa treatment. Whilst giving you immense pleasure observing them.  Who needs retail therapy, when mother nature provides  all the therapy anyone needs  for free.

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57 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

That is interesting, about the heated baths. I appreciate a professionals opinion, other than my own.  Between the heated bath,  dirt baths,  and a buffet, your birds get the luxury of a  full spa treatment. Whilst giving you immense pleasure observing them.  Who needs retail therapy, when mother nature provides  all the therapy anyone needs  for free.

You got that right about retail therapy.  I appreciate all opinions because if that ever happened that bird did get stuck I'd be devastated and I do think about what can happen (I'm can be a chronic worrier) and try to watch what any surround branches/perches are looking like (are they dry, is there ice on them etc).    I tend to worry more about wildlife than humans, is that bad?  I always love to read your words, you have a way with them.  One day, I will get to your area and we can chat with a tea and watch the birds and bugs and mammals. Of  course that will be one stop on our pilgrimage to the motherland...of PSP....Carole's place!?

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5 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

You got that right about retail therapy.  I appreciate all opinions because if that ever happened that bird did get stuck I'd be devastated and I do think about what can happen (I'm can be a chronic worrier) and try to watch what any surround branches/perches are looking like (are they dry, is there ice on them etc).    I tend to worry more about wildlife than humans, is that bad?  I always love to read your words, you have a way with them.  One day, I will get to your area and we can chat with a tea and watch the birds and bugs and mammals. Of  course that will be one stop on our pilgrimage to the motherland...of PSP....Carole's place!?

If that is ever to happen I'm in too!!!!

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Between all the scripting lessons with the super script-along plus all the normal weekend activities and a husband who got ill, I have managed to make something for the 1-2-3 challenge. Luckily I had most of the requirements already done another time. I only had to adapt the colors to the colors from my photos and Sue I nicked your idea of a big cornerpunch. The last nice ones are on my wish list. I had to renew my subscription for the campus and buy the scripting course and that's enough for now. The background is from the photos with a very big blur. Last week we needed something from the gardencenter and there I noticed these little butterflies that were still active. It was a bit difficult to get decent photos of them, they were only for a short moment on a flower and then moved to the next. And of course they were sitting still in places that I could reach. Therefore I have no photos of them with their wings spread out. The fonts are Michalina and Arial.


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2 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

Between all the scripting lessons with the super script-along plus all the normal weekend activities and a husband who got ill, I have managed to make something for the 1-2-3 challenge. Luckily I had most of the requirements already done another time. I only had to adapt the colors to the colors from my photos and Sue I nicked your idea of a big cornerpunch. The last nice ones are on my wish list. I had to renew my subscription for the campus and buy the scripting course and that's enough for now. The background is from the photos with a very big blur. Last week we needed something from the gardencenter and there I noticed these little butterflies that were still active. It was a bit difficult to get decent photos of them, they were only for a short moment on a flower and then moved to the next. And of course they were sitting still in places that I could reach. Therefore I have no photos of them with their wings spread out. The fonts are Michalina and Arial.


Quite simply a superb  no fuss layout. I love where you placed the sequin. The background colour highlights the colours in the photo perfectly.  I feel quite honoured that you nicked  my large corner punch idea, which adds a touch of class to the layout. 

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