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Feb 2022 - QP 7: Enjoy the Moment/Fall in the Hudson Valley and QP7-Extra: Driving along the Delaware River on the famous Hawk's Nest Road. It has starred in many commercials and ads. Driving it is a challenge! Our area is bounded on the East by the mighty Hudson and on the West by the roaring Delaware rivers. We still lose tourists to the whirlpools in the Delaware because they are too proud to wear a life-jacket. 

Busy QP7-FALL IN THE HV_600.jpg


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12 hours ago, CaliKat said:

There was a time when I used the vector scripts often but at some point I couldn't get them to work anymore. It made me v-e-r-y happy to come across Carole's blog post Using the Vector Tube Script. I had forgotten that my paths needed to be converted to a path! Such a simple "fix". I am happily using those scripts again. This is the first image I tried the vector tube script on after coming across Carole's help.


CaliKat, this is such a beautiful page!

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This page was created for a 2020 Color Challenge, using Sherwin-Williams's color of the month --  Perle Noir = R79 G77 B82   or   HTML = #4f4d52.

Techniques, freebies, etc., included in the page:

Tutorial Flair Button

Masterclass Background Overlay

Word Stickers Lab09-Module05

Ice-cream Cone Template freebie.   The scripts can be found Here - Wafer Script or Here - Ice Cream Treats at Creation Cassel Store.


Sherwin-Williams maxres.jpg

Color 2020Aug Perle Noir #4f4d51.jpg

Edited by Cristina
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Well I was a little late for the party (as having Sunday lunch at the time) so didn't have anywhere to upload my images for it. I had kept a look out for the start but I think the zone time differences put pay to me seeing the invite. I also do not have a web camera on my PC. Never mind, it is a great achievement Carol to have taught yourself, set up businesses and taught all of us, especially in the friendly manner that you do. In this day and age it is a pleasant approach.

My greetings card to you is based on a card I made for your 60th which I have adapted. The other image is the one for the party.



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