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What are you working on in August (2023)?


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1 hour ago, Sue Thomas said:

A simple minimalistic, earth tone colours page.  Word art:  I weaved some of the swashes over and under. I had intended to use the split photo technique on both the photos, but decided to use that technique on the overlap of the one photo.  

Checkered white butterflies dew drops.jpg

OMG!  Stunning.  I love dew drops on anything.  I wouldn't have thought it would be on a butterfly.  I love the colors of this butterfly.  Because I attempted to grow flowers this year I had butterflies in the yard.  They sure made me smile.  It's amazing how I will stop dead just to watch the butterflies flutter around, and feel like, at that moment in time, how lucky i am to see this. 

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5 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

Ik heb beide pagina's op Facebook geplaatst voor degenen die geïnteresseerd zijn in de grote, ongecomprimeerde lay-outs. Ze kunnen het beste worden bekeken op een computer, waar u kunt inzoomen om de prachtige details van de vlinders en dauwdruppels te zien. De enige bewerking die ik aan mijn foto's doe, is bijsnijden en af en toe een beetje helderheid en contrast toevoegen met PSP. Echter niet op deze.

What underground size did you use Suus?? And second question, Did you change the background of the photos? 

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4 hours ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

What underground size did you use Suus?? And second question, Did you change the background of the photos? 

For this page used half fold greeting card  2550x1650pixels.   No, the pictures are as they came off the camera.  When insects are in a state of torpor, I'm able to carefully and quietly clean the area around, removing anything that will create a shadow, or obstruct the view. Without disturbing the subject.  Macro photography creates a lovely natural depth of field.  For the background paper I used the blinds texture.  

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8 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

OMG!  Stunning.  I love dew drops on anything.  I wouldn't have thought it would be on a butterfly.  I love the colors of this butterfly.  Because I attempted to grow flowers this year I had butterflies in the yard.  They sure made me smile.  It's amazing how I will stop dead just to watch the butterflies flutter around, and feel like, at that moment in time, how lucky i am to see this. 

Well that's good, I'm pleased you grew some flowers, they should reseed themselves for next year. People are aware of butterflies more as symbols than real living creatures.  They more often than not escape public notice most of the time,  in plain sight they lead secret lives.  

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11 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

Ik ben zo blij om te lezen dat je zowel de foto's als de lay-out leuk vindt. Wacht tot ik de pagina van vanavond post. Gisterochtend was ik in mijn element, ik telde 23 Witte vlinders. Over de grond kruipen en ze neerschieten terwijl ze nog in een staat van verdoving waren, de dauwdruppels op hen waren een bonus. Het blijft me verbazen als ik zie hoe insecten de hele nacht door slapen.

Het toevoegen van sierletters en glyphs is heel eenvoudig. Er zijn verschillende tutorials over hoe je dit moet doen. Het is een eenvoudig geval waarbij de letter wordt vervangen door een mooie. Kopieer en plak, van de karakterkaart naar PSP.

Thanks for your response. So you are also an early 'bird" which means you are very early up in the morning and dressed as well to go outside. chapeau.

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27 minutes ago, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

Thanks for your response. So you are also an early 'bird" which means you are very early up in the morning and dressed as well to go outside. chapeau.

That I am, I'm up and out at sunrise every morning, regardless what time sunrise is.  It's the best part of the day.  Come 10pm, my bed is calling, only to get up again during the early hours to view the night sky.  

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59 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

That I am, I'm up and out at sunrise every morning, regardless what time sunrise is.  It's the best part of the day.  Come 10pm, my bed is calling, only to get up again during the early hours to view the night sky.  

...because if you dont get up to view the nightsky, you wish you had the next morning.  That is me if It's night with any moon showing, or interesting weather happenings.  I imagine you have a much wider expanse to see, being in a urban area, trees and houses obscure the moon from me at times.  And I work at night so I'm often hoping we get done early so i can catch a glimpse of a sunset or moon rise.  

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This layout came about b/c I wanted to do some cutout text. I found Lab5-11 and had a go. It was straightforward and I made a made a few of them for future use. I like easy and fun.

So then, last night I was watching fireflies (which are actually beetles) flitting across my backyard. They just make my heart sing and lift my spirit every time I see them. Sadly, there aren't as many as even a few years ago, but they are so delightful. Of course, it takes me back to childhood when we chased them through the fading light of dusk.

The photos are found online; background has a radial gradient. Pretty basic overall. But I enjoyed doing it. (I gotta wonder if Sue T. has ever captured them on her camera or if she has them out in the west.)


fireflies layout Aug 2023 v2_600.jpg

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4 hours ago, Sue Thomas said:

Dat ben ik, ik ben elke ochtend bij zonsopgang op en uit, ongeacht hoe laat de zonsopgang is. Het is het beste deel van de dag. Het is tien uur 's avonds, mijn bed roept, om in de vroege uurtjes weer op te staan om de nachtelijke hemel te bekijken.  

Waarschijnlijk slaap je in de winter lang. Is het niet? Vanavond keek ik naar een tv-programma over de natuur dat 'Early Birds' heet. Iemand hing ergens in de natuur een soort wit tentlaken op en zette daar 's nachts een grote gloeilamp op. Het was dus donker, behalve het laken, dat lag in het licht. Er kwamen heel veel vliegende insecten op af. Heel mooie ook. Ze telden ze en registreerden wat er op het blad kwam. Toen moest ik aan jou denken. Ik kan het eens proberen in mijn achtertuin. Maar ik denk dat mijn camera niet goed genoeg is. En vanavond niet, want er komt regen vannacht. 

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3 minutes ago, Julie Magerka said:

This layout came about b/c I wanted to do some cutout text. I found Lab5-11 and had a go. It was straightforward and I made a made a few of them for future use. I like easy and fun.

So then, last night I was watching fireflies (which are actually beetles) flitting across my backyard. They just make my heart sing and lift my spirit every time I see them. Sadly, there aren't as many as even a few years ago, but they are so delightful. Of course, it takes me back to childhood when we chased them through the fading light of dusk.

The photos are found online; background has a radial gradient. Pretty basic overall. But I enjoyed doing it. (I gotta wonder if Sue T. has ever captured them on her camera or if she has them out in the west.)


fireflies layout Aug 2023 v2_600.jpg

Julie it's beautiful but aren't you in the wrong place? it seems to me that it belongs to the palette challenge. 

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Just now, Jannette Nieuwboer said:

Julie it's beautiful but aren't you in the wrong place? it seems to me that it belongs to the palette challenge. 

Thank you, Jannette, but I'm not even aware of the palette challenge! I was just trying the cutout text and decided it should be in "What are you working on?"

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1 hour ago, Julie Magerka said:

This layout came about b/c I wanted to do some cutout text. I found Lab5-11 and had a go. It was straightforward and I made a made a few of them for future use. I like easy and fun.

So then, last night I was watching fireflies (which are actually beetles) flitting across my backyard. They just make my heart sing and lift my spirit every time I see them. Sadly, there aren't as many as even a few years ago, but they are so delightful. Of course, it takes me back to childhood when we chased them through the fading light of dusk.

The photos are found online; background has a radial gradient. Pretty basic overall. But I enjoyed doing it. (I gotta wonder if Sue T. has ever captured them on her camera or if she has them out in the west.)


fireflies layout Aug 2023 v2_600.jpg

What a  magical layout you created.  I like the  tilted frames, and the background paper.  To answer you question, yes we do have fireflies in Saskatchewan.  We have 9 species, there are  over 2,000 species world wide.  I have seen them at night.  Not as many any more  as there used to be.  With all the beetle and bug species I have found and photographed, I have never come across a firefly beetle, which is a member of the  Lampyridae  family.  When we first moved here I was mesmerized by their sheer numbers and the  light show they displayed. 

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3 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

This layout came about b/c I wanted to do some cutout text. I found Lab5-11 and had a go. It was straightforward and I made a made a few of them for future use. I like easy and fun.

So then, last night I was watching fireflies (which are actually beetles) flitting across my backyard. They just make my heart sing and lift my spirit every time I see them. Sadly, there aren't as many as even a few years ago, but they are so delightful. Of course, it takes me back to childhood when we chased them through the fading light of dusk.

The photos are found online; background has a radial gradient. Pretty basic overall. But I enjoyed doing it. (I gotta wonder if Sue T. has ever captured them on her camera or if she has them out in the west.)


fireflies layout Aug 2023 v2_600.jpg

This is STUNNING Julie!  I've never seen fireflies before.  They look very magical.  Really beautiful layout.  

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1 hour ago, Susan Ewart said:

Oh wow, that is something I've always wanted to do.  are they really bright?

If I remember, they light mostly when they fly. If they are just immobile or walking only, they don't light (or not much). When walking down the road at night, it could be dark, but if you throw a rock in the bushes, suddenly they would start flying and lighting. Pretty impressive!

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33 minutes ago, Cassel said:

If I remember, they light mostly when they fly. If they are just immobile or walking only, they don't light (or not much). When walking down the road at night, it could be dark, but if you throw a rock in the bushes, suddenly they would start flying and lighting. Pretty impressive!

I haven't seen any for a several years now. If I'm not mistaken, it's the males  that flash in flight to attract a mate, the equivalent of  our Morse code I suppose, and the brightness of his  flashing.   The females stay on the ground until a flashing male catches her  eye, and  she will respond with a  flash.

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2 minutes ago, Sue Thomas said:

I haven't seen any for a several years now. If I'm not mistaken, it's the males  that flash in flight to attract a mate, the equivalent of  our Morse code I suppose, and the brightness of his  flashing.   The females stay on the ground until a flashing male catches her  eye, and  she will respond with a  flash.


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2 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

When I was a child we'd capture them in Mason jars and create little lanterns. 

We would do this too. Even with holes punched in the lids for air, they wouldn't light up that long so we would usually let them go when they started "dimming".

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The mockup links you sent me, are not working for me. The mask you used in the tutorial is how it should be.  In this mockup and the others, you'll notice the mask is all white, I've included a screen shot.  Being a PSD file, how would I overcome this blip? Changing the mask isn't that easy.  I decided to create some books to use in future projects. This  particular mock up I found on creative fabrica. I'd appreciate some suggestions please.  

Screenshot 2023-08-28 070613.jpg

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1 minute ago, Sue Thomas said:

The mockup links you sent me, are not working for me. The mask you used in the tutorial is how it should be.  In this mockup and the others, you'll notice the mask is all white, I've included a screen shot.  Being a PSD file, how would I overcome this blip? Changing the mask isn't that easy.  I decided to create some books to use in future projects. This  particular mock up I found on creative fabrica. I'd appreciate some suggestions please.  

Screenshot 2023-08-28 070613.jpg

I could do a work around, by lowering the opacity greatly, and precisely aligning the photo to the  book.  Doing rounded corners would be more difficult.  This  book mock up doesn't have rounded corners.

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