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Text Workshop 2023


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Day #7

Very fun lesson! Fall/Autumn is my favorite time of year. I will definitely Use this Title in the future for a scrapbook page. I have saved the titles in PSP format so that I can still use them, and tweak them if needed. So many possibilities! (so little time) One more day to practice and learn new techniques from this workshop....

Cass_Text WS_7_600.jpg

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Day #6

Still poking along...definite time crunch lately, sorry I had to cut corners but I really wanted to participate! I am trying to keep into this, I really enjoy the group. The posts have been outstanding!

I used a sunflower tube for the O, for the script I used the rope knot from my older version (Jasc 9). I thought the yellow kind of reminded me of the petals on a sunflower.

Thanks to Cassel and everyone for a great workshop....


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