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Theme Challenge - SPORTS


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This month, the theme should be an easy one. We probably all have some sports photos, whether it is an activity we do ourselves, our children, or grandchildren. It can be a sport we do or a sport we like to watch.


And add stories to those photos too!


Let's go!

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I have 2 already made and downsized layouts in my projects folder which I did last year. I have shown them earlier and in it are my 2 granddaughters and their favorite sport. Last year I printed these and send them by mail to the girls and when I was visiting last May those printouts had pride of place in their rooms.
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LOL, Ann...thank you. The ball is a AnnieCdigitals template...one of the few templates I have purchased. BTW, the Love for Layout Templates blog train launched yesterday...free templates. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1615483965431254


Another basketball layout but not me or my team this time. Lily is a friend's daughter and that's her Dad.





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Here is my granddaughter, Anna, practicing TAEKWONDO. It is a Korean martial art and an Olympic event. Here are the details of my layout:

Template Lab 12-06

South Korean Flag Palatte

Kit- papers-marisaL-presence-mini

Title font - Banana Pancake

S.Korean/USA flag brad - Google search

Taekwondo graphic - Google search

Blue ribbons - changed from pink via Target Brush

Heart scatters - jmadd-choose to shine (just because she's my love)


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Love your page, Ann. Your title font is perfect! I find the hardest part of creating a layout is choosing a font. Sometimes my creations stall for days because of that.


I have searched for the template used in Legends...have not found it yet. I'm sure I used a template. It would never occur to me to use all those ribbons or round photos. Templates do help me to stretch more.

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Bonnie: Thank you for that. Regarding fonts, I find it helps to consult my Nexusfont app which has to be open when I'm using PSP, so I have it open automatically when I turn the computer on. With it I can type in the word and scroll through the fonts in a larger format than the font tool in PSP. Fun fact, I had a totally different font and even did a font cutter in that layout at first but hadn't put the word in Nexusfont. I did that this morning on a whim and wow! that new font "Banana Pancakes" looked perfect for the Korean sport.
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