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What are you working on (August 2022)?


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Thank you, Linda. I worked hard on it. And you were very fast with the webinar lessons. My compliments on your layouts. You must have the '23 already.  I still have the '20 32-bit for the plugins. I suppose that I must miss them. It is a difficult choice: As I'm attached to both the plugins and the word art tools of the '23. On my laptop, they do not match together the '20 32-bit and the '23 64-bit. It's already hard with the '20 and the '21 which I have now. the '20 32-bit and the '20 64-bit worked perfectly together. All suggestions are welcome.
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I have started a lot of labs  but then I get stuck and quit,  for a week been trying to do the burnt edges but got stuck every time so haven't learned to compeled it yet :(    But I keep trying I want to know how to do stuff Bought 3 last versions but never have done anything yet but try to do stuff then get stuck.   you guys work is so Awesome.  going back to try to compete the burnt edges


Seen the do not d/l 2023 yet  I told myself not buying a 4 th version until I can do things so I am ok on not buying 2023 till I can do something.

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Cindy, if you have any problem with a tutorial, just post the question in the forum OR email me. We are all here to help each other. As for 2023, knowing how you use PSP, it might not be needed for you. Stay with your current version for now, so it will be easier to learn.
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Went from Mushrooms to Murmurations - I used a template from the Bootcamp with some revisions and I'm showcasing my European Starlings that are dominating my feeders right now. They inspire awe when they gather by the thousands and perform their "Murmuration." exhibiting wonderful flying acrobatics that makes Tom Cruise jealous. ;) The birds start as dull beige fledglings with a tiny bit of dark feathers around the waist and slowly the mature coloration arrives. They were brought to New York by a Shakespeare enthusiast who wanted to stock our country with all the birds in the plays. Only the starlings survived the transplant and have expanded by the millions, becoming a pest species.

My background is a photo of the Murmuration from Unsplash by Walter Baxter. The font is Britannic Bold throughout.

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Corrie, weet jij soms toevallig hoe het in zijn werk gaat met internationale betalingen. Ik heb geen creditcards en ook geen paypall account en dat wil ik ook niet hebben ook, teveel mee meegemaakt. Ik heb bij mijn bank gevraagd wat het me kost maar dat is nog heel wat aan wat je aan die tranfer kosten moet betalen. Hoe gaat het met kleine bedragen? Voor bv een les van één dollar?



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Ik weet het niet precies, maar je moet altijd transferkosten betalen ook bij kleine bedragen. Zelf heb ik een creditkaart omdat mijn dochter en haar gezin in Amerika wonen en je daar niet zonder kunt. Een mogelijkheid zou kunnen zijn een klein bedrag bij een bank of grenswisselkantoor op te nemen en per post te verzenden mits de ontvanger daarmee akkoord gaat en ook dan wordt de wisselkoers gerekend. Het kost altijd geld!!! Andere mogelijkheid zou kunnen zijn het via een familielid of vriend/vriendin, die wel een creditcard heeft, over te laten maken. En uiteraard kan je het via een internationale betaling bij jouw bank doen, maar dan moet je wel het rekeningnummer van de ontvanger kennen. Ik hoop dat ik je een beetje verder heb kunnen helpen, maar het blijft hoe dan ook een heel gedoe op deze manier.
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Ann Seeber, What nice photos you had of those beautiful birds. The black layers around the photos look great. What about the bird feeder? is it in your garden or on your window? I looked it up on google and I v collected a few very beautiful photos of that kind of bird, it might be I one day make a scrapbook page of it too. I v seen them by thousands leaving in autumn the country to fly to warmer area's.





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Hi Guys, I am getting near the end now this is page 36, only 2 pages to go on the memory book of my daughter's life to this day.  This is page covers her time as a manager owner of a  wool and haberdashery shop. She designed knitting patterns , someone may have heard of her patterns Extreme Handknits. The green cardy is one of her patterns. Most of the elements would be from my memories designers, the ric rac is one of carole's scripts and the lace is carole's tube.
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