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June TUT/TECH Challenge - Multicolored Text


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The Campus is the perfect place to learn more about photo editing, various techniques, or PSP in general.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to practice some of those techniques or use some tools.


This time, the Tut/Tech Challenge should be an easy and colorful one; create some multicolored text, whether it is for a title, some wordart, or journaling. You can follow the tutorial in this blog post to help.


Show us what you learned.



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wow wow ... This is the Must to do :)

here is my result

Font: New Pose


and - This is for Alphabet Album – L at same time

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Prikko, very nice page.


My day started at the crack of dawn.  I managed to get 2 hours of kayaking in before 8am.  By which time the sun  was ideally high enough to  go in search of insects to shoot.  Here are  2 that graced me with their  presence.  It's fantastic to see such beautiful familiar faces again.  I created a mask to blend 3 photos together. Seeing as the photos were taken with the sun behind me, and all three insects were on  the Purple Milk Vetch plants, they blended pretty well. It's always a bonus to shoot native insects on native plants. In case you are wondering where the third insect is, it's in the middle at the  bottom.  A newly emerged Lacewing.  The wasp is 8-10mm, and the beetle is slightly smaller.  The velvety grey blister beetle is my favourite blister beetle. It really  does have the most velvety feel to the touch.  For the tag, I did something a little different  to the tag text, but it's still multi coloured. Again, due to resizing, the page is  degraded.



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Wow! Sue, that's awesome.  Very complex too (to me).  I love how you did the coloring on the all the letters, all with varied techiniques.  It's fun to really look and discover all the ways you colored the lettering.  I love the idea of photo blending, would make a good master class.  I have started playing a bit with blend modes and learned about the tools having their own blend modes too. I would love doing the same with masks to blend photo's together.  Am I correct in understanding your layout is 3 different photo's, each with one insect on them, that you blended using masks to uncover the areas you wanted to show through?  Did you have to keep the framing of the flower the same for each photo?
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Sue  I see that you really like insects :) Yes they are very charming - even cute most of them. It would be really interesting to admire your images in their natural size - have you thought about setting up your own web site for them .. or save to the web folder.
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Very nice! Well, except the crack of dawn part, and the 2-hours of kayaking part, and the insects part. LOL! (In other words I like the flowers and the type techniques.)  I agree on the website, too.


Good work, though, and it's very pretty!





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Suzzy, I don't quite  know how to respond to your comment, LOL other than, early mornings are the best part of the day,  especially when woken  to  a dawn chorus.  As for insects I have always found them fascinating.  I observe, document, and photograph  their very complex lives.  Purely for my own pleasure. I also enjoy the night sky, observing the constellations, shooting the moon phases.


Pirkko, I use my photos in greeting cards, and calendars, which I email, or print off for family and friends, and like minded people, that  have the same interest in insects, and birds.  I have always had a passion for everything nature.


Susan, thank you so much.  Using  the blend mode doesn't really work, even though I said that I blend photos together to make one image.  The best way is to create a mask, and yes, it is important  to retain the original size of the photos. Also taking perspective into account I find it works  best, when the background has a lot of depth  of field.  Like in this image. It is also important to take into account the shadowing, it won't work well  if you have  the light source coming  from  more than 1 direction.  In this image, I used 2 photos of the same same bird, luckily the bird turned around, and I could  blend the two photos together.  I'm always pleased when the viewer is unable to detect the merge.  It really isn't that difficult once you have  learnt how to use  masks.  I have said it before, when posting images like this, two photos, same bird, one image, that's the magic of PSP.

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Yes Susan, I added the lacewing to the blister beetle, before I aligned  the blister beetle alongside the wasp,   I then matched the  two photos the best I could.  This is the original photo of the wasp.    There are several mask tutorials, and masterclasses in the campus, there is also one that Carole did  for Corel several years back.
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The font used is Neon and I played with the Warp Brush a bit on it. The photo is within a graduation freebie frame from Corel which I edited a bit with a watercolor eraser, so its edges melded in with the black background. This is my daughter, Laurey, and her ward, Kate Snyder, who is actually her step-niece.
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Thank you Sue, for the explanation and for graciously adding the practice photo's.  If I didn't know you blended the three photo's I'd have thought it was one photo.


Ann, that is a beautiful page and I love the picture.  That font is awesome and really looks great colored the way you did.

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I love what you did with the New Pose font.  I tried to download from Creative Fabrica, but there was a virus in the file.




Just wanted the readers to know in case they want the font.  I have emailed Creative Fabrica to let them know, as I have downloaded fonts from here before with no issue.

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I did something completely different for this challenge. Because it is about multi-colored text I decided to go with some wordart. It is a while since I did some, In the recent Labs is a mention of colorpalettes and there are 2 called Blooms which I used for this layout. I used different fonts, the elements are fonts too. I used a frame, that Sue Thomas so generously shared with us a couple of weeks ago. It had the exact size I needed and saved me some time!


Sue your layout is gorgeous as always with those photos!

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I'm still celebrating Father's Day. I considered doing a Word Art layout but instead went for a chalkboard effect with the same font (Horror Story) but colored with pastels similar to chalk. The frame is called Leather in the PSP file. And I have to thank Corrie for the phrases, she used them recently, too.
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Corrie, what can I say! Wow!! It's perfect. I love the colour combination. Very natural. You even matched the colour of the frame to some of the letters. I also like that you didn't use a white background, but a slightly off colour. Something I often do, it doesn't make the page so starkly bright.
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I made this for the tut tech challeng and usted the June color pallet colors as a base to create the background. ( I can't even remember what all I did to get that background, I was just playing with my PSP. The rose and candle picture is one I took years ago.


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