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Popping in to say hi!

Iona Adair

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Hello everyone, I just found my way here yesterday from Pinterest


Just wanted to say hello, I will spend some time browsing and getting


to know the lay of the land. I don’t do scrapbooking, I make greeting cards using


PSP, but got away from it for a few years so playing catch-up


I’m using PSP 17, on windows 10


Hugs to all , Iona

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Hi Iona. Glad to see you found your way here. If you like creating greeting cards, you are in good company because many other members do that. Even if scrapbooking is often the topic of projects, the same tools are used for many other projects.


Make yourself comfortable, and don't hesitate if you have any questions. Jump in any thread in the forum. We are a fun bunch!

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Welcome, Iona


I'm looking forward to seeing some of your PSP work. I've been here several years and I'm still learning new things. I'm not a scrapbooker, per se, either. I just like digital designing where there's no paper mess! ;-)

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Thank you for the WELCOME!


I have a question about adding photos, I used photo bucket 20 years ago


I deleted my account ten years ago, just checked then out and I don’t think


its free anymore.  Sorry don’t know where to post this question, but what are


you folks using? ❤️

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Welcome from me too, Lona :)


You don't need to be a scrapbooker in this campus. It's really fine for your needs and who knows, may be it helps you to become one ... So much to learn, it never ends and the atmosphere is fabulous here.


And to answer your question, I for myself, use at the present time PSP (Ultimate) 2019 and 2021.

May be you could first download a trial version of PSP to find out if that is the software you're looking for.



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Welcome Iona! You will find this a friendly and supportive place to learn. Carole's and others' skills are just amazing and they love to share and assist. I'm not a scrapbooker either, but I have learned to enjoy "playing" with the possibilities of what PSP can do. The creative content on these pages will delight you I'm sure.
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Welcome Iona, beside making scrapbook layouts I make cards too and my cardmaking has improved so much using the techniques I learned here. We are a very international group and it is interesting to learn about all the different countries were we live as well. That's the beauty of being digital.
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Hi Iona, I don't have Scrapbooking as a hobby and like you make greetings cards for family and friends using PSP. My angle is via photography and wanted to be more creative. I have found that the techniques Carole teaches in the context of scrapbooking are applicable to any of the digital hobbies we each have. I started with the basic course and make copious notes. The key is practice and I am constantly amazed at the quality and ideas of many of the contributors in the group. You will enjoy it.
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