
Using the Lock Transparency

If you have followed some classes or tutorials in this Campus, you might have noticed the use of the “Lock Transparency” command. You might have just repeated the steps, without necessarily understanding how it works. But it works, right? Let’s have a look at that specific command that we use

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Theme – Easter

Every year, on the first Sunday after the first full moon following the vernal equinox, we celebrate Easter. This holiday has Pagan and Christian origins, and has been celebrated since the 2nd century AD. For Christians, it is a time to remember and celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For

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Using Monoline fonts in graphic projects

Whatever project you create using PaintShop Pro, you are likely to use text at one point or another. Every time you use text, you have to ask yourself what font will be used. There are so many possible fonts, in different styles and types. What to choose? Let’s have a

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Using “Emphasis” in a scrapbook page

Emphasis is a design technique that can be used to draw attention to a particular element on a page. You might want to put focus on a photo, a piece of text, or memorabilia. The use of the emphasis principle can make a design more dynamic and interesting. It can

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Import content from previous versions

In older versions of PaintShop Pro, all the content installed by default was limited to that version. You could add more supplies but each version kept track of its own resources. If you wanted to use supplies from a previous version, you had to do some manual work. However, with

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What file goes where in PaintShop Pro?

PaintShop Pro can handle a lot of files of different types, but do you know which ones? When you purchase or download supplies for various projects, online, where do you save all those files so you can use them correctly later? This is a question several users have asked me,

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Theme – St. Patrick’s Day

Most people know St. Patrick’s Day as a holiday where you can drink green beer and wear shamrocks. However, the holiday has a long and rich history. St. Patrick’s Day is a religious holiday that celebrates the patron saint of Ireland. It is also a cultural holiday that celebrates all

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6 Design Principles in scrapbook pages

Design principles are important for scrapbook pages because they provide a framework for creating a visually appealing and well-designed layout. The six design principles that will be mentioned in this article are emphasis, repetition, alignment, balance, contrast, and flow. Even though we might not consciously think of those principles, they

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Using QR codes in digital scrapbooking

When creating a scrapbook page, everything is static and quiet. How can you add other mediums like sound, music, videos, or additional references for your story? Although you might not be able to add those directly to the page, you can link to them using a QR code. Let’s see

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How to create custom washi tape

Although you can use any paper to create straight and flat washi tape, you might want to add some creases and textures to it. The simplest method would be to use real tape, take pictures, and extra them with PaintShop Pro. But you probably don’t have the tape in the

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For Photos That Matter