
Prevent disaster : back up your precious data!

We have all collected a lot of information, documents, and photos on our computers over the years. What would happen if your computer was to crash? Or if your drive becomes unreadable? All those precious documents and photos will be lost. This is just as bad as losing all the photos in a fire: there is no way to retrieve them. That is, unless you have a plan in place.

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Picture tubes in PaintShop Pro

Picture tubes are a feature that is apparently unique to PaintShop Pro. I am not sure at which version they started using tubes, but I know for a fact that version 4 had them, so it is definitely not new. For anyone who is not familiar with the basics of what picture tubes are, think of a roll of stickers: you can have a roll with all identical stickers, or a roll with several different stickers. Unlike brushes, the picture tubes are colored images by themselves, and you cannot change that, just like a sticker would have its own colors.

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How do you plan your digital scrapbooking projects?

How do you scrap? Do you tend to scrap just one page here or there, or plan them around a theme? There is not one good and one bad way to work in a scrapbook project, as there are advantages and inconvenient for each, and like many other choices that you will make in this hobby, it will be a matter of personal preferences.

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What to print?

Although digital scrapbooking, by its name, is meant to be digital, a lot of people still like to have a paper version, to hold, to feel, to share. If you are a paper scrapper who switched to digital scrapping, it is more than likely that you have already started albums with your paper layouts. In this case, it would be natural to want to continue the same process and want your digital pages printed so you can either insert them inside your existing albums or create similar albums. There are many ways to approach
the printing process of your digital layouts.

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To print or not to print? That is the question

For many digital scrapbookers, this is not even a question. Whether they are paper scrapbookers converted to digital, or digital scrapbookers from the start, many fans will find various ways to get their layouts printed. Maybe the reason is that we are familiar with the paper format, in books or albums. This is a hard habit to break. Is it better to print or not? That is not a question that has a single answer. Or I should say, the single answer is “it depends on you”.

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7 reasons to start scrapbooking

Scrapbooking has been around for many years now, in one form or another. People will create scrapbook layouts for several reasons, for themselves or their families. There is no right or wrong answer, as everyone will get something different out of scrapbooking, whether it is traditionally, with scissors and glue, or digitally, on their computer.

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Hello digiscrappers!

If you are familiar with the Digi Scrap Campus, well here is where it moved. The previous location was getting lonely, and didn’t allow as much material to be displayed. … Read more