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Linda J Walker

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Posts posted by Linda J Walker

  1. I only got one done today, too much to do again...sigh...  I have a limited number of fonts installed at the moment, because I have a new laptop. So I need to get the fonts off my old laptop, I have to add that to the list. Didn't use any glyphs, but I did use the copyright symbol on the photo, and did experiment with the character map.


    Carole, yes, I had the setting wrong on the fill tool!


    So enjoying seeing all the calendar pages from everyone!


    Just wondered--on our profile photos on the left, what does the number under the photo mean? Maybe that is a silly question?

  2. I had much to do today, but trying to keep pace, so I need to get busy.


    I really don't know why my calendar grid stayed gray on January, and not February. Maybe I missed a step, or added a step? Or I tripped up somewhere. Maybe I need to try it again when I am not tired.


    Pirkko, I want to know how you made the grid....

  3. I registered last year. But life got in the way and I was not able to complete it. So I registered again, and maybe this year will be better. I don't know what photos I will be using.....so maybe I am behind before it even begins! HA!
  4. Oh, I like those letter tiles, but I missed that tutorial! Maybe just keep them up another day???


    I tried to go around and around in circles....but I'm glad I am not the only one who has trouble keeping up...I think I got lost, a couple of times....!

  5. It is sunflower season now here in Pennsylvania. I so enjoy seeing them!


    Another page from the 2021 Love Story Challenge.  I watched the tutorial for the linolium background again yesterday on the tutorials page. It reminded me I need to play with it more.

  6. Feeling a bit handicapped in looking for files from some of the challenges I have taken part in! All on on my old laptop, and that reminds me of backups I need to complete. This was from the 2021 Love Story challenge.
  7. I used the postmark tutorial that was posted earlier. I can't link to it, because it has moved on.


    "Wake me up when it is all over" - kinda how I feel. Hubby and I both had covid the middle of August. And now just trying to catch up, or keep up, or something. That is why this is my first post in the Big 10...and it is almost over.



  8. I am here!


    Not sure how much I will be able to post tho. We are heading south to Knoxville, TN in a few days for a family memorial service. One night we are staying in an airbnb in VA, with no wi-fi and limited cell service! I will have new photos, unless I forget to charge my battery?


    I may have to catch up when we get back.



  9. I am signed up for this challenge, and I am getting the emails--BUT I seem to be having some computer problems, so I am not sure I will be able to participate this time :(


    I am loving seeing what everyone is doing -- I enjoy the inspiration!



  10. Yes, still plodding along--Day 6!  I worked on this a few days ago, but decided to just save and tweek it later


    The 'linoleum' pattern is very interesting to me. After seeing everyone's patterns, I was anxious to learn how it was done. Not sure it works with sunflowers, but that was what I chose as my 'love' on day 6.


    Carole--we had 4 kitties until about a year ago. These were feral kittens, that my daughter found in the weeds. I think we scared momma away. When we didn't see her(momma) for a day or so, we took the days old kittens in. My 3 daughters and I hand raised them, we feed them all with droppers, around the clock, 11 years ago. They may all look the same, but we can tell them apart :)

  11. Day 4-- I think these take me longer than they should, because I am often not sure how to do what I want to do, so end up doing what I have been able to figure out! And I always have to search for photos.


    I used the snowflake brush--I was too lazy to figure out how to load the watercolor brushes, and the snowflake matched the snow on the mountains.


    The frame is from Katie Pertiet, wood veneer frames.


    Our daughter got married in Denver in June 2019. That is a long way from Pennsylvania. My youngest sister and her husband have a place in Pagosa Springs, so we went there for a few days after the wedding and my sister showed us around. I expect we will be going back to Colorado, as our daughter is moving there this year.

  12. I am only on Day 3!


    I used the kaleidoscope for the background paper. I adjusted the brightness a bit. I could play with the kaleidoscope for a long time, maybe too long. I think I will add another photo on the left of the text, but I can't find it right now. I will need to get some sleep, so I just left space to add it later.


    I am enjoying seeing what everyone is doing! I guess I need to go back and find how to save the mask, I must have missed that.

  13. Yes Sue, I checked my spam folder.


    There has been a problem in the past--I had registered for one challenge, didn't get the confirmation email, then forgot about it, and missed the challenge. This time I registered but didn't get confirmation, registered again but didn't get confirmation again. I contacted Carole and she had to add me manually. I got Day 1 and Day 2. Not sure if they get lost in cyberland, or there is a hiccup somewhere, or maybe I am just a problem child! I don't really know. I don't know if posting them here in the forum would help--not really sure if this is a public or private page.


    I'm probably over thinking this. I know Carole will look at it when she can, but it just adds to her workload.

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