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Linda J Walker

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Posts posted by Linda J Walker

  1. Carole-That is the same font that I used on the previous page, day 2 I think. I tried a shadow, but with the cut-outs in the letters, it just didn't look right. Your suggestion was a smaller shadow, which I used on day 3. But I am really thinking that font, which is called  'Flora Garden' just can't have a shadow. Or, I suppose, with the shadow on its own layer, the parts inside the cut-outs could be erased? I'm only thinking of that now because it is morning and my brain is in gear! ;)  I don't have time to try it now, because I need to get some breakfast and get in the shower.
  2. I agree with Joyce--sometimes the most time-consuming part is making up my mind.


    Day 3- I began this last night. Hard to make up my mind on papers, not sure I like what I picked, even if it was the third or fourth one.  Each layout seems to take me 2 days. I used a smaller shadow on the title text, as Carole suggested. I'm not sure it works....but I have decided I am finished for tonight. The crocus photo I took yesterday! Tomorrow we will be taking our daughter back to school, so not sure when I will get to begin day 4.



  3. Day 2 posting for me...really having trouble keeping up. So many steps. I watch the video thru first, then open PSP and the template and chose my photos, then I begin.


    I used some garden photos from last year. But today I saw my crocus are blooming, finally! I have been waiting for spring! I didn't use a drop shadow on the title text. It just didn't look good with the cut outs in the text.

  4. Sue - The eraser tool was one of the ways I tried. I was on the photo layer, I checked when it wasn't working. Maybe my settings were wrong from the previous use, I don't know? But you are correct, there is always more than one way to do something in PSP. Just have to think about it at times.
  5. Unfortunately, there are no more hours in Tuesday than there are in Monday!


    Day 1 - I changed the blend mode on the dots, I think to Color. I liked how they echoed the red on the bird. I also had a bit of the photo left at the top. When I tried to move the photo up, just the photo moved and not the shadow, even tho it showed the linked symbol on the right. I tried a couple of times, tried a couple of different ways, but ended up making a selection box and deleting. Or maybe I selected both layers and shifted them? I can't remember now :(


    I have not used templates before, so I know I learned a few things tonight.

  6. Day 7, a few blips and obstacles today, but I think it is complete. I was going to continue with my birds theme for this page, but today is my middle daughters 29th birthday. I came across this photo the other day, and it seemed appropriate to use it on her birthday.


    I have learned a good deal in the past 10 days!



  7. Thank you Sue and Carole, it was the brush variance. I got it fixed now.


    And Theresa-I have PSP X9, PSP2019 and PSP2020. Sometimes they will just shut down on me too. Sometimes I have opened one, and after it shut down opened the next version, until I had used all 3, and they all shut down as I tried to complete a project.


    My 'solution' has been to save often! When I open a new file, I name it and save it immediately, and save every couple of steps. It takes more time, but starting over again takes even more time.



  8. Trying to work on lesson 7 this morning....when I click once with the round brush, I get a whole slew of random dots-not just one! I assume I have a setting wrong, what setting do I need to change?


    Maybe my idea to work earlier in the day was not such a good idea...lol.

  9. Day 6-finally got to the linoleum.

    I think I need to create a document with links to ALL the lessons, because I find I need to go back one or two lessons to complete a lesson. And it is becoming difficult to find them in my email folder. I finally got the watercolor brushes to work, and that was another lesson...it just is not too often that I can work on this early in the day. By evening, my brain is tired.


  10. Day 5 - My husband was talking about this photo last week, so I decided to find it for him. Since I found it and scanned it, figured I may as well use it for day 5.


    10/10 on the pop quiz! I thought I would wait until I finished all the lessons, but changed my mind.

  11. Day 4 - I will jump on the sunflower wagon! Photo is from my garden in 2021. I am using PSP 2019. I put the watercolor brush in my brushes folder for 2019, but it wasn't in my brushes? I don't know where it went, or if there was something else I needed to do to use it....so I used a brush that WAS visible to me. Really would have liked to use the watercolor one tho.



  12. Day 3 - I have used the kaleidoscope effect before, but it has been awhile. I wasn't really going for a pink background, but it looked better than the green I was getting, and it does seem to work. I could play with it all night, but that might not be a good idea right now. Maybe tomorrow.


    Sue - Practicing over and over sounds like a good idea! Often I will do one tutorial, and then forget the steps, and how to do it.

  13. Day 2...sigh....I have had a long week. I have not accomplished much in this workshop so far. Too many things I have forgotten. Too many things to do.


    When I finally got to making the plaid, I lowered the opacity because it just seemed to overwhelm the photos. I think I missed a step on one of the masks, but I guess it worked.


    I will look at Day 3 now, but I am going to have to sleep soon, because tomorrow is another day. And I have more stuff going on then.

  14. Day 1 - I know I am late getting started with this workshop, but it is a busy week for me. I took a brief break from my work tonight to play with the day 1 mask template.


    White is a window, is that right? I have to remember that!


    I guess I failed to pay attention to the dates when I signed up! I am not sure how many days I will be able to complete. But I have been following this page daily, and watching all the posts. I don't remember who asked about a pdf of the instructions to print--if you go to print on your browser, you can change your printer to save as a pdf.

  15. Love to see all the photos. It makes me happy to know I am not the only person who takes photos of hummingbirds and flowers, and trees and ducks and cats and snow and sunsets!


    I used a couple of photos from my garden last year. Today is a cold February day. But 2 days ago it was 60 degrees, which is pretty darn nice for February in Pennsylvania! It made me think of spring. The font is 'Beautiful Moonlight', and I prefer to work with text in points. I worked in advertising and design, and we always specified text in points. Old habits are hard to break. I could probably still find a point gauge in my desk!

  16. Carole is early tonight, or I am late, or maybe both!


    I went waaay back for these photos too, August 2010. A time when we still had kids at home.


    It takes me so long to pick the photos, I over-think it too. This one needed a wide photo and had to think about what to look for. And can you use the selection tool instead of the eraser?



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