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Linda J Walker

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Posts posted by Linda J Walker

  1. I don't have any new babies to showcase. But I did find some old photos of my girls when they were smaller. These 'challenges' do challenge me. I have not used masks before, so I learned a good bit this evening.


    After 2020, it is good to think of masks in an entirely different light :)

  2. Last page, page 5.


    I ran out of time, got rushed by life, made some mistakes, and of course that always takes longer to fix!


    Putting the text into the selection is cool, but it was behaving odd for me when I tried to change the text size, and when I changed the alignment. When I deleted it and did it over, it was better, so maybe it was me messing it up.


    Thanks for giving me some practice projects!

  3. Page 4


    For this page I used some new photos that I took this summer, when the days were warmer!


    I watched some tadpoles turn into frogs and hop away. It was fun to check them each day and see their progress.


    Carole, I really like having 2 days for each project. That gives me some time to think of what photos I want to use.  And to plan when I will have time to sit down and work on it.

  4. Page 3, again I am using photos from my parents early years. Using the same kit, so maybe they will coordinate. Not entirely sure I am happy with this page. But I had time tonight and decided to get started. I don't know if I will have time tomorrow.
  5. Carole, on my page 1 layout, no I don't have a date on the photo of my Mom. I may be able to make a guess if I look at some other photos.


    Here is my page 2 layout. I used the same kit as page 1. This photo is also from my Mom's house. The neighbor took it as he flew over one day in June 1977. I put the pink square on it to outline the garden. It seemed big when I was a kid. And this photo confirms my memory!



  6. Working to catch up.


    My lunch is a BLT, bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich...but I seem to be missing the bacon!


    That is my favorite, if I have tomatoes from my garden. But sadly, garden season is over for this year.

  7. My name is Linda, and I am just getting started here....late, I know.


    I did the Bootcamp a year or two ago, I learned lots, and hope to learn even more. I will be using 2019. I like the med gray with a white background.


    But I have 3 tabs at the top! Manage, Adjust and Edit?


    I am not yet sure what photos I will be using.





  8. I can't keep up with all the comments and the posts!


    Enjoying all the wonderful pages and ideas...it has just been a long day and I'm not even able to open PSP to work on another page yet. Just not today or tomorrow. Searching for time in MY calendar  :(

  9. I am going to use photos taken the previous year in that month. In January and February, it is mostly birds and critters on the deck.


    I assume we will add a background at some point, as we move thru the week.



  10. I have not participated before. Anxious to start, but worried about keeping up! Life can get busy, and there are interuptions...just had one of those this past week! And golly, it has interupted me (and not in a good way)!  :(



  11. Wow, wow, wow! So much to learn in this lesson too!!! Lots of tricks!


    I got busy with life yesterday and today too.


    I wanted to use monochromatic papers so the photo would star. But I need to practice more. Not sure I am completely happy with this one, but here it is.

  12. Had trouble with the text. It would show up in the layers as a 'floating selection'? And when I tried to move it, I couldn't.  I had to trash a few layers a few times before I got it to work.


    Kit is Cottontail & Co. Add On by Melissa Bennett



  13. 1st layout assignment!


    I learned a few things!


    Do we have to upload the day of the assignment?


    You can't drag an element from one window onto the page?


    A month ago, the 5 of us took a trip across the country for our daughter's wedding....I have a few photos!

  14. hi, my name is Linda.


    I like medium gray with a white background. For now, I like the layers palette open. BUt that depends what project I am working on.


    I used PaintShop Pro years ago, when it was Jasc. At some point I began using Photoshop Elements. But now I want to learn how to fully use PSP!

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