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Linda J Walker

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Posts posted by Linda J Walker

  1. Day 3, trying to catch up a bit! - I don't remember getting into trouble much as a kid. My brother was the oldest, and he had a corner on the trouble market ;) I was child #4, of 5 kids. Us 4 girls were pretty good, or that is how I remember it!



  2. I know I fell off the StoryTime wagon this week after Day 1! My excuse is I had to do a newsletter this week, and now that it is done, Day 2! Not sure I will be able to catch up tho. I used the quick-page for Day 2, but I guess this could be Day 5 for Food, but don't think I can get credit for 2 days with one page ;)



  3. It takes me time to figure out what to write! Maybe I should use my word processing program to figure that out, and copy and paste. And now I see typos too!


    I regret not asking my parents the time I was born. I have an older brother and 2 older sisters, maybe I can ask them, but I doubt they would know. I could ask Aunt Jean, but she has dementia, so I don't know if she would be able to help me :(

  4. Signed up. I think I have stories, but don't realize that I do? If that makes sense.


    With both of my parents deceased now, and cousins who have passed, I am quickly becoming the 'older generation'.          I should record what I remember/know now.

  5. Smiling as I look at everyone's layouts!


    Day 6 - When I watched the video yesterday, I picked photos. But after watching the video for Day 7, I changed my mind and decided I want to use them for day 7....so I picked some more garden photos instead! It is a bit early to plant tomatoes here in western Pennsylvania, but I planted a couple a week ago. My theory is only plant what you can afford to lose this early. And so far, the weather has been good, only time will tell if it was a good decision. It is always fun to get a ripe tomato early, so sometimes I will take the chance. And yes, only a gardener gets excited about the roots!



  6. Day 5--I worked on this last night, but didn't take time to upload it.


    I have several oriels too! They have only been around here for the past 2 years.  Oranges are a treat, they mostly get grapy jelly. I have found my goldfinch also enjoy the jelly. I have to bring the feeder in at night--I am certain my racoons would love the jelly and tear the feeder apart.



  7. Just getting started tonight with Quick Page #1. I used a photo of some of the tulips I planted last fall. They were beautiful when they bloomed. But it was short lived, they are all gone now, just 9 days later. Photo was taken May 8, 2022.



  8. Project 4, it took me awhile. I'm using PSP 2019, and sometimes it will just close. I try to save often, but sometimes I forget and get moving along....and then it will decide to close :(


    Some of the birds from my yard. After I picked the photos and the title, I began to wonder if the goldfinch is a male...oh well, I think it is a male....I should do some research.



  9. Project 3, not really sure what day, I have lost track, and I know I am running a bit behind. Spring has been very slow in my area. Just today, we had wind and snow showers off and on thru the day....sigh....it IS April 19 on my calendar....and I am ready for nicer days. So I will wait.


    Cassel - I should have remembered the guides!


    And does the sandwich count as a Project?

  10. Project 2, or projecy 2 because I see that is what I named it ;)  Yes, it is getting late where I am, and I am tired, and I am trying not to get too far behind....so I present projecy 2...


    I used a kit by Jan Clark, from a Jan 2021 blog train. The journaling font is caller Little Bear.


    If I want to make several elements the same size, like these 'snowflowers', is there a way to do that? I just eyeballed it, so I resized until they looked the same.



  11. Sandy - the 'table' is just a layer under all the other layers. And, if you have more than one file open, when you 'save', it is saving the one that the title bar is active on. If you click on the title bar of what you want to save, and save as a PSP image, all the layers will be there the next time you open it. I hope that makes sense. Carole Cassel is very good teaching and walking you thru the steps!
  12. Susan - He is home and sleeping now....but last night at 11 pm they had to take him back into the OR because of bleeding. I didn't do the page while I was at the hospital, but in the evening when I was home....and before I had to run back to the hospital for the 'back to the OR' emergency. Time for both of us to get some rest.


    I see some creative meals!


    Yes, we are heading into Easter weekend. I will be cooking. We no longer have little kids, and no grandkids, and given the past few days, it is going to be pretty low-key and scaled back here, as we celebrate the Resurrection.  I will be watching for new posts.

  13. Yes Susan, I need to learn how to cut my sandwich too!


    Carole, I got the bacon at https://www.digitalscrapbook.com/


    Project 1--I spent today at the hospital with my husband, for a procedure he had scheduled. The font is Jt Distressed, which I think probably describes my husband today/tonight. We got up at 4 am, to be at the hospital at 5:30 am. Long day. It is my prayer that he sleeps well at the hospital tonight.



  14. I made a open-face BLT (bacon, lettuce, tomato) sandwich. Only one slice of bread, so there is more room for bacon! I only make BLT's when I have fresh tomatoes from my garden. It is much to early for that now where I live. But I will pretend it is August, and the tomatoes are juicy and ripe, the bacon is stacked up high! Oh, and I am sitting at an old well used picnic table.
  15. I am back again too, ready to learn more! My husband is having some surgery this week, so I will try not get behind.


    I will be using PSP 2019. I like a medium gray workspace and a dark gray background. I am not sure what photos I will be using, but I just downloaded a bunch off my DSLR that I use out my kitchen window, mostly birds and critters. Spring is slow here in Pennsylvania, but I do have a few spring flowers blooming. Thanks Pirkko, for the reminder of flowers



  16. Great scripture Pirkko!


    Day 4 - I lost track of how many times I watched the video, and how many times I stopped the video....but I got day 4 done! I'm not sure how many days I am behind, but I will try to keep plugging on even tho I have a full week ahead.



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