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Linda J Walker

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Posts posted by Linda J Walker

  1. Peter, There IS a way to reset tool settings to default, but I don't exactly remember how now.  I'm sure Carole can tell us.


    And you can set the number of undo/redo, in File/Preferences/General Program Preferences. At least that is how I get to it in PSP 2019. Mine is set at 250...so, in theory, I could undo a hole lot of mess. Or end up totally lost with no idea where I am or where to begin again ;)  Sometimes it may be better to just close PSP, take a walk to clear your head, have a cup of coffee, and start over at the beginning.



  2. Day 11, Project 5 - As I have worked on each page, I find I try papers or elements, and find I don't like them, and I hide the layer, and try something else...so I end up with multiple hidden layers...because, ya know, I might change my mind again! I have to wonder if others also have this problem?!?!


    By mistake, I put the text all on one layer. I didn't realize it until it was time to add shadows. Is there an easy fix when you do this? I'm sure I did it the long way.


    I was finishing this project tonight in PSP 2020. When I resized to 600 pixels, the black text disappeared! After trying it several times and undoing it, I closed PSP 2020. Then I opened it in PSP 2019, and black text stayed when resized to 600 pixels? Maybe 2020 was just glitchy for me tonight.

  3. Day 9 Project.


    I changed the papers in this page multiple times! But I think I am done tonight.


    I have learned to pay attention to the directions. Sometimes it is 're-learning' something that I forgot. That seems to happen often....

  4. I have been fighting with PSP2019 closing on me, so I have switched to PSP2020.


    But my eraser brush has not given me what I was expecting. Instead of a pinked edge, I have blocks that are white, that have cut thru the background. I am working on the paper layer, and I even turned the background layer off, along with the photos....what am I doing wrong???



  5. Carole,


    I added a shadow to the branch. Maybe it is too much?


    I keep my DSLR with the zoom lens on the kitchen counter, so I am always ready to take photos of the birds! Probably too many photos of the birds!



  6. I am enjoying seeing all the posts!


    Trying to work on project 3, but PSP keeps closing on me tonight. So far it has closed 4 or 5  times, and I have had to repeat my steps when I reopen PSP. I am learning to save often! Frustrating evening. But I think I am happy with my layout for tonight.



  7. Day 5, staying with the winter theme, because it is cold today! This female red bellied woodpecker has been around daily. I keep looking for a male, but have not seen one.


    I adjusted the page size, so I can print it on my printer. Again, not sure I like the shadow on the headline text, I tweeked it a bit, and put it on its own layer so I can delete it easily, if I want. I could not quite get this done yesterday, so I am glad to have 2 days and be able to finish it this morning.



  8. I don't know if this help Greg, but sometimes when I have trouble selecting the layer that I really want, I will make the layer that ends up selected, not visible in the layers pallet. For whatever reason, then I can grab the layer I want.



  9. I appreciate all the details Ann!


    I also considered adjusting the size so I could print it on my 8.5 x 11 printer. Otherwise I never print, and eventually the files get lost/buried/forgotten when I have to upgrade to a new computer. I can't seem to find my layouts from the previous bootcamp(s).

  10. I'm gonna be using PSP 2019 for this bootcamp. I like the med gray workspace and background. I did fiddle with the size of the icons, because my eyes are old! I like the Materials and Layers Pallet open.


    A photo from this morning, fresh snow.



  11. Hello! I'm gonna do this again, and plan to finish all the pages this time. Often life just gets in the way! My husband had back surgery in Dec, and is not permitted to do much yet, so I have more to do now.  A snowstorm is just beginning here, I will begin plowing soon. Not sure what photos I will be using


    My husband and I both had covid in August. My husband had a more difficult time than I did. He got monoclonial antibodies. Cindy, drink water! Take your vitamins! Rest and sleep as much as you need! Praying you will have a speedy recovery.


    I found this nut in the driveway...just thought it was unique!

  12. I guess I am slow....sorry! I keep looking at everyone's pages and finding new inspiration! I worked on August tonight. We see hummingbird moths, usually in August and into September here in Pennsylvania. It is always fun to see them. They love my butterfly bush.



  13. Oh my, YES Ann Seeber, that is a typo! Thank you for telling me, I have to know about it to fix it!


    PSP X9 has been problematic for me on my new laptop. At times, when trying to edit something, it will just close the entire program, and everything that I have open. I lose any changes since my last save.  And I will have to repeat them. It happened last night, at least once. It may be time for me to retire X9, and transition to learning PSP 2020 or 2021. But I dislike change :(

  14. I had to nudge this project to the back burner this week, so I could work on my paid job :(  But I have tried to check in daily to enjoy everyone's posts! Love them all! So many great ideas!


    June continues with my flower theme. I added a bit of graph paper for a few notes.



  15. I am enjoying all the posts :)


    Calendula for September, just another one of my favorites. Thanks again to Ann for the days of the week addition. I think I have to make a list, and figure out which months I am missing. Probably should try to make them consistent too.



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