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Bonnie Ballentine

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Posts posted by Bonnie Ballentine

  1. Annie, I told one of my friends about your "falling off the perch" comment. We laughed and laughed and I told her to use the comment at my Celebration of Life. Good one, my friend.


    Template by Miss Fish, Newsletter Freebie, 2-21, word art from Creative Fabrica.

    After my competitions were completed in the National Senior Games (2018) I visited local parks and hiked. This park is along the Rio Grande which had recently flooded. This area was part of the flood waters and away from the swift current of a very high river. I don’t know this lady or her dogs. They were having tons of fun.


    I was really struggling with this layout until I found the color challenge. After that it came together easily.

  2. Template by Miss Fish, Newsletter Freebie, 2-21, word art from Creative Fabrica.

    After my competitions were completed in the National Senior Games (2018) I visited local parks and hiked. This park is along the Rio Grande which had recently flooded. This area was part of the flood waters and away from the swift current of a very high river. I don't know this lady or her dogs. They were having tons of fun.


    I was really struggling with this layout until I found this challenge. After that it came together easily.

  3. Annie, I have a friend who collects teapots. I use to get them for her all the time. She has downsized and moved to an apartment and no longer has space for her collection. She still drinks plenty of tea!


    Another pickleball page from me...this time it is Sandy and she can grab air too. One more pickleball page waiting in the wings and, of course, others to be created.

  4. Annie, I am old!..and proud of it. Took a long time to get here!


    Karon, I used Carole's scattered photos script for these recent pages. I also enjoy using templates...in fact I am using a template for a non-pickleball page I'm working on. I'll post it once it is complete.


    Minka, I'm glad you checked out the pickleball. Do you think you may try it? Let me know if you do. I sometimes get to Florida...and sometimes to Portland, ME. Maybe you and I could play a game or two.


    Another pickleball page from me...used the scattered photos script...Look at Michelle...she is off the ground in two of the pictures...and we are a senior group...older than dirt...some of us.

  5. Wow! Beautiful creations, everyone. I need to come here more frequently so maybe I could keep up with my comments. All of you amaze me!




    Friends purchased a small camper so they could visit their daughter during Covid. No hotels, no public bathrooms. The Road Trip map I grabbed off the web...not sure where. The word are is from Creative Fabrica and the camper sticker is from Pixel Scrapper.

  6. Minka, you may know this...may not. Duck Donuts have expanded. We have one here in Manassas. Great beach page and great piano page.


    Annie, love the birds...so much fun to see your creations.


    Ann, I enjoyed your Mendocino layout. I remember watching Murder She Wrote and wondering where it was filmed. I would love to live in such a town...at least, I think I would. I am pretty spoiled have space away from folks now. My nearest neighbor is about 300 feet away. Close enough to visit and far enough away for privacy when I want it.


    Here is another pickleball page. I saw a sketch online and decided to make a page following the sketch. It was a great start but there is little of the sketch in the finished product. "Circle of Friends is from cleanpng.com.

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