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Everything posted by MoniqueN.

  1. Yes, it worked! ? Thank you very much.? I was so annoyed yesterday because all I read "how to" didn't work.?
  2. My brain isn't working today it seems........feeling like a newbie now, my tool options toolbar/palette was gone and now it will not dock....... I've have been trying a lot, used your tips and tricks book, customizing your PSP .pdf files, but nothing seems to work.
  3. I'm sorry I didn't react (yet) to all the posts here........been doing a lot of other things.Now trying to catch up ? My lesson 5 ? Picture is from the internet ?
  4. That's odd, it seems ok now. I couldn't change it earlier, tried several times and now it looks ok. If it happens again, I will let you know ?
  5. I haven't changed the sizo to 600 this time ?
  6. Instead of less colors I have an enormous amount?
  7. Thanks! That was it! ?
  8. In lesson 5 Carole selects the nodes (at 2.06 sec. in the video) and makes them symmetric, but when i do that I still keep drawing nodes. What am I forgetting to do?
  9. In summer, I'm usually a bit MIA here, because I'm outdoors a lot, but joined this workshop (of course) I will have to start tomorrow, bit busy day ?
  10. We did games at home when the kids celebrated their birthdays. A lot of parents took the kids to MacDonalds , party at home became almost a novelty , the kids and their guests loved it.
  11. Cute dino's! A Cricut is so versatile to use! I never did a themed b-day party for my kids (last century ???) Is that custom in Canada or is it something new? Themed b-days?
  12. Over here in the Netherlands we also have construction holidays, called Bouwvak vakantie. It depends in which part of the country your in, but i's mostly week 30/34 ?
  13. Sorry for your loss, 43 is to young...........
  14. Yes, we do have them over here. I never used one, because I have an e-reader, but I love the idea of the little libraries ?
  15. A friend of mine, also a Cricut machine owner, sent me a "how to" YouTube video of Stained glass cards. Today I've been trying to make them myself. The round one I couldn't find a template for, so made it myself ? It is a print and cut layout/template. You print the picture and the machine cuts it in the right size, the rest of the template will be cut too. I'm happy with the result ?
  16. I- Insert, we often use some sort of tray on the BBQ so the BBQ itself won't get dirty ?
  17. Enormous - enormous amount of meat ?
  18. Deze aanbieder ken ik niet, zal er eens naar kijken. Ziet er mooi uit!?
  19. I tend to you use curly fonts for this kind of projects, but this font really is nice too!
  20. When you see this project, at first it looks a bit busy, but I really love the colours, the different art photo's and the over all look of it! Never thought so many colourful photo's together would look so nice!?
  21. I didn't make cards with it, but I think I designed my first garden with that program ? And a database for recipes? Don't remember exactly ?
  22. With so many hobbies you just need a lot of space, sounds familiar??
  23. And another Pixelscrapper QP, now with another photo ?
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