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Posts posted by Marie-Claire

  1. Hi everybody,


    In the scrapbook campus i read what types of font viewers can be used and how to use them. I have one more question about that.

    How do you place the fonts on the hard disk to easily catalog them, etc. in a font viewer?

    For example, when all fonts are in 1 folder on the hard disk, it can take a long time before the font viewer has read them or even crash.

    If you have a lot of fonts, do you have to create several folders on the hard disk beforehand? instead of 1 folder with all fonts?

  2. Hello everybody,

    day 7


    I am sad the Challenge is finished. It whas fun to see all the work en ideas of everyone, also inspiring.

    Thanks Carole for the lessons and the templates wich help me a lot ! also thank you for looking and comment our creations.

    For this last work I just tried something using the effects, and had fun.


    When I look at it now on the forum I find there is something missing...maybe a litte text...

  3. hello everyone, it took a bit of time, but here day 5. For the text I used the script cass-WordEdgeHalfCut


    Thanks @Cassel for your answer, I now have the last email and so also the links from day 1 and so on.

    The next elaboration will therefore be day 1.

  4. Hi everybody, and thanks Cassel for the new challenge.


    @Cassel, <span id="result_box" class="" lang="en" tabindex="-1"><span class="">I only registered yesterday.</span> <span class="">Today I received the mail for day 5. Can I also receive the previous lessons?


    Have a great day !





  5. @ Cassel, Thank you for the 7 days, I learned a lot, and it was fun. I am also very happy with the explanation of the 7th day about printing.


    I am curious about the next Challenge.


    Thanks also to the people who participated and shared their work here. It was very inspiring

  6. Hi everyone, I struggle in PSP 2018 with the fonts.

    I have separate folders with fonts that I do not want to install, how can I use a font in psp 2018 without installing it on my PC ?

    I have windows 10, befor PSP 2018 I open the font in the explorer, and it apears in PSP, is this different in PSP 2018 ?



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