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Ann Seeber

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Everything posted by Ann Seeber

  1. I had this photo from a friend and decided to display it this way. She gave it the title.
  2. I've been having to re-boot the page and then things settle down. ?
  3. I have a question about one of the items. Meli-Melo Paper. I Googled it and got various answers, from cartoon characters to wrapping paper. I never heard of it. Is it mentioned here on Campus?
  4. My problem was the long, thin strips. I finally added text to them and buried them at the bottom of my layout in the same color as the background.
  5. Thanks, Sue, I tried it and it worked perfectly! ?
  6. Not following that suggestion, Sue, as the green paper is almost full size behind the photos and the "cork" layer. It would cover up the photos completely. I'm sure there are easier ways to achieve my result. I'll have to try it again, sometime.
  7. WATERFALLS - Gradient background - green shiny paper - cork texture - cass-curved-photo script - BMU_Eve_Butterfly2-cutout - brad=PSBT_Songbird_Element (1) - US Park Service quote found on Facebook - font= Century Gothic. I did a lot of "out-of-bounds" to create the tucked-in effect with the photos. The shadows were tricky!
  8. I fully support this effort to reclaim the wild plants for the pollinators. Tidy lawns now make me shudder.... ?
  9. So true, Gerry. I'm not sure of your title. I did find this meme, but the spelling is different...
  10. Final assignment: (Just a little) Cabin in the Mountains (they said) Hah!
  11. I got day 11, Monique. The password is concentration .. click here
  12. Photos by Debbie Lennox-Nevada City, CA Background=jade and yellow gradient Font =Photo caption - Candara Mat with pinked edges= brown fill, weave texture Yellow butterfly mat= jessica-dunn-bohemian-sunshine Flower cluster with shadow= marisa-lerin Yellow butterfly= pngfind.com Label=LF-ChoosetoShine Brad=marisa-lerin-ephemera-butterfly-brad-04 Title Font01=Flora Garden/sculpture texture effect-sky Title Font02=Glamlips/sculpture texture effect-sky Scatters=Marisa Lerin
  13. Project 4 - Spread Your Wings Photos by Debbie Lennox-Nevada City, CA Background=jade and yellow gradient Font =Photo caption - Candara Mat with pinked edges= brown fill, weave texture Yellow butterfly mat= jessica-dunn-bohemian-sunshine Flower cluster with shadow= marisa-lerin Yellow butterfly= pngfind.com Label=LF-ChoosetoShine Brad=marisa-lerin-ephemera-butterfly-brad-04 Title Font01=Flora Garden/sculpture texture effect-sky Title Font02=Glamlips/sculpture texture effect-sky Scatters=Marisa Lerin
  14. Beautiful lilies-of-the-valley, Jannette. Perhaps you should also post it in the May D-I-Y Challenge.
  15. Don't feel bad, Susan. I can't find it either.... ?
  16. Mooi paars is niet Lelijk - Google says: Beautiful purple is not ugly ?
  17. Beautiful, Monique! Though it would help me out if you gave an English translation, also. ?
  18. Panoramic photo by Debbie Lennox; stripe design using colors from left photo, following directions to create a plaid but only going half-way; title font=Berlin Kitchen; journaling=Goudy Old Style; butterflies from pngtree.com; background paper created using gray flood fill and asphalt texture
  19. Scrap Bootcamp: Lesson 5 - Yuba River Getaway - Daughter Deb took this panoramic photo as she enjoyed a getaway when she joined the California pipevine swallowtail butterflies who were sunning themselves on the rocks along the Yuba River outside Nevada City. The title font is Berlin Kitchen, the journaling font is Goudy Old Style. Background color fill with asphalt texture, photo mat wood tile01 pattern with hardwood texture. Butterflies are from internet searches for pipevine swallowtails. EDIT: Forgot to mention the stripe pattern; used the directions for making a plaid but stopped before adding a second, rotated layer. The colors are from the portion of the photo that shows on the far left.
  20. Title Font - Glamlips w/custom gradient, Background paper-Marisa Lerin (colorized), Photo by Debbie Lennox of her granddaughter Magic in Mendocino, CA. Detail font - Harrington, Flower - AFT-Love Life, Bird art - found in my BIRDS folder.
  21. Using the photo I displayed earlier, I toned it up and it's now the star of Wisteria Days. Title Font - Glamlips w/custom gradient, Background paper-Marisa Lerin (colorized), Photo by Debbie Lennox of her granddaughter Magic in Mendocino, CA. Detail font - Harrington, Flower - AFT-Love Life, Bird art - found in my birds folder.
  22. Randy: Here's a little tutorial that Cassel just published all about making borders on photos. https://scrapbookcampus.com/2023/05/6-ways-to-add-borders-with-paintshop-pro/
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