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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Mother Nature does purple wonderfully doesnt she. The color geek in me wants to tell you Magenta-Blue is what I call purple and of course Blue is Cyan + Magenta. So we should be loving Magenta for pouring more of itself into the mix to make that wonderful purple we all love. But, I wont be a color geek and tell you that. ?
  2. WOWZERS! This is beautifully done. One the smoky days we had last Wed, I came home from work and it was eerie because no birds were flying or singing, dead silence. A world without birdsong is a world I dont want to live in.
  3. My hubby and I watch a lot of shows that are subtitled (I hate dubbed) and we often laugh at the translations.
  4. I love the colors in this layout.
  5. Project 3. I used the kit provided "Welcome Spring" from Digital Scrapbook and by DB Magnolia. And I used the orange glitters. Are you sitting down? Are you ready to hear this? I did not change the blue/white flower or the background paper. I did however change the glitters (darker) ?. I used the background paper twice, once for the background and once upside down for the mat behind the photos/glitters. I used the an extraction of the same background paper and added texture effect>texture> blinds, then added noise, then went back to try a different size blinds on a duplicate copy and accidently applied it again to the one with the texture already on it. it made it look more like stripes. Same for the bottom striped one, which I made darker. I used a scatter of little flower petals and changed the color to white (from pink) and reduced the opacity a lot. It might not show at this resolution. There was no metal element so I extracted a design (part of one) from a card in the kit and then changed the color and added an inner bevel, hoping it looks like metal. Fonts are: Shelly (title) and Robeek (quote). from Creative Fabrica or Google (as my font program came with google fonts as well). Quote: found on internet search "unlikely friends", but could not find who made the quote. it has "human" instead of "soul" that i added because, well, these arent humans. Photos: are mine from the the same photo shoot day, weird changing weather. The layout would have looked best if all the water was the same color as the one in the middle. I may swap out two photos from another photo day that has matching water.
  6. Stunning! I love everthing about this. It looks like a photo from the 1800's. Really incredible, complex work. Thank you for the instructions. Very interesting to have different blend modes on the different layers.
  7. Wow those Explore live cams have nice screenshot resolution. Do you get to watch them moving and choose your own screenshot. I will have to check that out.
  8. Love this. Just because you arent into layout making right now doesnt mean your arent doing something meaningful. Play is one of the delights that sparks creativity. Keep on doing what you are doing and the layouts will come when they are ready. I too feel like I'm behind in stuff I'm doing and taking a note from your playbook today I think I will do some photography and see where it takes me.
  9. Great idea. what cool shapes you could make into brushes or tubes as well. Or a mask in the middle. So much possibilities.
  10. Your papers are beautiful. I particularly like the texture on the background light blue one.
  11. Your custom gradients are very beautiful. I like the choice of greens that you used with this.
  12. This is beautiful and thank you for all your explanations. The white -10 offset on the drop shadow is brilliant. It pops out the title more.
  13. This photo really matches the layout perfectly, it's very dynamic. Love the color combo as well.
  14. Project 2: Duck Love...I gots it! Another photo from the same photo date and again I used the kits available in the lesson. I'm trying to challenge myself to only use what is in the kit/bundle, but allowing for color changes (absolutely everything was changed). Next bootcamp I will try not do color changes but will get to choose any kit, and only use items from that kit. That's my story, and I can't guarantee I'll stick to it because I probably wont even remember I said this. ?. I used a variety of ways to change the color in the papers/elements to match my vision and often using several on the same paper element. Even making a selection, feathering, and then changing the color of the selection. Good practice for me. Papers and Elements: Rachel Martin Designs; Felicity (Digital Scrapbook) Fonts: Adam Melda, Action Is (Creative Fabrica) and Arial Black (windows). Photo: mine
  15. I really like the background paper and the water drop scatter. That is quite the interesting stork.
  16. I tried making low fat peanut butter cookies once. Took a week to chip them off the cookie sheet!
  17. Bootcamp Project 1
  18. Day 3 - Project 1 I used various papers and elements from the bundled kits from Jessica Dunn-Frosty Fall (the mini was provided in the bootcamp). I did adjust some of the colors of the papers and elements to fit my idea. The scatter was from one leaf that I made duplicates of and turned them various ways (then grouped them so I could move, resize and duplicate the group as needed). Fonts are: Night Wolf from Creative Fabrica and Arial Rounded MT Bold from Windows Photo is mine. Carole: I posted in the gallery too, but made a boo-boo and didnt put it in project 1, how do I delete it and/or move it to the project 1 folder?
  19. I love corvids. This is beautiful. If you want to follow a corvid (and other) photographer with a wonderful blog full of crow characters from Vancouver, BC (Canada) check out June Hunter. Her work is amazing and I'm lucky to have a few hanging in my house.
  20. It does have more impact with the new element.
  21. Whew! I watch too much giant-insect-eating-people movies. Geez, I'd hate to see how they harvest them. The package said mealworms so I thought they were worms. Either way, they look creepy and smell weird too. The things we do for birds/squirrels eh?
  22. Did you make that plaid, it's very nice. So are the flowers. I have those finches too. Never occured to me to try grape jelly. I'd like to give them a treat, something different than the same old Wild Birds Unlimited seed and the yukky dried mealworms they get during nesting and cold times. I always think they are going to come back alive....in my house!
  23. That is good to know. I tried it and it worked, sort of. I work with two screens and it screenprinted both. I googled how to do only one screen and none of what any one said worked. So the snipping tool is the best one for me so far. I do use the snipping tool a lot and am comfortable with it.
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