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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. OMG! yes, I used Open a Copy recently. the only other one I have used recently is the pinwheel one. I dont remember which script I was using when it happened. But now I know so I will be able change it back right away. thank you for that information.
  2. Oh no, that is such a defeating feeling to lose your work. I had the program (2023) crash twice on a layout I was doing yesterday. I had a windows error pop up to tell me PSP stopped working and it was shutting it down. I would rather it have it's compatibility problem then just shut down while I'm waiting for a tool to load. At least the other problem is just changing another setting. I did leave my 2022 version on my computer, initially while I was setting up 2023. I think I will leave it on. It's not like the computer is old or slow, it's got a lot of ram and another SSD so now it's only 1/2 full. I always just asssumed it was something I was doing wrong. Now I'm not so sure, if others are having problems too. It's a bummer no matter what the reason it crashes or misbehaves.
  3. OMG! so cute. I love that momma and baby picture. How lucky. the last squirrel that brought out her baby was when the baby was already as big as her.
  4. I know that teary kind of experience. I understand the lack of words to describe it, it makes me teary (could just be menopause though ?). Overwhelming is probably the best way to describe it. I usually feel incredibly grateful I was there at that moment. I looked up voles and mouse and they are quite different. Voles have a face like a beaver kind of. they have cute faces.
  5. I wonder why it does it at all. I have my compatibility set to x8-2021. it drives me nuts if a program up and changes a setting on it's own without telling me first. I have learned to save often too. Sometimes though, you are in the zone and an hour goes by and then PSP does something weird and you are praying it unsticks itself. After that it's save, save, save. It's deflating to lose all the work you have done up to that point. yesterday I was trying something and it was taking too long and there was a cancel button the action it was doing, so I clicked it and then I got windows pop up that PSP has stopped working, shutting down the program. ARGh! I had just luckily saved a few minutes before, but still if I hadnt I'd have being quite deflated.
  6. Remember when your PSP reverted to saving as X8 and you thought it could be from using a script. that happened to me tonight (2023). the last time I used PSP I was using the pinwheel script. Tonight I started a layout and was saving and I checked the options and it was on X8 only. I am paranoid because of the past issues, so I check it almost every time I save. This is the first time for 2023 doing this, but also the first time using a script in 2023.
  7. Thank you for the close up. I'm going to give this a try. Love the quote. And I didnt know the common name was field mice. I thought any mouse in the field was "field mice". Now I know better.
  8. Thank you for writing how you did this. I love all rodents, and am most excited that a red squirrel has picked our shed to have her babies. I made one of my feeders be able to accomodate the squirrels in the winter so they had a roof over their head while munching at the diner. We do have to go into the shed but she is way at the end, it's 25 feet long (only 4 feet wide) and she comes out and watches. She chittered the first time, after that she just comes out and watches then goes to where ever she has her nest/den/home. Sue, I am sure you are a nature-whisperer, the animals are probably saying, I saw "Sue" today, arent I lucky. Kidding aside, you live in an amazing area and you make amazing art.
  9. I have to thank you for pointing me to the Lily pad. I love the sample layouts there, they are really inspiring. And I picked up a really nice bundle 50% off.
  10. This would look cool in miniature.
  11. When I get one, I will refer back to this post. I never shot with my new camera because the settings were in weird places and more steps to get to where I wanted to be in the set up. Finally I said, put the other camera away! It's there if I need it, and now I'm finally bumbling my way through and it wasnt as bad as I thought (still tons to learn).
  12. I see the starbucks cup and books, wonderful books. This looks so awesome. The bottom shelf is perfect, it's just what anyone would put on the shelf. the pots are all different just like we all have at home and different colored too. This blows me away. Your daughter will be even more blown away I am sure.
  13. Maybe there was more to "c" in that acquarium, ackqwareeuhm, akweryumm...aquarium. ? (I think I have been spelling it wrong too)
  14. I will join too. using random old photo's I'm coming across as I catalogue my photos.
  15. Fabulous mask! What a beautiful bridge that is. This is quite the undertaking, and it's going to be a wonderful album. Will you print it?
  16. I had some problems with it and decided not to install. It is not expensive to buy and I will go that route, when and if I decide if I need to have it vs. I want to have it. Their website says $20 (presumably USD) and for commercial use. Mary and Donna have used it though so they might have some good input for you. I will buy it eventually, maybe, but right now I have to keep on learning what PSP can do because I'm really good at collecting stuff (including nifty programs) that go un-used as I dont have the amount of time I need to put into them to be proficient enough to make good use out of the purchase. It's really hard for me to have restraint. I'm thinking a better choice would be to save my money for a tablet, that I would make good use of I'm sure.
  17. Awesome. Thank you Ann. I didnt know you could send ZIP files through FB. Something new I learned today, starting off the day right.
  18. Wow, Ann, I love the 3 across the middle. And I did not knowabout the bees. I've always loved dandelions. I'm sure my neighbours didnt care for my yard, but they are happy colored flowers to me. I had company last year when their best blooms were out so I missed out. I find the first blooms are the biggest and best looking. And the shear numbers are larger in the first bloom of the season compared to later in the summer.
  19. Thank you. The creativity on the edges is all Carole. You get multiple options, it's very cool to change the order of the papers to see the difference in the pinwheels. And really, the creativity on the papers is from Carole too, through watching "A Beautiful Mess". I'm just watching "Art Media with PSP". I dont think I even paid attention to those tools. I know I want a Wacom tablet for Christmas this year.
  20. We are all in good company then. ?
  21. I'll take them, especially the seed heads. I want to photograph them in the studio, but by the time I get in the house and upstairs, they are lost their seeds. I used the bigger more robust Western Salsify last year (they look like ginormous dandelion seed heads) . Oh, for sure I need a DELETE key for the house too! And I could also use a DO-OVER key to fix mistakes, in whatever form they take in life (eg, leaving the stove unattended and melting the colander, putting the dust pan away like I did EVERY OTHER TIME.....until one time, I didnt and ended up with a torn hamstring) .
  22. I have a lot of stuff gathered too, and never used. In a perfect world I'd delete the stuff I never use because it makes it hard to scroll through and find the stuff I do use. But then I think, what if I might need it....
  23. what a delightful surprise to find. So nice to see a happy feel-good story.
  24. some gardening books on the bottom shelf, since these plants dont need water, they would be safe there. Or extra pots stacked, or a bag of soil.
  25. I cant find the post about our purchases from the recent sale so I'm posting here. I had a pinwheel party tonight. There is limitless combinations you can try, it was fun. I used papers from just watching A Beautiful Mess masterclass. And one has gradient on the folded forward part (pink&orange) that I had made previously. It's really quite something to watch it come together.
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