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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Love this! This is really nice denim too. Are the rivets a picture tube?
  2. That is so delicate and pretty.
  3. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/masks-workshop/lesson-6/ MASKS WORKSHOP - Lesson 6 This is a composite moon I took, one exposed for the moon and one exposed for the cloud below it. the background paper is lino pattern found in "Tutorials" https://scrapbookcampus.com/element-creation-index/linoleum-pattern/ . this is a very interesting tutorial to get very unique papers. All the layouts prior to June 2023 are really dark, I had really bad monitors that couldnt be adjusted any further than they were. I didnt realize how light they were (I was darkening everything to compensate) until I saw some of the these layouts I'm posting this weekend.
  4. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/masks-workshop/lesson-1/ MASKS WORKSHOP 2023 - Lesson 1 Extra (for Diamond members)
  5. I hope it's smooth sailing through your surgery and recovery. The worst part is waiting for the day to come. Once you make the decision to do it you want to do it now and get it overwith.
  6. https://scrapbookcampus.com/invision/forums/topic/1276-january-diy-challenge-2023/#comment-33954 DIY CHALLENGE - January 2023
  7. https://scrapbookcampus.com/invision/forums/topic/1013-april-2022-random-challenge/ RANDOM CHALLENGE - April 2022 I think these are now called the DIY challenge and they are my favorite challenges. this is the first one I did.
  8. Beautiful Anita. It's this template nice.
  9. Oh, that's wonderful news! I'm happy to help.
  10. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/story-time-workshop/day4/ STORY TIME WORKSHOP - Day 4 This was my hardest workshop as I didnt think I had any interesting memories. You know how it is, you have all these great memories...until someone asks you to recall one, then you cant. That is me. I'm not sure where I am in the number of postings so I might do some more, just to be safe.
  11. This is very interesting. I wonder if scientific or medical discoveries have come from any of this class/order.
  12. QUICKPAGE/BUSYBEE WORKSHOP - Day 4 (not meant as counting toward my 10) Here, for comparison, I added text. 3 of the same page, three different looks. This page is pretty as it is, but the other pages in the workshop I did drastic color changes. It's a fun workshop, I highly recommend it. this is from June 2023
  13. QUICK PAGE/BUSY BEE WORKSHOP - Day 4 (not meant as counting toward my 10, just a comparison to my prev. one) This was from May 2022 and I got brave and turned it on it's side. Special thanks to Sue T. for pointing out the shadows were not quite right. She got me through how to mirror and flip and all sorts of contortions to make it right. I was grateful that learning opportunity.
  14. https://scrapbookcampus.com/promo/qp-workshop/lesson-4/ QUICKPAGE/BUSY BEE WORKSHOP -Day 4 I miss it the first time around and regreted it. This workshop teaches you not only how to use a Quick Page, but how to manipulate it and add to it to make unique. I've done it 3 times now. This one is the first one I did in February 2022. I dont think I changed anything on it. Or added anything. I was still quite a newbie.
  15. I have the book, love paper. I think I have it on kindle too on my computer, but I'm old school and perfect the pages of a book. But the kindle has color so lets just have both to cover all the bases.
  16. OMG! you eve have a perfect shadow on the rider and horse. FABULOUS! I really love the Friesen stallion above (presuming it's a stallion with that neck),. it's my favorite horse breed, there was a farm with a stallion I drove by everyday when I lived in British Columbia (Canada, west coast).
  17. These 3 work best with the search function. They are in a place that ryhmes with flogg, dog, slog (is that even word?).
  18. ohhh, these are great.
  19. I think you need to bring a #12 and be seen. I dont have a camera on my computer, my laptop might, should check that. Wonder if I can watch still? Is that kinda creepy....I can see you, but you can't see me. Reminds me of a quote I read: " I was looking through blinds at my neighbour, he's so creepy." hahahahahaha
  20. Ooooh, that's a good one!
  21. Clue #8. When you have a doctors appointment and you dont want to forget it, you often write the appointment on this. For me it's hanging in my kitchen, I write my work days on there as they have differerent start times. You could even go "ABOVE" and beyond and put all your family's birthdays on it...dont want to be forgetting that, "RIGHT" (follow the little clues in between the little lines - take your mouse on journey - the clues are the direction to go)
  22. I did for Anja, as she private messaged me. But it still made it a challenge.
  23. AWESOME Cindy!
  24. the eyelet fabric always reminds me of you. It was when i was doing that tutorial that I found out I was missing some resources from PSP and how I learned how to find them. And you help me with sizing of the eyelet, and I made much nicer layout because of it.
  25. Thank you. that means a lot to me. It is a special place to me as well.
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