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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. I dont have it either and have done the patch and did restart on the computer (last night). I just reloaded the workspace and still dont have it. I have ultimate 2023. I also have version x64
  2. I'm guessing, but could it be in the Aftershot Pro plug in? It's something I've seen in several RAW editing programs.
  3. What a great video and a very useful tool (once I put you on normal speed). I had wanted to do a radial palette with hexagons and wanted to make it a template or mask, but couldnt work out in my head how to get all the hexagons lined up. I had the solution all the time in 2023. I am so happy that Corel took notice of it's customers issues and fixed them for us. It's a good feeling to be supported. ? Thanks Carole (because I'm sure you had a lot to do with lighting a fire under to Corel on these issues) and thanks Corel!
  4. That is great news. It's one the of the reasons I had stopped using it. I really missed the Blend Mode previews, you get used to that really fast and miss it when you dont have it.
  5. I'm glad you said to wait. I thought nothing was happening and a minute or two later it popped up. It completed fairly quickly too. It did not prompt me to restart the computer, but I did anyways...just in case. It opens and and it's like greeting an old friend. Now it's time for bed, but I'm off tomorrow so I can play with it. I need some PSP time since I started learning the new Raw editing program. Slow going. Thanks again Carole. Your guidance is always appreciated. I couldnt do it without you.
  6. Thank you Carole. here goes!
  7. It's a killer deal right now though. I saw it for $39.99 CAD. That's like $3 American isnt it? hahahah, kidding, but it's really cheap.
  8. Thank you for the great news. I have downloaded it, but have never used a patch before. What do I do with it now. Do I need to put it somewhere first then click on it to execute?
  9. I love this. My first creative love was photography (and later a job as a mini lab supervisor/printer) and I had put it down for years (due to the cost of film/slides and processing and not working in the industry anymore) then picked it up again. I had used SLR's since I was 17 yrs old but got a PNS (point 'n' shoot) which was expensive. I hated it. The lag between pressing the shutter and it taking a picture left me with many shots of animals 1/2 way out of the shot. My first dSLR was the Canon Xti in 2007 which I shot with up till 2017 when I was gifted with the Canon 7D (I would have never being able to afford to buy it new!). It's almost twice the size, but it's a workhorse and I still use it. That's why I chose to stay with Canon with the upgrade to the R7 (not as weatherproof or as robust as the 7D - according to John G.). Canon does irk me a bit. No lens hoods unless you buy a red ring lens (F2.8/f4 lenses with the really good glass). Good thing there is amazon to fill in the gaps. I was using the D7 and couldnt remember where the settings were. Sometimes I wish for the simple style of the 70-80's film cameras. My first owned camera: Ricoh KR10 - no it didnt double as a photocopier, but it sure could have been handy if it did. The camera I learned on in highschool: Pentax K-1000 - even more primative than the Ricoh. I love hearing about peoples journey through photography gear they have owned. I always wanted to try medium format, but that was and still is WAY out of my financial means.
  10. Wow! thank you. I have a lot of John G. tutorials from Creative Live. they used to have really deep cut sales and I got them at a great price. John has moved on from them and the tuts are more $ now, but still worth it. John is from Seattle, WA USA, I grew up just across the border in Canada (Vancouver Area) so he is quite familiar to me and I love his style of teaching. Another good one is Ben Willmore, but he's a PS/Lightroom master/educator. I've learned a lot about photography from them both and some editing concepts (from Ben) that I think can translate to PSP. Watching Ben W is why I chose ON1, because they have similar sliders and editing capabilities that I want to learn. I found ON1's tutorials at their site(and they sent me all the links too). they are cool, quite a number I have downloaded give you the video files and practice photos to follow along. The subscription to PS/Lightroom is insane, it's like buying a full photoshop every year. And I have a lot of Creative Live vids from Fashion/Portrait photogs, not because I want to do that but because they are the masters of lighting control and I like to shoot in the studio (such as that is). You are right about practice. Finding the time to learn it all is daunting. I'm trying to figure out when to devote time to editing, PSP, color practice, photography and most importantly...being most attentive to the two fur-bosses (cats).
  11. It's quite the beast to tame. The mirrorless is so different, I think I was scared of it and didnt touch it for two months after I bought it. Then i just started using it and fumbling (still fumbling) through using it. The worst is no longer does Canon give you an indepth manual in physical form. I dont have data on my phone so cant download the e-manual onto it. Nor would I want to try reading pages of instruction on a tiny screen. Here was me, running outside to shoot the moon, ugh, I hate this setting, running back into the house to the computer and then looking up/changing the setting and going back outside. Good thing I was only in my back yard. And thankfully John Greego (a photographer/educator) does in depth instructions on certain cameras so without him I'd still be staring at the camera inside the box. And I've been shooting since highschool! I dont know why I had such a block with the mirrorless. it's much smaller thant he robust 7D so buttons and dials arent in the same places or non-existent, found only through the menu system and 13 ways to to get to each one...yeesh, all we need is two ways, the long one and shortcut. Sadly, neither cameras will fit in my purse. Would love to have it with me at all times. Good luck taming your beast.
  12. I thought it might be that, but also thought there could be hidden tools I didnt know about depending on which materials palette you use.
  13. Okay, I'm not getting this. Where is this "fill bucket" and what is the "paint bucket" . I just know about the "flood fill" tool, I cant find any buckets. Is there a "money bucket"? I could really use one of those.
  14. Donna, this is impressive. Seeing the tea being poured is really cool. that background paper is pretty.
  15. I'm going back through the lessons. My arrow is much better and grabbing the nodes is getting easier. I'm even remembering to "Edit -merge" when I want to get rid of a node and not "Edit Delete".
  16. What a cool story. And very inventive of you all. Is your granddaughter older now. Does she remember it?
  17. Yaaaay! You did it very well. I really like the look and it never occured to me to add that dimension.
  18. Mary, I just noticed your saucer is different brightness. How did you do that? Are your cut and saucer two separate objects. Same with the lip of the saucer, it's lighter. It's very cool.
  19. I was using a Canon 7D and now I have the next generation, R7 (mirrorless). I sold all my Silversmithing supplies/tools (last years) and traded that hobby to go back to photography. I didnt have enough for the mirrorless lenses so I bought the adaptor and I'm using the legacy lenses (EF and EF-S). I would love some higher end ones, but they are the same as, or more than the body was. I will work with what I have....until I win the lottery - without buying a ticket. ? What camera are you using? I too feel like I start again with PSP if I leave it too long. Repetition sure is the key (Sue Thomas told me that right when I was starting out) and I need to refer back to that advice way more than I do. I like photography, PSP, paper arts and Color practice....I'm trying to figure out how to make sure I fit it all in so I dont get rusty on any of them. Of course ON1 is a beast, but it's a pretty powerful beast...at least from the tutorials it seems like that.
  20. Oh Julie, I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Do what you need for you. PSP will always be there, like a friend you dont talk to much, but when you do talk it feels like you've always being by each others side. Take Care. Hugs.
  21. These are awesome! I love the textures, backgrounds and blend modes. And thank you for the reminder about practicing a lot in the beginning of learning a new concept. I needed to hear that. I have been absent and playing with my camera and new RAW editor that is wildly different (than anything I've used before) and not at all intuitive for me (I knew that going in). Thankfully, they have tutorials with practice photos. Perhaps a break from that and practice Vectors today would be just what I need!
  22. I know just what you mean. I am a chronic over-organizer, not that you'd see an OCD tidy house, I am far from that. But I tend to over-organize which sub folder after subfolder and it's hard to find stuff. the funny part is what didnt work before, when I couldnt find stuff, led me to have too many subfolders and I still cant find stuff. My take away is...I have too much stuff.?
  23. I have a similar structure as well. I like that you put "cass" in the name too. I think I will add that, it would differentiate them from other tutorials. I like to see the file structures people use, it gives me ideas on better management.
  24. I had PS Elements for a few years. It was so crash-y that I never wanted to use it and gave up. I did get ON1, wow, so different but at least there is lots of tutorials. It's not intuitive, but I knew that from reviews. I figure if PSP was not intuitive, and I'm learning it, then I could give this one a try. It's (ON1) on the menu for tonight: practice, patience, perseverance.
  25. Wow, I had not thought of using the tatting. I'm going to see if I have it.
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