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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. Thank you Julian, this is very helpful. What I've been reading is about jamming issues and the print heads in the Epson's (I was looking at the eco-tank 8550 (13" wide paper). Now looking to one of the Canon models (ImagePrograf). Of course I'd like the 1000 or the 300, but probably as a first good inkjet printer I'll have to settle with the basic model 100, still I think it has 8 colors. I didnt know that about the print head. Does the ink last long?
  2. I have heard that, it messes up the heads or something as well. we tried a no name ink in a very old printer once, didnt go well. lesson learned.
  3. Thank you, I am looking at Canon and Espon. Leaning a little toward the Canon as the one I want has 12 colors. but wasnt it expensive and was there shipping. Usually that's the killer for me. The price I'm usually okay with, the shipping is was gets me to empty the cart.
  4. Oh, Mary, thank you for the compliments and putting me in good company with Sue and Ann. It's not the camera, it's the person behind the camera that makes the photos great and interesting. I love to look at all styles and learn from them. I really enjoy your travel photos as it's not a strong suit for me. Types of photography I don't do, I tend to find fascinating. And I never get tired of seeing old cameras, I loved them before I even thought of photography as a hobby. Prior to this new camera I got (also a Canon) I was shooting with a 10 yr old camera, then was given another 10 yr old camera. It's cool that you know who has your first camera. I laughed at "antiques", most of us in the campus would qualify...I hope we dont get snatched up and put on a shelf, and if we do, I hope they are better than me at dusting regularly!
  5. If they were in Canada I'd use them. You told me about them before, they use photo paper, not the stuff that gets scratched easily. I liked their mandate (at time I checked it out) and was very impressed. I need to find a Canadian version of a company like that.
  6. Oh, dont forget a section on clusters. that seems to be used a lot
  7. and it should be! The more people that find the campus and the store and Corel will only benefit us all and hopefully you really will, because you put tireless effort into all the great resources you've given to us. You should be well compensated for that. I'm a book lover, I'll be buying no matter what.
  8. That's how I want to be doing it. My cards are handmade, although I do have to have the prints outsourced then I make the rest of the card after that. Binding is a no-brainer and I did bookbinding (by hand) for years and am feeling the desire to get back into it again. I've done cards in the past with pamphlet stitches (3-hole and 5-hole). It's a lot work but in a way, quite relaxing as you must find it when you are creating by hand as well. I keep thinking I shouldn't buy a printer because my hours at work are now 1/3 of what they were. My husband keeps telling me to buy one. I just don't feel I contribute enough to the family income to warrant such extravagance. Silly isn't is?
  9. This is good stuff to know for me too. I like total control over my printing, for example, I'm doing a square card this year, and thought I'd save time and get it printed, no one local offers that (without going to a professional print company-$$$). A printer would be the way to go. They are so expensive, as I want one that has 10 inks! I wonder if I'll have enough use for it to warrant the cost and dealing with jammed ink heads from lack of use. That's why I've always outsourced. I am however lucky that I have a coil binder, that's the cheap part of the process though.
  10. I never had. I have always wanted a color printer, but the ones i want are too expensive for a hobby. If I was making money, that would be a different story. I too would like to find a good outsourced printer. I used to be a photofinisher so I am picky and have had to compromise over the years in what the local photo place prints. I get a test print done and have had to actually tell they what to do, eg. -/+ density, take out Cyan, add Magenta, etc. Now I just think; can I live with this, it's just a Christmas card people will eventually throw away. I really want to get some layouts printed (outsourced), just to see what they are like. And go from there. I'd like somewhere good though. I should bite the bullet and test some out. I'll have to put a little money out for testing. However, I just looked up a local printing place I go for Calendars, they are insanely expensive, even for tiny 6x8 ones. I think it actually would be cheaper to buy a printer (even the expensive one) and print my own. I will wait for the big reveal after Christmas, when you have given the gift and can freely paste on FB like you do every month. I look forward that!
  11. A section at the end for where to find supplies listed by category Like: Fonts - then a list of some current free and non free places Kits - list places you can get kits or elements etc Other supplies: eg. like textures, brushes, scripts Tutorial sites - yours, Corel Also: section on "making your own supplies" (papers, flowers, elements - just some basic ones ) Also, somewhere in there explaining what CU and PU and Scrap-for-hire mean...I didnt understand that for some time.
  12. Wow. So much awesome ideas. I have loads of old family photos of my parents and no clue who anyone is (other than my parents and grandparents). They are all gone now. Wish I was into that sooner so I could have asked more questions. I guess that's why I never actually scrapped physically, because I come from a photo arts background (and handmade books/paper) so I was more interested in the art aspect of layouts...as I am now. The only family members i've digitally scrapped is my cats. Yikes eh!
  13. I was able to read the Badger and Caracal text. How interesting about the Badger, they must have a way to digest and filter out the poisons. Unreal. Ann, I'm so blown away by this Calendar. I'll head to FB today and see if you have posted them there so I can read the rest. The information is very interesting.
  14. Looking forward to seeing them. I'm still tweaking too. Had a busy week so hoping I get some PSP time in this weekend. Happy thanksgiving by the way!
  15. Well said Rene. I did not know that about the Styles. I have downloaded some in the past thinking I could use them. I'll have to find them and see if they have png files.
  16. Did anyone get the Corel's new Discovery Centre email? Carole has a great tutorial in it called, "Make a custom calendar in Paintshop Pro". It's very good.
  17. Since it's about scrapbooking why not make it based on either the Bootcamp or the Basic Scrapbooking course. Or a mix of the best of both. I'm thinking if the reader has never scrapped before, but also what if they've never used PSP before, so that's why I thought a blending of the two courses. When you are making your book think of how you told us you make scripts. First get the basic outline, then add in the detail parts into the sections as you think of them. Or reverse engineer it, start with the end products you want to have and then write the lessons on how it was done (This is for you to help organize the layout of the book, not how the reader would use the book). Mind you in my bookbinding books I learned from, some would have the book you would make ( photo) then the supplies, then the directions with lots of illustrations and written directions for each (drawn or photo - in your case it would be photos and screen shots step by step). It's quite an undertaking. Will this be an e-book or physical paper book? I also have bookbinding books where the chapters are (for example) the type of binding, so I also like your idea of having chapters on different aspects that you listed. As well as Supplies and subcatagories for supplies like Papers, elements, Alphas. What about "ready-to-use" masks and templates and how to use them? It's a pretty complex task and figuring out how not to go with too much ideas or not being thorough enough.
  18. Sue, you've helped me in the past and I want you to keep on doing it. I want you to do you! I'm the one who benefits from it. We don't see the mistakes in our own work. It's like proofreading but for layouts and not words. (unless the words IN the layout are wonky, then it really is proofreading, and I'm probably not making sense). It's 2:15am and I just got home from work, hubby will get up in 15 minutes for work. And I'm back at work in less than 12 hours. I cant wait for Black Friday week to be over.
  19. Where did you find your lost text....perhaps my lost money is there too! 😁. a really stunning calendar.
  20. I was lucky to be handed down cameras from my parents and grandparents. They were casual photographers, family stuff mostly and my grandfather probably did more than my parents. I have bought a few on my own to add to the collection but like everything else they have gone way up in price lately. I used to be able to pick them up very inexpensively at thrift stores. I have the worst camera on my 8 yr old cell phone (that has no data *GASP*). The newer phones take amazing photo's. They are not great to make large prints from due to the small sensor size. I'm sure that will change in time though. That's also why current cameras have gotten so expensive, less demand as more people use their phones and less buying camera and equipment/accessories. I started collecting because I thought they were interesting looking, in doing the magazine workshop I had to do a little research about them and now I've become interested in learning more about the ones I have.
  21. Day 7 Calendar cover. This cover is to go with my Magazine cover from the Magazine workshop. I added the black frame as my Mag. cover has a red frame. I think I need to fill the black empty (negative?) under the word camera with something and the below the cameras. Some kind of words tying it to the magazine. And of course going back and adding the extra touches to the rest of the Calendar. Carole: once this workshop is over, should we post are finalized calendars in What Are You Working On forum?
  22. OOps, my bad. Your granddaughter will be blown away. How lucky she is. What a great photo. I cant imagine the experiences she has on a daily basis. Like I've said before. BEST. JOB. EVER.
  23. Ann, this is a beautiful calendar. Your daughter is going to be blown away at how professional it is.
  24. Good to hear you are back up and running. I would be needed a break after going through something like that. It was probably your provider. We've had that, where something stops working and then randomly starts working even when doing nothing about it. Recently, it was the modem we got from our internet/TV/phone provider, it had to be re-booted 3 times then everything started working as normal.
  25. No, I got them with my ON1 Raw editing program. they are called Two Little Owls - Autumn Whimsy Textures. They are actually presets but they also included JPGs so was able to use them outside that program.
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