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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. This happened to me once. I don't know why or how I resolved it (I know, some help I am). I thought something was wrong until hubby looked at the file size and it was the size of yours and not typical of my file sizes back then. I actually had to re-create the layout. I think it was something on one layer that was the issue. for some reason was way larger than it should have been, larger than it's original. I just chalked it up to me hitting a wrong button. Working with the layout was awful, it took forever to do any function; like, 'save' would take several minutes for the pop up to happen. it has not happened since. To this day I don't know what I did to get the size that big. But I do know a size that big would take a long time to execute any command. Even watching some of the photographers I like using Photoshop, they'll say it will take a minute because the file size is big...and it will only be 50MB, so you can imagine how long it would take for 300 MB or more. Sorry, I could not help since I never found the reason, or what I did to make it happen like that. I think hubby thinks PSP was doing something in the back ground when I clicked save or something else and it added the file size to that layer, I cant quite remember.
  2. Those elves aren't just sitting on the shelf....they are watching us, every move we make. They snap photos with their ninja-elf quick reflexes. Dont take your eye off them! If you see a flash out of the corner of your eye....it's THEM! BEWARE, the Elf on the shelf!
  3. You can never have too much of the two things: GLITTER and SEQUINS! Love the characters you chose.
  4. I will have to have a look, these are cool.
  5. Wow! this is cool. It is pretty convenient isnt it. I needed the Santa, sleigh and reindeer and popped on there and got dinos instead of deer. I have till Next Nov, then I think I need to stop the membership stuff (except the CAMPUS!) for a while, it's getting painful on my bank account. I'll be trying to fill up over the next year and that will be what I have. Unless I win the lottery that is.....without buying a ticket. 😆
  6. Merry Christmas All! This is my husbands company's version of Christmas. We went out in the evening to photograph the tire tree and snowman. They had lights but the battery was dead. I had wanted to try some light painting but the ambient lights from the parking lot was very bright, but I did use my flashlights to fill in the shadows a bit. Then I darkened it a bit again because I liked it a bit darker instead and lighter. It's nice to see even a big tire company has the Christmas Spirit. The font is Klasted from Creative Fabrica. The moon is from the parking lot that night as well. I got the light flare from CF as well. I wonder if there is a way to make the Santa/Dinosaur arched without distorting it. Like we do with vectors on a path. I would have liked a little bit of an arch on them. I used a Layer Style, outer glow...which I've never used before but I've seen other do it and liked it. I had to use the lowest setting and a lowered opacity too otherwise it's crazy big.
  7. Oh man, what is a better job than this? At work when we see rabbits or occasional coyote, my co-working and I are always saying how we want to get our face right up in the fur...well, your g'daughter gets to do just this. Thanks for sharing. My hubby is most jealous.
  8. Nicely done Mary. What a beautiful place. Such varied landscape. Have you been there?
  9. You are most welcome for both and I'm going to take your que and go with "when robins appear, loved ones are near".
  10. Is that an English Robin? So beautiful. Merry Christmas to you and all in the Campus.
  11. Thank you Carole. I enjoyed doing them all. Maybe I've been missing out, not doing jigsaw puzzles. Or is it because it's digital and only 40pce? Yup.
  12. That's a beautiful gesture Fiona. And if tears are shed it will be tear of love for their mother. I think they will be very happy and grateful for your thoughtful present.
  13. the more you do the faster you get. Mind you I've only done the first two. Break time over, back to chore-time
  14. thank you for the this Christmas puzzle-thon. I better go carb up with some Christmas cookies for this brain workout!
  15. Awesome! I would love to see you in action. Sadly, I did start with corners and edges. 😨. I did see you could drag your own photo there to make a jigsaw puzzle. I might try that. Maybe they have 4 piece option for me. Then i can start and end with corners.
  16. Don't be sorry, that's really impressive. I don't do puzzles, except the campus ones when they come along, it's to be expected that I am slower. I'd love to hear other peoples time too, it's fun to play and exciting to see faster and faster times.
  17. Technically mine was too since two of us did it. We are "sistas-of-the-puzzle"!
  18. Oh What fun it is to..... build a puzzle (you thought I was going to say, "a one horse open sleigh", didn't you?). Here's my puzzle. With help from the the husband-elf over my shoulder - I think he had more fun. Math lesson: if two people took 8 minutes then it really is 16 minutes. I'm slow, but it was fun to do. (Note: the puzzle is greyed out because of the time clock pop up).
  19. You can see it in the video. Nice to know the packaging also is usually for wrapping.
  20. Thank you, this is good info. I like that there is a blank option to start from.
  21. I did notice "fujifilm" on the box suggesting it was sent out and was perhaps printed on the one the fuji papers.
  22. Usually I get prints done of my Christmas card photo/layout then I put them on cover weight (cardstock) paper. then I cut around as a frame with special rulers I have that where I can cut 1/8" (for example) on all sides. It's a process and adds weight when I put that on the final folded card it goes on (strathmore card/envelopes w/ deckle edge). I wanted to cut that process down (sometimes I have two frames for twice the work!). Doing that in PSP is maybe less than a minute! But when I get the 4x6 printed at a photo printer (London Drugs - in Canada) it always loses off each side, so having frames close to the edge get cut off on one side and partially on the other side. I'd rather be able to print 2-up 4x6 on a sheet of photo paper and cut the print out and then no frames at the edges get cut off. This is one of the reasons why I'd love to have my own print. so I get full control. I've used staples a lot for my Color course and the many cards I cut out for that, but the in-store (behind the counter - which is better than the serve yourself machines) machines are not very good and the color discrepancies between the machines was pretty bad. I'm wondering if the book you did is sent out for printing, because the quality is outstanding.
  23. Nice to see you again Cindy! Have a wonderful holiday.
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