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Susan Ewart

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Everything posted by Susan Ewart

  1. W = wall balls, a movement in crossfit: Stand in front of a wall holding a medicine ball at your chest , squat down and as you come back up to standing you extend your arms and thrust the ball overhead toward the wall so it taps the wall above, catch it on the return and repeat.
  2. U = Underhand Grip (AKA supinated grip)
  3. Yikes, I haven't skated for years, I'd probably fall and break myself. I remember how fun it was as a kid though.
  4. Oh Marie-Claire, how very scary. I am so happy to hear Poncho is on the mend. What a stressful time for you, I hope you are doing well too. I had a pet pass away on the operating table.
  5. I remember in grade school learning the recorder and the ukulele. We had to tune the ukulele by reciting "my dog has fleas". I have no idea why. I am not at all musical and cant even hum a tune. everything turns into the tune of "Happy Birthday to You". I cant remember words or names of songs, even ones I've heard hundreds of times. But I do love music.
  6. I don't think of blue as sadness in winter I think of it as the color of winter. Because it reflects a blue sky in the shade on the snow, it's often blue. Icebergs and ice formations have blue in them, and I'm pretty sure they are happy too. I love this particular color of blue. This layout is so cute.
  7. I wish we could send the snow to you. We just had a dump of it. Shoveling season has begun.
  8. G = Giant Set (4 or more exercises in a row)
  9. I can understand that. And you are right, the phones are amazing these days. They are almost the price of a camera too. You are so lucky to have IT people in your family. My hubby is really good on the computer side of things, but both of us are terrible with smart phones. Soon my phone wont be supported (it's very low end smart phone - to say it's "smart" is a stretch) anymore and we will be having to navigate the multitude of options and plans. It's the plans that stop us from buying, they are expensive. I pay only $180 a year for unlimited texts, I only pay for phone calls during the day, nights and weekends are free. I see plans that are "starting at" $35/month, that's more than double what I pay. Believe me, I see the value in having data, just can justify the cost of it.
  10. Well done Anja, it's beautiful. thank you.
  11. I gotta say, March is my definite favorite for cutness overload...followed closely by July and August.
  12. W = Wings (AKA Latissimus Dorsi - back muscles)
  13. Me too. I'm also a dinosaur. Truthfully, when I get home Friday night from work I don't even remember to look at my phone till Sunday night or Monday morning. I only text and make calls, in fact...I hope you are all sitting down for this....I do not have data on my phone (*GASP*). Now, that's a dinosaur! I just got a message saying my phone is so old that I will not be able to receive or send photos or MMS texts (whatever they are).
  14. Thank you. I'm looking forward to seeing what Markus gets up to.
  15. I love this Ann, this is just what the newpapers do right after Christmas. they pick a number of the front pages to display on the front page of the paper that week. It's really neat to see. I like the concept of "Year in Review". It give opportunity to pick your favorites and revisit the memory associated with it. Even for me who doesnt really shoot life events (I do a bit, but I dont show it often), I like to see where I was in skill and where I got to at the end of the year and to see where I could do better and what next do I want to learn.
  16. Thank you Carole for the email newsletter today, it clears up that I dont have to photograph once per week. I wanted so bad to make a whole deck of cards using all the t-cups I have. Then I thought, what a drag to do the set up every week. My workflow goes in a project based way. so i will want to photograph all the t-cups over the next week or two, since I will want the same background, lighting etc. And I want to sell most of them this year, so I don't want them hanging around for the whole year. If this isn't what the spirit of the P52 is please let me know.
  17. Thanks for this info, I"m going to look for this one
  18. AKA your "Wheels" (like Biceps are known as your "Guns")
  19. T = Triceps - build these 3 babies up and it'll push up your biceps making them look bigger.
  20. Those dastardly dastards! (I'm coining a new word). That's too funny. I don't have a common name and this is the common misspelling of my name. When I say my last name I usually have to spell it, so I say, "E-W-A-R-T....Like Stewart, only, we aint no Saints"! Get it? I think Stewart really means St. Ewart! 😋
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