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Susan Ewart

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Posts posted by Susan Ewart

  1. 2 hours ago, Marie-Claire said:

    Week 1.
    Poncho received an orthopedic dog bed for his Christmas 🌲. He never wanted to lie on anything other than the floor, but this bed was adopted from day one.
    At the beginning of last year he had problems with the left biceps tendon (shoulder), and had to undergo surgery for this, he was under anesthesia 4 times. We were very worried because collies are very sensitive to many medications. He has now recovered well, and his coat has grown back nicely, but is not allowed to jump, do stairs, etc



    Oh Marie-Claire, how very scary.  I am so happy to hear Poncho is on the mend.  What a stressful time for you, I hope you are doing well too.  I had a pet pass away on the operating table.  

    • Sad 1
  2. 59 minutes ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Your mom is an inspiration!


    I remember in grade school learning the recorder and the ukulele.  We had to tune the ukulele by reciting "my dog has fleas".  I have no idea why.  I am not at all musical and cant even hum a tune.  everything turns into the tune of "Happy Birthday to You".  I cant remember words or names of songs, even ones I've heard hundreds of times.  But I do love music.   

    • Haha 1
  3. 7 hours ago, Ann Seeber said:

    My mother made sure I had lots of music in my life. She played the piano beautifully. When I was a child, I was asked which I would prefer, a television or a piano, and with my mother in mind, I chose the piano. In her youth she was a ballroom dancing champion. She was raised in the Jazz Age and was a lover of the composer George Gershwin - his orchestrations and musicals. She took me to movie musicals every week since my dad worked nights and had to sleep. I took piano lessons for 7 years and couldn't get past the 2nd grade book. Mom read sheet music like a book and could play anything, at tempo, on first sight. I think I was intimidated. I did love music and every Saturday the Metropolitan Opera held forth from our radio. After I was married, I went to Adult Education classes and took up the guitar; came home and repeated the lesson for my husband. Mostly we played The Beatles. LOL Here's a tribute to my musical mother that I created during my first year here on the Campus. 

    RHAPSODY IN BLUE_600.jpg

    Your mom is an inspiration!


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  4. 7 hours ago, Michele said:

    More gnomes for me from CF! The snowflakes are a picture tube from Corel which I colored using the change to target brush. The font is Merry Sugar Snow and I used a combination of an outer bevel and Gaussian blur to make it look like it's sunken into the snow, too. (I know Blue Winter is supposed to represent sadness, but I decided to go another way.) I just realized I forgot to add "Fabulous Divas" somewhere in the pic. That's what happens when you run out of time; I really need to start these earlier. 🤪



    I don't think of blue as sadness in winter I think of it as the color of winter.  Because it reflects a blue sky in the shade on the snow, it's often blue. Icebergs and ice formations have blue in them, and I'm pretty sure they are happy too.  I love this particular color of blue.  This layout is so cute.


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  5. 18 hours ago, Julie Magerka said:

    December and January (so far) have been nothing but dreary, dismal, and dull here in SW Ontario (Canada). Days in a row of grey wet weather. I am feeling no inspiration or creativity. Everything (except the green grass) is brown and grey. So the layout is a reflection of that gloominess. Nothing special; picture from the Boston Globe with a frame.

    Dog walking has been a challenge, and the wet paw prints are a continuous job to clean up.

    2024 working on in Jan dreary.jpg

    I wish we could send the snow to you.  We just had a dump of it.  Shoveling season has begun.

    • Haha 1
  6. On 1/8/2024 at 10:54 AM, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Luckily every one can do what feels right to them. I have had and used cameras, but nowadays with phones having acceptable cameras I only use my phone. My children and their partners all work in IT and computers; so phones are always present and topics of the conversation. When I travel to my daughter in the States and I'm traveling on my own (because my hubby can't do that any longer) it is very convenient not to have a camera as well.

    I can understand that.  And you are right, the phones are amazing these days.  They are almost the price of a camera too.  You are so lucky to have IT people in your family.  My hubby is really good on the computer side of things, but both of us are terrible with smart phones.  Soon my phone wont be supported (it's very low end smart phone - to say it's "smart" is a stretch) anymore and we will be having to navigate the multitude of options and plans.  It's the plans that stop us from buying, they are expensive.  I pay only $180 a year for unlimited texts, I only pay for phone calls during the day, nights and weekends are free.  I see plans that are "starting at" $35/month, that's more than double what I pay.  Believe me, I see the value in having data, just can justify the cost of it.  

    • Like 2
  7. 1 hour ago, Rene Marker said:

    I can't use a phone. I need something more substantial and I hold it with both hands. Any phone photos I take are always blurry because my hand shakes since the phone is so lightweight. And, when I started this in 2008, I had a cell phone that didn't even have a camera!!! I'll always use a regular camera no matter how great cell phones get at taking photos. Just call me a dinosaur...

    And, I only use my phone for phone calls and texting as well. The screen is too small for me to get on the internet or play apps! LOL

    Me too.  I'm also a dinosaur.  Truthfully, when I get home Friday night from work I don't even remember to look at my phone till Sunday night or Monday morning.  I only text and make calls, in fact...I hope you are all sitting down for this....I do not have data on my phone (*GASP*).  Now, that's a dinosaur!  I just got a message saying my phone is so old that I will not be able to receive or send photos or MMS texts (whatever they are).  

    • Haha 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Cassel said:

    It is often called a CHALLENGE, but it should not be a STRUGGLE. I have seen this interpreted in many different ways, and honestly, what if you skip photos even for a few weeks? Unless you are tracking something super specific (ex: weight loss using a particular program, the growth of your flower garden), who would know that you took that picture this week or that week?

    I am actually planning on joining this and showing Markus in different settings around me, throughout the year. 🙂

    Thank you.  I'm looking forward to seeing what Markus gets up to.

  9. On 1/5/2024 at 8:40 AM, Ann Seeber said:

    I went back to a former Year in Review layout and edited it for 2023. I picked out my favorite projects from each month of the year but, because the illustrations are confined to a square format, I didn't include our calendar project from November. The date is a font: Algerian with a gold metallic gradient and an inner bevel. 

    2023 YEAR IN REVIEW_600.jpg

    I love this Ann, this is just what the newpapers do right after Christmas.  they pick a number of the front pages to display on the front page of the paper that week.  It's really neat to see.  I like the concept of "Year in Review".  It give opportunity to pick your favorites and revisit the memory associated with it.  Even for me who doesnt really shoot life events (I do a bit, but I dont show it often), I like to see where I was in skill and where I got to at the end of the year and to see where I could do better and what next do I want to learn.  

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  10. Thank you Carole for the email newsletter today, it clears up that I dont have to photograph once per week.  I wanted so bad to make a whole deck of cards using all the t-cups I have.  Then I thought, what a drag to do the set up every week.  My workflow goes in a project based way.  so i will want to photograph all the t-cups over the next week or two, since I will want the same background, lighting etc.  And I want to sell most of them this year, so I don't want them hanging around for the whole year.   If this isn't what the spirit of the P52 is please let me know.  

  11. 4 hours ago, Corrie Kinkel said:

    Q = Quadriceps, the muscles on the frontside of the upper leg which are responsible for stretching the knee

    AKA your "Wheels"   (like Biceps are known as your "Guns")  

    • WOW 2
  12. 1 hour ago, Julie Magerka said:

    I downloaded free version of Font Base to give it a try. So far, looks good. Came across this while font browsing. They spelled your surname wrong!

    Ewert font.jpg

    Those dastardly dastards! (I'm coining a new word).  That's too funny.  I don't have a common name and this is the common misspelling of my name.  When I say my last name I usually have to spell it, so I say, "E-W-A-R-T....Like Stewart, only, we aint no Saints"!   Get it?  I think Stewart really means St. Ewart!  😋

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