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Rene Marker

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Posts posted by Rene Marker

  1. Based on the question about 3D extreme shadows for the Q&A, I have played with doing this. I saw it done at The Lily Pad in 2021. They included basic instructions for PS and PSE on how to do this but since the way PSP does shadows is different, I struggled with the shadow portion of it. Last night I played around and found a method that worked and looked a lot like the examples they had. 

    Carole showed a different way of doing it in the Q&A. I had done an actual layout earlier today using my method. After the Q&A, I recreated the basic layout using Carole's method. The main difference is that I used a cut out file for my shape instead of a vector object.

    I used papers and elements from a kit called "50 States Ohio" sold at Sweet Shoppe Designs. The cut out shape of Ohio came from Scrapping With Liz's Ohio Cutouts sold at The Lily Pad.


    ohio 3d shadow test.jpg

    ohio 3d shadow test 2.jpg

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  2. 2 hours ago, Marie-Claire said:

    Thank you Rene, for explaining this so well.
    I'm going to look at it, it might be nice for my knitting and crocheting and for recipes.

    I don't like working on tablets or phones very much, it's not easy for me, way too small.

    I agree about tablets or phones but that seems to be where the best diary apps are. I do think One Note would work for what you want. You could set it up your way.

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  3. Look at the Microsoft free program "One Note". If you are familiar with using any Microsoft office program, you will see it is very easy to use. You can insert photos and even spreadsheets. You can add audio and video and there is even a tab for drawing.

    To use it you just set up a notebook. Within that notebook, you can add sections. And in each section you can add pages (think of them like a chapter). For instance, many years ago when I was trying to learn to knit, I set up a notebook called "Knitting". I have 2 Sections - General and Team Score Scarf. For example in the General section, I have 3 pages: 12x12 square, Mom's afghan which has a sub-page Afghans Bev made. I had found her notes on the pattern for an afghan she made so it is in there. Along with that she had a list of all the afghans she made over the years. I could include any photos I have of those afghans as well.

    I have other notebooks as well and find that this program is a good place to consolidate info from various places.

    The program could very well be used as a diary. I believe there is an app for it that could be used on a tablet or a phone but the good thing is that it also works on a computer. It will sync to the other devices. Most diary programs are for use on tablets or phones only, not a computer.

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  4. I've used this style several times in the past. This was from my uncle's funeral in 2016. He was a retired firefighter and the procession from the funeral home to the cemetery went by the fire station.


    2016 0404 DStoll Funeral.jpg

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  5. I can never have overhead lights put into the bedrooms (my office was a bedroom at one time) or living room in this house. When my parents built it in the mid-1960's, they went all electric and chose to use ceiling electric heat. So there are heating wires running all though the ceiling. I can't even put a toggle hook to hang anything from in the ceiling because I can't chance hitting a wire. The 3 rooms that have an overhead light were installed when the house was built.

    I no longer use the ceiling heat since I have a heat pump but when it gets extremely cold (like 10 degrees F or below), I have to use the ceiling heat as a backup. So I live with floor lamps and table lamps. I do need to look for different floor lamps for my office. The ones I have are old with 3 lamps on each one. One of them has lamps that go out and won't turn back on but maybe a day later works just fine. I do like the triple lamps since I can use just one or two or all 3 to vary the amount of light in the room.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Steve Kovacs said:

    Hello.  In doing this next project I am not sure why but when I chose the magic wand and click on the photo that I want to place a frame around it selects the entire back ground??? 

    Check to make sure "Use All Layers" is not checked for the Magic Wand. What you are describing is what usually happens to me when that is checked.

  7. Bonnie, if you have PSP open before selecting the font in the font viewer, it probably won't see it.

    My experience in the past with various font viewers is that the font viewer needs to be open before opening PSP (or any graphic program).

  8. Weather has been all over the place for me. It was in the 50's(F) yesterday which is practically unheard of in January. And, rain, lots of rain. At least that is better than snow. I did look at the forecast and there is snow forecast Sunday and into next week. The amounts are all over the place right now in the forecast so who knows what we will get. The forecasted 10 inches over Christmas didn't happen. It went north of us.

    I am helping my cousin with a history project for our church so will be at the church with her tomorrow. Other than that I stay in when it rains since it makes my sinuses drain so much more than normal which leads to lots of coughing.

  9. Not all scanners can save to the tif format. I've had various scanners over the years and none of them saved in that format. So while it is a good idea, it isn't always possible.

    I don't set any resolutions. Never have. I do set goals for my scrapping. This is the 17th year that I have set a page goal. This year is 200. Should be able to make it. Did 244 last year. I'm 10% of the way there already! I also have several theme projects underway and I'd like to catch them up to the present. And, in the month of challenges that I'm participating in, if an idea comes to me about other things to scrap, I write them down to do at a later time. A whole bunch of ideas for the stories of various heritage items in my house have popped into my brain after the challenge about that. It took me awhile to decide on what to scrap for the challenge!

  10. 2 hours ago, Susan Ewart said:

    Great idea with the template Ann. 

    Rene, that is exactly what I want to do.  Lots of blending with paints, gesso and watercolor.  Did they also have tutorials on how to do that?  I will work more on masks in the new year as I really want to learn that really blended background and getting the edges of layers brushed out etc.  Alas, January is for cleaning out/culling all the clutter in my house...and hopefully my computer.  changes in hours at work and losing more paper runs on the press (newspaper industry) should leave me with more time.  I will try and use it well.  I bought the yearly membership so I didnt have to worry about the loss of income.  And because I got a gift of money to my Paypal account!  they say when one door closes (my hours) another door opens (a wonderful gift of creativity with another year of instruction).  

    I am really looking forward to the February workshop.  It is daunting, but I know I will come out with a completed kit at the end. 

    There are some example screenshots in the main post about the challenge but they are all from PS. They do try to link to tutorials for other software and the one they linked to for PSP was from the Corel How-To Guide on Using Photo Masks. And, that one doesn't really go into what the actual technique challenge is about. 

    I ended up looking at the Mask Masterclass handout to see if that would help but actually found better help in the Mask Workshop (Lesson 3) and a blog post about Using transparent masks from April 2, 2015.

    • Thanks 1
  11. I am participating in a month long challenge at The Lily Pad and today was the first challenge that was a "Technique" challenge. It required blending a photo into a background using layers of paint, gesso, or watercolor (all items had to be from the store on the website). They wanted more than one mask layer and to use blending if possible.

    I used 7 mask layers (6 paint, 1 gesso). I'm thankful for the Mask workshop earlier this year and this challenge helped to reinforce what I learned.large.363708102_20230108MOC.jpg.0ca24bfc6cd347859c25e045469e320c.jpg

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  12. I just finished another layout using the same process and I used a plaid paper on it. It is also in the gallery over there. I'm also participating in their month of challenges (31 challenges in 31 days). Today's challenge was rough one for me as I don't feel comfortable with the style required. But I did refer to some of Carole's tutorials to do something I wanted on the page ?

    The kits used on both of the layouts are noted in the gallery over there (required). All from The Lily Pad since they require their products be used.

  13. I just used Algerian on a layout tonight. I used a paper from a kit and did a cutout of the numbers 2023. Then I added an inner bevel. The layout is for a challenge at The Lily Pad called "Finding Me in 2023". A template designer is hosting the year long challenge and provided the template for the "Finding Me". There will be one prompt each month for a layout. This month is hobbies... I've got to really think how I want to do that layout!

    2023 Finding Me Title.jpg

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  14. Never been to one and never will.  I am not a cat lover. In my 67 years of life, there has only been one cat that I've liked. I lived with my cousin and his wife when I was in college and before they had kids. They had a cat (Opie) and a Doberman (Eric). Both loved to cuddle but Eric was too big for my liking (small dog lover here) so Opie was allowed to cuddle with me. Eric would lay nearby.
  15. Z is for Zip Stop, a local carryout in town for many years. It had a small table in it and there were retired men that would pop in to have a cup of coffee every morning and sit and chat. Alas, the family that owned it (and LaGrande Pizza which was "L") closed it several years ago. A family member passed away and the remaining family members decided to focus on LaGrande instead of Zip Stop since it was the original business the family owned


    Z for Zip Stop.

  16. Looking forward to seeing what forum software you will be using. I love the other forums I'm on that have the "like" feature. I use it often! I do hope there is a "new posts" feature as well.


    Will you be letting us know through the FB page when this will be happening? An announcement there when it goes down and comes back up would be nice so we aren't trying to get to the site.


    Will we need to reregister with the new software?


    Happy holidays to all!

  17. The owner of the business has 2 locations. The rage rooms and splatter paint ball areas are at another location than the escape room. The original location is not big enough for all of it. 3 Escape rooms is about all that can fit in the original location. I had heard they had purchased an old school in town and that's where they have the other things, including a new escape room. It also has a Nerf area and coming soon is laser tag and a party room. So they are going to be more of an entertainment center. This town needs that!
  18. Y is for "Y Streets". My town has several main streets that have streets branching off them that looks like a  "Y" when you look at them on a map. The 2 photos on this layout show the main street in town and 2 different streets branching off of the street. Both of these branch streets are also a branch for a "Y" on another main street on the east end of the town. There are other "Y" streets in town as well, these were just the easiest ones to get photos of!


    ABC Y Streets

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