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Rene Marker

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Posts posted by Rene Marker

  1. Thank you Corrie. I'm not sure if I mentioned it in the beginning but all my layouts were done with templates that came in a set. It had 26 letters and a title page. So that's why they are consistent. I was on the designer's creative team at the time and got them for free. Being on the creative team, it was required to post layouts done with at least one of the templates from the kit. I ended up doing the whole alphabet and had a book printed at Shutterfly.
  2. U is for (First) United Methodist Church. The church that I grew up attending. I only remember the current location. The congregation moved into this building when I was less than 5 years old. My parents were married in the previous location and I was baptized in that building. I joined the church after confirmation classes in the mid to late 60's. I always considered it my religious home even though I may not have attended regularly. One thing about the pandemic though is that it brought me back to the church.



  3. T is for Telephone Service Company. TSC was started in 1895 and is still a part of the town in 2022. They evolved from being just a phone company to an internet service provider and a cable TV provider. I no longer have a landline phone but I still have internet and cable TV service from them. Best part about them being local is that the service department is located right here in town and if service is needed, it can be had within 24 hours. This past spring I was having cable issues and a tech was here in 3 hours.



  4. S is for "School". Wapakoneta City Schools to be exact. I attended this school system for 13 years, K through 12th grade. My grandmother taught in this system as did my mother for 29 years. The building that is now the middle school on this layout was the high school when I graduated. The elementary school I attended was demolished in 2010. The junior high school that I attended (which was the high school both of my parents attended) is still standing but now has several  apartments in it.
  5. My church had a camera club that would meet once a month from Sept to June back in 2009/2010. The guy that led the group was always entering photos into exhibitions and winning awards. That is where I learned a lot about taking the camera off of auto. One night when I walked out, there was a gorgeous harvest moon. I had my camera with me but not a tripod. I will admit that I used Auto on this photo since it was the beginning of my journey learning. And, my camera was a Canon S3IS so nothing real fancy. I leaned back against my SUV, held my elbows tight against my body and took a photo. Being dark I couldn't tell how good or bad it was. I took more when I got home then I downloaded and looked at them.


    The ones at home were not good, but the one at the church...



  6. I know I really wanted to say... keep looking in the blog but look at the REALLY OLD posts! But I just said "on the right track but old". I'm not sure that helped anyone.


    When it came down to it, there were several blog posts that did answer some of the questions which is what confused so many of us. Especially that material palette one!

  7. Cindy the keywords for #13 is BEGINNERS and LAYERS. Note the italicized words in Carole's clue

    Hint for #13:


    The “sandwich” helps teach 

    I will admit that I only thought about bootcamp for this clue and never found it. Once I forgot about bootcamp and poked around sections about beginners and learning to use layers I found it.

  8. Julie First off, you are so close don't quit!


    As for the puzzle pieces you don't have to do anything to them. If you look at the file name of each piece they will go into the puzzle frame nicely with piece #1 being top left corner, #2 next to it, #3 next to #2 etc with the last piece being the bottom right corner.


    Clue #9 has been mentioned multiple times in this thread. Suzy has even posted screen shots where the answer was given in the blog but no balloons. As I told her... go "older". She was in the right area.


    And, from Carole's post #82583 "– some pieces will be in the blog, but several will be in other sections available through the menu."


    For all those struggling... did you know that there are some tips and tricks available outside of classes and Diamond membership? I didn't but I do know that now!

  9. Kathy like I told someone earlier in the thread, for #12 think "spooky"


    Again without saying too much, some answers may show up more than one time but not necessarily in a "newer" area of the site.

  10. Thanks Carole. I'm going to pass on joining the challenge. Nobody I know uses paper calendars these days so even doing it for someone else is useless. LOL




    Will it be available for all Diamond members when it is done so I could look at it later if I want?

  11. Michele that's the one I was having trouble with as well.


    Carole thank you for the hint. I knew the sandwich had to do with bootcamp so was looking in that direction. Never associated it with layers since I never did bootcamp!

  12. #16 was actually very easy to find! It is one of the others that is elusive for me. There was one that wasn't where I expected it to be but I did eventually find it.


    I took time out to watch coverage of the death of Queen Elizabeth. I'll keep looking later.

  13. R is for River. Auglaize River to be exact. My town was platted on this river from the days when it was the home of an Indian council house. As the town evolved, the downtown/main street was built on the south bank of the river. The town also expanded north of the river. So in other words, the town is divided by the river and there are 3 bridges within the city limits where you can cross the river. I live on the north side of the river, actually within walking distance. When I walk my dog, my route goes along a road where I can see the river behind the houses. The bridge I go over the most has the dam underneath it. The 2 photos on the left show the dam (bottom) and the river on the west side of the dam. The large photo was taken behind town looking towards the west.
  14. I posted on your blog post about my experience. So I'll just say that I use multiple EHD's for my backups.


    As far as Day 7, I didn't feel comfortable doing a layout to post on the internet for this subject so I didn't do it.

  15. Day 6. Fear. I really don't remember anything from my childhood that I was really fearful of. So I went with a movie that I have never been able to watch in one sitting. I know others in the past have done this same movie... glad I'm not alone! I pulled the movie poster from the internet. I used a template from Scrapping With Liz's "Now Showing" collection and a kit by Kristin Aagard also called "Now Showing". Both were part of a mega collection at a previous shop they sold at but are both available at The Lily Pad.


    For the string elements, I did a flood fill of a color in the kit then added noise to them. Very subtle but can be seen when I zoom in. I tried adding texture to it but didn't like it. I like the noise addition.

  16. Day 5. Had to use PSP X8 to do this layout because every time I started with the text tool in PSP2021 I got a runtime error. Need to look into this further. I did not do a title on a path since I wanted to use word art for my title. I actually used several different kits which is not something I do very often. I'm a one kit scrapper! Kits used were all from The Lily Pad. Kristen Aagard's Veggie Garden and Sunny Side Up. The 3rd kit was a collab kit that is no longer available called Roots. The journaling font is Rustys Hand and the photo was grabbed from the internet.


    My story is a special memory for me. Yeah, it is about food but also something that my grandfather and I shared. He had something special that he did with each of his grandchildren when they were young. This was mine.

  17. Day 4 Sports. I had to dig deep to think of something for this one. I was not and still am not athletic. And, when I was growing up girls participating in organized sports was not a thing in my small town. Even in high school in the early 70's, the girls who did play basketball and volleyball were only playing in intramural sports. But there was a different type of sport that I could participate in. Bowling.


    Kit is Bowl-O-Rama by Kirsten Aagard and is available at TheLilyPad.



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