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Jeni Simpson

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Jeni Simpson last won the day on May 31

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  1. Thank you, Susan, I am thinking of doing much the same. I believe the classes and tutorials are excellent, and I have learned so much in a short time. I downloaded a few tutorials and started doing the Labs and I need to go back and do more of that hands-on work. I plan on continuing the workshops Carole opens up to us, there is even more learning with the extra help given to each participant, not just by Carole, but by everyone doing that same workshop, too.
  2. Cindy, I plan on doing the same, I want to join the Diamond Membership, and I am on a single income and bills get too high! However, I hope to do a monthly membership every so often when I can, because I think it is well worth the money.
  3. I think that would be the Lock Transparency in the layers palette. When we lock the layer, we can colour it without going through the rigmarole I always did before Carole explained that tool. It is a time-saver!
  4. Fiona, the way I remembered that one, which was the first time I had heard it, was the word 'cut' in there.
  5. I had another play with Day 7's vectors. I knew I had used jellybeans yet my image didn't have the pretty colours I had used originally. I searched through all my picture tubes and realised the one I had originally used was Easter Jellybeans. Showing the Jellybeans first. The Easter Jellybeans
  6. Good for you, the result is feedback on what you may need to study. Maybe do as Corrie suggested to Susan, do the tutorials again in a few weeks, that way you can go over what you may have forgotten between doing the workshop and the quiz.
  7. I got 9 out of 10, so surprised at how much I remembered.
  8. Take care, Doska, your health is most important. I don't know when Carole will do this workshop again, and I am sure Vectors will be here maybe next year, they are such fun to do, even when not going right. Look after you first. Sending good health and love your way.
  9. Susan, I think it is a matter of doing the tutorials regularly to pick up these tools. Vectors have scared me, they appear so difficult, yet I am sure, going over what we have learned would help. I hope to remember the tutorials as best I can and try to redo them soon, while they are still in my mind. A few gems have come from members all throughout, and they helped me.
  10. Wow, so daring. I think these are brilliant! I kept mine all simple, maybe next year, after some practice, I might be able to be more adventurous.
  11. Wonderful advice, Corrie.
  12. Thank you, Carole, I wasn't sure whether that could be done, and added the wire to hold them together. I appreciate all your comments to everyone, they help immensely. Jeni
  13. You are all such creative people here, and your work motivates me to improve my vector skills. Thank you, Carole, and everyone. Next Vector Workshop, maybe? Jeni
  14. Thanks for your messages, Carole, it certainly helps. I raced ahead yesterday and created an image using my initials. I even put them on a metal wire, and then, today, we had this one to do so it worked well. Yesterdays attempt with jellybeans and today's attempt using Carole's brass bead and colourising it. Jeni
  15. Your images are quite beautiful, Susan, inspirational.
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