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Posts posted by Michele

  1. Thanks so much Cristina. I have so many watercolor floral elements that I just can't remember where I got those from. It might even have been a free paper I got. I tried looking earlier, but it would have taken more time than I wanted to spend. I really need to keep better notes on my projects. I always think I'm going to remember things. Ha!
  2. Remember Cassel's Love Story Challenge back in February? I thought the Day One project was perfect for my gaming group's daily theme today, Modern Romance. I took the one I made for the challenge and made some changes. I never would have been able to achieve this in the few hours I have to make my group's picture every day. The font is MalemDiwa that I got for free from FontBundles. The hearts decal next to the text was also a freebie from a set of elements from Creative Fabrica. The heart frame I made with a PSP preset shape. And the handsome couple are characters from the game. :p
  3. Dawn, those cards are stunning. Your roses are absolutely beautiful. The two fonts you used in the first card really complimented each other. Font pairing is a difficult thing to get right. That's why I'm always looking for font duos.


    Teri, they are so precious. Like Sheila, I want one, too, but I don't think they're allowed in the suburbs of NY. LOL


    I just finished Cassel's Peek-a-Boo webinar. Great stuff in there. I decided to have a little fun with the keyhole project. Like I said on the FB Scrapbooking with PSP page, I think a more appropriate name for this class would have been Stalking 101! Peeking through windows, branches, and fences...my goodness. :)

  4. Great job, Britt. Learning something new is one of the best parts for me.


    I got the most beautiful sunrise from my back door the other morning. Unfortunately, I live in an suburban area off of a main road so there are a lot of things like electrical towers and parking lots that I don't want in my pics. There's even an elevated train track there; sometimes the train even sneaks into my shots. The first thing I did was to use the Freehand Selection Tool to outline the buildings; then I flood filled the selection with black to hide the parking lot. I was unhappy with the results I was getting trying to remove the towers and had given up, but Cassel encouraged me to give it another try. I'm grateful that I listened to her. Today I used the Magic Fill tool to get rid of the towers and the Scratch Remover Tool for the cables. There was a section where I lost a lot of detail so I carefully used the Freehand Selection tool on the original, promoted the selection to a layer, and moved it above the top layer. (If I think it's going to be a complicated edit, I work with two copies of the background and do my editing on the upper layer.) I'm amazed at how much I've learned here in the Campus. When I first started, I was clueless.

  5. Thanks for the compliments, Dawn. The font is Marchell which I bought during one of FontBundles monthly $1 deals. In fact, this month's deal is today at noon EST. I'd better see if there are any I want.


    Lovely project, Stella. I think you can tell I love the color purple.


    I made this card for a friend who loves the Pittsburgh Steelers football team. I started with Cassel's Threaded Ribbon Sampler frame. Then I used her Twine picture tube to replace the lace in the frame. I thought it looked sportier that way, maybe a little like the lacing on a football. It was the first opportunity I'd had to use the twine tube which I was lucky enough to win from Creation Cassel's FB page. The background was made using the Seamless Tiling effect on the Steeler's logo (ssh, don't tell them). Then a little Inner Beveling here and there. I wasn't sure if I loved the result, but time grew short so I ran with the ball. Get it? Ran with the ball? Groan. Okay, I'll stop with the puns now.

  6. I used one floral background for all the elements in this. I can't believe how perfectly the kaleidoscope effect worked out with only a few random tries and then some tweaking. Sometimes I just can't find the right one and, like Cassel taught us, you can't go backwards when you're randomizing. For the frame, I cropped the original pic and applied a seamless tiling effect, then flood filled. Lots of beveling going on; I'm getting more courageous the more I learn.


    Great work, Britt! Love those poor birds stuck in the cage.

  7. I was looking through my B&W photos and realized I had one that a dear friend had taken. Two days ago was the second anniversary of losing her. Today would have been her 45th birthday. I couldn't think of a better way to honor her memory.


    The polka dot background was made using the lights and darks from her photo. Dawn had mentioned in the Showroom that she got lace brushes from Roula33 on DeviantArt. I downloaded them and used one to make the lace frame; I picked that particular one because I thought it referenced the leaves in front of the barn. I added a black rectangle with no fill over the lace to cover the outer edge. The title font is Pirates and the text font is Amaranth. Thought I would keep the entire project simple with just black, white and green.


    Dawn, Marlene: Great layouts. I love the way you both used your buttons.

  8. That's lovely, Dawn. Remind me to tell you when my birthday is. LOL I'll have to check out that site, but I think they're both available on Deviant Art, too.


    I've started to play around making my own papers. This was the project I made for today's theme for my gaming group. The background is actually two different papers I made using the kaleidoscope effect and seamless tiling. I put a plain white layer beneath them and lowered the opacity of both to get very light pastel colors. I used one of Cassel's corner brushes and did some beveling for the frames after flood filling them with the a merged copy of both of my papers with the white layer. The clipart is from Freepik and I erased the background using Clipping Magic. It does a much better job than I do with intricate designs. One day I hope to refine my methods so I can do them myself.

  9. Thanks, Sheila and Dawn for the kind words of encouragement. Sheila, you are a very generous person; I don't think I could do all you are doing for the wedding. I'm sure it will all be beautiful. DeLoris, I hope your grandson didn't fly too close to the sun. :)


    Just having a little fun with Cassel's bird cage preset shapes.


    ~ Michele

  10. Dawn, you card is absolutely stunning! I could comment on each element, but we'd be here all night. But I do have to ask how you achieved the bubble effect. It totally looks like it's encased.


    This is today's pic for my gaming group. I wanted to share how great Cassel's HeartChain tube looks. I used it with the VectorTube script to make the frame. Then just for the heck of it I decided to try it on some text. Woo-hoo, it worked. Sometimes I just have to play around to discover something new.

  11. Took me long enough, but here is Day 7, finally. I went with a metallic silver; I thought it went better with the background than the gold. If I wasn't so tired, I would have redone the text to be wider or the large snowflake to be thinner. Maybe add a couple of smaller snowflakes. Do we ever really know when we're done with a project? LOL


    There was so much we learned from you during this challenge, Carole. I can't thank you enough.


    If I haven't already said it, I'll say it now...I am so impressed with everybody's layouts. I loved seeing all the different interpretations. I really love it here. <3

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