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Posts posted by Michele

  1. I love everybody's projects.


    I started one, but for some reason, PSP 2018 is crashing my system the last few days. I've submitted a ticket so I hope they can solve my problem very soon. Ever since I installed Update 1, I've been having problems. Anyone else?

  2. You're very welcome, Sheila. You can sign up for a newsletter or you can just check their site from time to time. Currently there's a bundle of 12 free fonts on the HungryJPEG page. https://thehungryjpeg.com/bundle/93815-the-october-free-font-bundle/


    Cass, I hope it's okay that I'm sharing these free resources. They don't sell the same type of items that your store sells.



  3. Gorgeous again, AprilDawn. Your choice of images are fabulous. I have lots of fun using the distortion effects, too. And the blinds texture can give simply gorgeous effects. I use it sparingly or my group members would get sick of it. :)


    Thanks for the feedback, Peggy and AprilDawn. I am I HUGE font fanatic; it's like an addiction for me. lol I got The Secret from Dealjumbo.com. They offer free goods all the time that can be used for personal and commercial purposes. https://dealjumbo.com/downloads/category/freebies/



  4. Thanks for all the encouragement, ladies. It really helps build my confidence as I am always second-guessing myself. That's one of the great things about this forum. The encouragement and sharing of ideas. Everyone is always so willing to share their methods.


    Peggy, I think your layout is adorable! Everything works so well together.


    Cristina, what I did for the designs was to start out with a little piece of it from the original (there wasn't much there to copy.) I lined up two copies until they looked seamless, then merged them. After repeating this over and over, I finally had a background large enough for my purposes. And I can now use it for other projects!


    Here is yesterday's pic for my group with the theme being "All Denim Day." I was able to use Cassel's Multi Photo Frame 8 Photos Collage. I used a couple of different denim backgrounds that I had and Flood Filled two of the frame's layers with them. Also, I changed the color of the large photo space to use for my text. The lighter denim pattern was used as the fill for the font which is The Secret. As usual, the pics came from a google search.

  5. AprilDawn, that's really lovely. I use Graphics Fairy, too. Do you get her weekly freebie?


    Rizzi, your first page? Great job.


    Peggy, that's an adorable card. Your grandson will love it.


    I drove myself nuts tonight trying to come up with pic for my group's theme of the day, "Work!?" (I don't know where the game devs come up with these ideas.) I only had a couple of hours to do it because I was running late. Anyway, I found the main pic on Google and I really loved it. What made me crazy was taking elements of the pic and making my own background papers from them. I had to really work hard at lining up the designs so they were seamless. Obviously the striped one wasn't too difficult, but the art deco'ish design took some work. I've never done that before.

  6. I didn't have very long to come up with this as, being American, I didn't realize it was Thanksgiving in Canada until today. Cass's corner cutout brushes came in handy again. The two print backgrounds are by Marisa L from pixelscrapper.  What looks like a border between the two backgrounds is actually four drop shadows. I manipulated them so that they joined in the four corners. I'm sure there's a much easier way to get that result, but I was too tired to figure it out. (It was 5 am.) The font is Fcraft and I added a 3D Inner Bevel Effect.


    Wishing all the Canadians on the Campus a very Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. Nice work, Leslie, especially for a beginner; the Taj Mahal is stunning.


    Cristina, I love how you did the three different background layers. The text layer adds so much to the project.


    Here's something I just did for my gaming group. Most of what I did was purely accidental as I was trying out different effects. I love when that happens! Other than watching Cassel's tutorials, that's how I end up learning a lot. I just dive in and play. :D

  8. Thanks for all the kind words, ladies.


    Here's last night's project. I had to share it just to show what a scrapbooker you're all turning me into! <3


    Cass, I used your Word Frame script for this one; I was hoping it would look like tennis balls. I often use the script without actually putting any text in it. And AprilDawn, does the font look familiar? Thanks for turning me onto it ~ Prida02calt by gluk.


    Marlene, your friend seems a wee bit close-minded. Ask her to try the digital method and see how dismissive she is then. :)

  9. AprilDawn, I watch a lot of nature shows and I simply adore the kookaburra. Your project definitely does it justice and I've already downloaded the font!


    Marlene, your project is such fun. I don't think I have any music brushes, but, if you didn't already guess it, I downloaded the font.







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