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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Very cool technique, Carole. This workshop has taught me so much. Thank you so much for putting it together.
  2. Now that I think about it, I think I might have used your sequin script. And, yes, I did increase the step for the Gimp Trim tube; I was playing with all the settings.
  3. I was just playing with the nodes on the first one and, boy, was it fun; I used one of Cassel's chain tubes. For my initials, I used one of her gimp trim tubes (I found it interesting that the tube was applied differently on the S, almost like it was reversed). Then I thought I would have some fun with the lips I made for Lesson 2 and used a sequin tube I made a while ago from one of the tutorials. For the last one I used a star cutout shape I made several years ago and a star tube I also made. I wonder what is in store for us in Lesson 7!
  4. I used Particle Shop which is a plugin from Corel. I purchased a bunch of brush packs in the past, but I haven't been able to restore them all on my newer laptop yet. So instead of using the smoke brush, I used the flame brush in white and added a little Gaussian blur. I have smoke brushes in PSP, but I wanted to give Particle Shop a go.
  5. Hoping for a quick diagnosis and an even quicker recovery. ❤️
  6. Well, I caught up to Day 5 anyway. I've always had such a problem getting a smooth path using the pen tool. Now I know I have to change the nodes to symmetrical. All this time and I finally have my answer!
  7. I'm a day late and a dollar short. I had to give up yesterday because my PSP was possessed. It seems to have been exorcised today so I finished Lesson 4. For the teacup, I ended up creating a zig-zag shape so I could add it on top of the cup shape. I'm learning a lot about the pen tool and nodes. Now if I can only retain the information. lol On to Lesson 5
  8. I was ready to wrap it up after the second one, but I pushed myself to do the third as it was more complicated. I ended up adding a bunch of cusp nodes for that one.
  9. If you find where to get a better memory, please let me know!
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