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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Thank you so much, @Sue Thomas. I try to challenge myself as I am not intuitively creative. I get so much inspiration from everyone here.
  2. Back to my gaming group now. I've had the illustration for years so I don't remember where it came from; I used a mask to frame it. In order to balance it out, one of Cassel's corner punches came in handy. The font is 11S01 Black Tuesday Offset; I got it free from somewhere about ten years ago. I didn't have a system for saving information about the fonts, etc. back then. I'm doing a better job now. lol
  3. Here's a card I made for an old friend. I used a mini kit from Gina Jones at PS. The musical element is a nod to how we met years ago...Concerts at Jones Beach Theatre. The font is Blaster and it's in my system fonts.
  4. Most of the elements are from a template by AnnieC included in the March 2021 ALFLT Blog Train. There was a lot of improvising to fit it into FB's new pic size. I had the opportunity to add a paper fold I made in the Creative Scrap tutorials; it helped balance the l/o. The font is About Loving from CF. Hope my cousins liked the card.
  5. @Suzy You're probably being too hard on yourself. I understand that as I agonize over almost every detail of my projects. I've had a tough time with the border punches, but the more I use them, the easier it gets. When you have time, just play with them. That will give you more confidence as you'll be learning while you play.
  6. Thanks, Sue. I keep most things I create in pspimage format so I don't have to start from scratch either. It makes our creative life much easier. ?
  7. I've been doing a lot of the Creative Scrap tutorials lately. For the vast majority, I've been following the Detailed Handout so I can listen to music while I'm doing them. For this one, I had to watch the video. As great as the handouts are, sometimes I just need Carole's voice to get the technique into my head. ?
  8. I was wondering where you've been, @Sue Thomas. I should have figured it out after knowing you all these years. Looking forward to seeing the results of your summer photography.
  9. I have 2023, but I never installed it due to all the bugs people were experiencing. I downloaded the updates, but I'm curious as to why one of them is called Update 2. Where is Update 1?
  10. Sometimes it's fun just to use picture tubes, clip art, and a gradient. The background sky gradient is mine; the grass, trees, rocks, and cloud are from various picture tubes; the flowers are from GoF Designs; the ladies in white are from CF. Oh, and the blanket is a paper that I changed with the Perspective Mode of the Pick Tool. The font is Amastery Script.
  11. Thanks so much, @Sue Thomas. It was Linda Bloodgood, but she's not in the maniacs group anymore. I don't now why.
  12. The original illustration is from Freepik by Sketchpedia. For the background I decided to follow a "Swirls and Twirls" tutorial. It was shared by someone in another group and I hadn't used it in a few years. The background is made using the original pic and there are a whole bunch of layers. The tools used were mainly the Radial Blur and the Twirl Effects. If I didn't have my daily deadline, I might still be playing with them. The font is Hesthia Austine from Creative Fabrica.
  13. I love the color combo you used. In fact, I'm going to save them to a palette! How did you make what looks like a flower chain that's above and below the main blue part?
  14. I totally agree. I've never thought of extending anything beyond the border. I love the look of it, @Mary Solaas
  15. I've been working on the creative scrap tutorials and I love how this one came out. The first one was adding noise with monochrome checked which was cool. But then I did it with monochrome unchecked and what a nice surprise!
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