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Everything posted by Michele

  1. Nancy, I used to use the front flap of a card to decorate my presents.
  2. What a great idea for a workshop. I'm sure many of us use PSP to make cards and will learn a lot from you.
  3. DONE! This was great fun...Michele, This Is Your PSP Life! It was better than any tour. So many things I still have to do; so little time. :)
  4. Carole, great hint for #13. Thanks so much. <3 I do jigsaw puzzles online and I keep expecting the pieces to "click" together. LOL
  5. Thanks, Bonnie. I thought it was me. lol So I found everything except 13 which is driving me crazy. I have the supplies referenced in the clue, but I can't find them in the Campus. Been searching for hours now and my eyes are starting to cross. Will try again tomorrow.
  6. I think there is definitely something wrong because I just got the error when I clicked on "2" to get to the second page
  7. This might not be directly connected to the Treasure Hunt, but I keep getting this "Forbidden" error when searching. Does it just happen when there is no valid result or am I just doomed?
  8. I'm very confused. I've found answers, but I don't see puzzle pieces.
  9. Marlene will be sorely missed. I hate to see our "family" lose one of its lights. ~ Michele
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