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Michele last won the day on August 27

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  1. Day 11 - Project 5 I'm not very good with flowers so I hope I identified it properly. If not, please correct me. The photo is mine. I used various papers and elements from Mizteeques, AnnieC, Melisa Lerin, Janet Kemp, and the little flower under the text from Freepik. Whew. I made the little boxes by filling in selections with triadic colors and adding some texture. I can see now that I probably should have varied the textures. The clip and flower were two separate elements so I tried adjusting the drop shadows as we learned in the Shadows Workshop. I think I did it right. The title font is Acmatic Personal and the text font is Aguafina Script.
  2. I've found that I need to Merge All (Flatten) before I resize mine. Otherwise weird things can happen. I've had my text disappear.
  3. I already sent him a copy of the layout in the messages on his 501 North Photography FB page. I hope he likes it.
  4. It could be my bad memory, but I think this is the first of your pics that doesn't have wildlife in it.
  5. Day 9 - Project 4 I absolutely adore this photographer's work. If you're on Facebook, you should check out his page. He goes under 501 North Photography and has some amazing pictures of the Aurora Borealis. I decided to share some of his barn shots. I created an uncharacteristically (for me) muted layout so the pics could be the real stars. I used a bunch of supplies from the ALFLT Blog Train Jan 2021. The title font is Xpressive and the text font is Sugarstyle Millenial.
  6. Day 7 - Project 3 The papers and flower are from a mini kit by Marjan De With that I obtained in the Nov 2018 Blog Train. I made the scatter using Cassel's Punch Confetti script. For the glitter, I took a maroon glitter paper from Marisa Lerin, added a layer on top with the foreground/background gradient using the maroon and green from the papers, and changed the blend mode to Hue. The title font is Romantic Crafty and the text font is Segoe Print.
  7. I think I initially posted this in the wrong year so here is this year's pic.
  8. Happy Birthday month to you, @Bonnie Ballentine. You have wonderful friends who celebrate you. What more can you ask for?
  9. I already told you on FB that I may be "scraplifting" this idea; I love it so much.
  10. Day 5 - Project 2 Sadly this dogwood tree is no longer there. It was on the lot next to mine and they tore that house down for a parking lot (shades of Joni Mitchell). 😢
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