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Michele last won the day on April 17

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  1. I thought I would try the split page technique using text today. I'm not thrilled with how the text came out, but it was my first try. The main font is Jean Jingga and the journaling text is Jezebel Pro. The background is from Peakpx. I had to merge all the layers before reducing the size to 600. Otherwise, the journaling text disappeared. I think others have mentioned that it happens when the text is in a selection.
  2. W = Water I know, I know. But that's the first thing that popped into my head. 🤪
  3. I'm trying to make myself do something every day. Here's today's try. Can you guess what year I graduated?
  4. Is anyone else old enough to remember Patti Playpal? She was about three feet tall and was the perfect companion for a little girl. I used Cass's photo corners script that I won; I love it! The journaling font is Billy Signature and the title font is Lovely Honey. I made the background paper.
  5. I've also used NightCafe; you can get free credits daily. https://creator.nightcafe.studio/ Some of the creations there are amazing. There are many style choices that, for me, are very confusing. Some of the creators share their prompts which is very helpful.
  6. CF has its own AI generator. I think it's called Spark.
  7. I've been using Lightshot for screenshots for years. https://app.prntscr.com/en/index.html
  8. This took me hours to do (with lots of breaks and blank stares). I tried a bunch of things including masks, but I just didn't have it in me. Being sick has given me brain fog in addition to exhaustion, and the oppressive heat isn't helping. The little girl and the sunflower are from CF. The fonts are akaDylan Plain and Alegreya SC Black. It's weird how the orange rectangles look uneven when sized down to 600. Neil Diamond wrote the song, Sunflower. Glen Campbell released it in 1977, but Neil didn't release it until 2018.
  9. I can't thank you enough, Anja. It was so thoughtful of you and I love him! ❤️
  10. Love this! I sang this song to my daughter and granddaughter when they were babies. ❤️🎵❤️
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