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Julie Magerka

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Everything posted by Julie Magerka

  1. Yup, that was it! Good grief, such a tiny thing but such a big impact on results! Duh.
  2. That was the precise problem! When I saw Carole's comment about it, I finally tried and it works fine. Just one little tick-box overlooked and it throws everything out. Thanks for your kind help.
  3. I did another layout for Father's Day, this time using a more up-to-date photo of my Dad (Rudy with his kitty in his favourite worn out chair). I started with Merisa Lerin's Yesteryear paper for the background, then threw in some splatters and splashes (b/c I like to). I added a Starburst overlay that I created from the Tutorial that Carole recently highlighted. I made the rustic wood frame from Lab 13-6 (which took me a bit of time to get shadows sorted, and looking at it, not sure I got 'em right), and I made the punched out paper strips from the same Lab module. I used the flower to cover a glass ashtray by the chair rather than cropping. It took an unconscionably long time to do, but it's done.
  4. The instructions as they are don't work for me. But, when I make the first punched out hole smaller than 150 and use a smaller canvas to begin with (150x150 px & flood filled with black), then it works, and I can leave the pattern settings at angle 45 and scale 100 with no strange results. Bloody mystery to me. Thanks for helping, folks.
  5. It's after I create the punched hole on a canvas 200x200px and resize it down to 50x50 that I get the problem. When I flood fill on a new image, it shows only the small punched out shape with lots of spaces between. Looks so simple and yet I'm so bewildered by the results I get.
  6. S = strength, not just physically but in all ways
  7. I am embarrassed to say how many times I tried to create the paper as shown in Lab 13, Mod 6. I get the weirdest configuration when I flood fill with the image I have. I have checked and re-checked over and over the directions in the video and this is still what I get. I know it's me, but I can't figure out what precisely it is. s!
  8. P = Patience, my dad had lots of that!
  9. OK, it's a deal! It will be crowded in the car with three dogs and you and me! ?
  10. This is like a fiesta! So colourful and pretty.
  11. Thanks Susan. I found the father's day postings area and moved my project there.
  12. This is my take on remembering my father on Father's Day. I have pictures of Rudy as I knew him (when older), but I have such a soft spot for this photo of him (from his passport) when he looks so young and vulnerable. He was beset with many trials when he was young (in Europe), but he became a gentle and kind man despite the challenges. My dad....? I used several backgrounds of paint splashes and splatters b/c I love using them. The background paper is from Digital Scrapbooking (M. Lerin, yesteryear) and lots of recoloring and blending. None of the materials used are mine, except the bevelled frame. I like ripped and torn pieces and asymmetrical designs.
  13. A drive along the St. Lawrence River to the east coast is such an amazing trip. The road winds along beside the river and the scenery all the way is spectacular! And you can see whales sometimes too.
  14. Thanks Suzy. I'm going to try this later. The original sketch from the 'net was much darker so I used Hard Light blend mode to lighten it up.
  15. You put it nicely. Learning is the key.
  16. I tried several textures and overlays but it just didn't work. So, typical of me, I just gave up!
  17. You got your beautiful dandelions in! Looks fab!
  18. Hey, while I wasn't looking you added a photo! Nice to "see" you Susan.
  19. I was surprised to learn I won the Phrase Strips script! I had to play with it which took a bit of time as I made the adjustments to the script itself (as per instructions included) and needed some help from Carole. My deadlines for two projects are now behind me (other stuff) and I can get back to PSP time. I like the "idea" of this layout, but I'm not entirely pleased with the harsh white background. I had to leave it like that b/c I'm not much good at extracting an image and getting a transparent background (the sketch of Mrs. Roosevelt). If I changed or softened the background, then the borders of the sketch were too visible. It's a skill I have to acquire.... Otherwise, I'm happy with the phrase strips and how to use them. Thanks Carole!
  20. Is this a surprise gift? I'd love to see your daughter's reaction to this gift of love. It's an amazing feat of patience and creativity. It looks entirely real and full-size in the photos. As Susan said, all the tiny details are wonderful.
  21. Reading the titles found me singing a few bars! This is a fun layout.
  22. I had to look up Glenn Miller's death date, and discovered that he disappeared in 1944! I didn't know that.
  23. I think this is so perfect. What a wonderful tribute you made. Well done, Susan!
  24. I am also learning to stop acquiring things that I will probably never use or use very little. I bought a tablet a year or so ago (Wacom) and I like it but I don't even use that enough!
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