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Mary Solaas

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Mary Solaas last won the day on April 30

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  1. @Daniel Hess Daniel, I am fascinated by your USA map. I have used a jpg or png of the map with the states drawn on it and then drew on it the route of where our trip took us. I would love to have a copy of your map with the state lines drawn in as a preset shape. Possible???
  2. Love the soft colors and how they point up the picture.
  3. @Susan Ewart Yeah - I'm getting to like those layer styles. They come in handy sometimes! You did a great job as usual. I like those frames also. And the cutout strip at the bottom.
  4. Still working on the workshop. Need to practice. This time I made the outline of the dinosaur, exported it as a shape, used it and changed it to a raster shape and painted it using the paintbrush with the lock tool and this is what I came up with.
  5. Lesson 7. I've had quite a time with this but this is what I came up with - both A and B.
  6. @Corrie Kinkel Yes, I did hide the path of the circle. The green circle is part of the globe preset shape.
  7. Lesson 6. I'm going to have to work hard on this path business. It seems that I've forgotten a lot! With the Globe of the earth, I had to put another circle around the outside of the globe as the maps of north and south america are also open and thus a path. The leaf was interesting - made the leaf last year in the vector workshop and using it as a path this year, I fooled around with different picture tubes and finally settled on the stars. The letter - I had already worked with it several days converting text to a path and this time no problem. I used a string created earlier.
  8. Lesson 5. I can't believe the trouble I've been having with the text tool and the path. Anyway, I managed to get the text to go along the path on the mountain and the circles paths for the cup of coffee and piece of pie. I know - the piece of pie doesn't look like much, but that's all I've got this afternoon for it. It is what it is!!!!!
  9. @Cassel I guess I just assumed that the text always appeared in the layer below - but I checked several of my pspimage layouts and it doesn't. So either I use the pen tool or click on Properties>convert text to curves in order to get a path to use with the Vector tube script. This is the one I made using the Properties>convert text to curves
  10. @Mary Solaas That life preserver was a perfect shape to do a cutout! For the text, I see that one is a Text object and the other is a Path object. What did you do between the two? @Cassel - I used the text tool as I normally do and typed my text. Normally, the text shows up in the layer beneath and is not blank. To get it to show up in the layer underneath I used the pen tool. I've never had to do that before. If I wanted to use the vector tube script on a letter, I just typed the letter and it was a path. So, I'm not sure what happened this time.
  11. These are the screenshots of before and after using the text tool
  12. I had an interesting thing happen - haven't noticed it happening before. I opened a blank canvas and set my picture tube to rope. I then selected the tool "text" and typed the word. It shows in the layers pallet correctly until you look at the layer inside that is supposed to show the work typed - it's blank. I closed and reopened the software. and tried again - same thing. So the Vector tube script won't work because there is nothing in the text layer - this morning - HOWEVER I FOUND THAT IF I THEN SELECT THE PEN TOOL AND RIGHT CLICK ON THE BLANK LAYER THAT HAS NOTHING IN IT (BECAUSE THE PEN TOOL HAS "CONVERT TO PATH" CHECKED), THE WORD TYPED THEN APPEARS IN THE CORRECT LAYER AND THE VECTOR TUBE SCRIPT WORKS FINE. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED TO ME BEFORE. IS THERE SOMETHING I MIGHT HAVE DONE WRONG IN SELECTING THE TEXT TOOL???? OR ARE THE GREMLINS VISITING ME AND LAUGHING THEIR HEADS OFF!
  13. Lesson 4 - finally! Requirement was to do the cutout. I chose to do the life preserver from the summer group. Had quite a time getting it the way I wanted it to be in the preset shapes, but I finally accomplished it. I then used it and this is the result. I duplicated it and then hid it and rasterized the duplicate. I used inner glow on the layer styles, inner bevelled it (regular way - effects), then added the dark blue wrapping. Everything worked out fine this time.
  14. @Cassel HELP!!!! I exported my life preserver preset shapes, but it does not appear in preset shapes HOWEVER it is listed in the presset shapes folder. What is wrong???? This happened once before long ago (LIKE MAYBE LAST YEAR IN THE VECTOR WORKSHOP).
  15. @Corrie Kinkel Where is that neat "plastic texture"? Did you get it from Creative Fabrica or Pixel Scrapper or??? I'm fascinated with it.
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