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Sue Thomas

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Everything posted by Sue Thomas

  1. Yup! You did a smashing job! I'd say you looked at it with a whole new perspective. I'm delighted that you posted the updated version. Doesn't those shadows make huge difference! Well done, keep up the good work.
  2. When adding photos to the calendar grid, it can be a bit tricky, as for me I have to have their face, more specifically an eye/eyes unobscured by the grid. In this one I used two photos, adding the hare in the bottom right corner. Making sure everything was in proportion. I'm hoping that if I hadn't mentioned it, everyone wouldn't be any the wiser, thinking it was one photo.
  3. Thanks Lynda. It's also a nice subtle way to use more photos, as I don't have a shortage of photos. I will point out that it has to be a subtle addition, as the days have to take precedence, being clearly visible and legible to cater for all ages of eyes. Creating a calendar isn't any different to creating a magazine or newspaper, as it has to accommodate a wide audience.
  4. Thanks Ann, actually I don't have the Echo Text script. As I did with the Great Horned Owl page, it's my interpretation of that script. It's a lovely way to showcase photos. As for the Rusty Blackbird, they are of concern, as their wintering grounds are as far as Texas and Florida. They are loosing their natural habitat to crops. Their numbers are at a minimal, they nest in the length and breadth of the Canadian Boreal forest. Being secretive birds, little is known about them. That is why I am going to cherish the memory of seeing this one, as it graced my trees out back, en route south.
  5. Anytime! I have added a screenshot of some useful tips on shadowing, which you can find in the blog. Please post your edited page, as I'm convinced adding shadows will make the every day heroes stand out, as they should.
  6. A very nice layout Art. I Hope you don't mind me mentioning, that I think you may have forgotten to add shadows.
  7. I have just noticed that you need to set the angle to zero.
  8. To achieve the desired effect in the boxes, would depend on the colours and images used. Some may need a blend mode, along with lowering the opacity. To select the boxes, the selection tool, magic wand is more efficient, than creating a Mask. I will certainly be periodically checking in to check up on you all. I've decided not to take my small laptop this time.
  9. What you need to do is using the pick tool drag the one layer either up or down, to reveal more or less of the effect you are looking for.
  10. Thank you ever so much, I appreciate the feedback. I not only lowered the opacity, but also used a soft light blend mode. Also removed some of the frame, as it was my intention to have the main branch which the bird was perched on and the bird to stand out somewhat in the foreground.
  11. I started this page 3 nights ago, all that was left to do was to add a post it note, date stamp, and an alpha bead. All element tutorials can be found in the creative scrap. I think I have the titles of those tuts correct) My very first sighting and photo of this secretive bird will be a memory I shall cherish. I used the same technique that I used on the Great horned Owl. Created a mask, by using hide all, this time I added a frame. If the frame doesn't look right to you let me know
  12. Ever such creative work submitted by talented ladies and gentlemen. Some will know that 3 weeks tomorrow I will be flying home, which had meant that throughout the summer I had been busy plodding away with calendars, cards and advent calendars. This year I made 3 different calendars, insects, landscapes and mammals. It just so happened that I used the very first set of templates for this calendar. So I thought I'd post Jan and Feb, as I am not actually participating this year. I created my own rounded date boxes.
  13. I also miss Annie Tobin. We had many private interactions of the years. Another person I miss greatly is Vickie Richards. She is still around, but not active. Aren't we all still learning, I hope we never stop either.
  14. Unknown to us we must have telepathic links. Admittedly we do share many similarities in our creativity, right down to choosing a rectangle page over a square. Whilst maintaining our own unique styles, your style has evolved since you first joined the campus. Is there a possibility that unknowingly I may have had some influence in that. I know I was influenced by seasoned members when I first joined, and to a degree still am , when I see something that catches my attention. That is another asset of being a part of the campus family.
  15. Long before we moved to Canada. I had a fascination for the world of fungal. I bought books, reading as much as I could about them. As the UK has a wet climate, fungal thrives there, particularly in ancients forests. I used to have a way with words, but over the years my literacy skills have diminished, mainly because if you don't use a skill, you loose it. Plus, my memory isn't as good as it once was. Mycology is the study of fungi and mushrooms, like botany is the study of plants. Here on the dry Prairies finding fungi, is a challenge, but they are here, hidden beneath the leaf litter, waiting for the right moment to explode into a myriad of colours.
  16. I created the background paper using all of the photos in the layout. I use this technique frequently. Lowered the opacity, added a texture.
  17. I proof read my writing twice, hopefully there aren't any typing, grammar or spelling errors.
  18. I noticed this challenge first thing this morning. I have been out all day, which gave me time decide on a topic, and a layout. I had already decided which bingo line I was going to use. This evening I created the page. The button was one I created for a previous challenge, duplicated, colourized. By the way it hurt to tear the photo. I have to say, I love those new punch brushes.
  19. The little green grasshopper had discarded it's exoskeleton, and is in the process of hardening it's new one. When I zoom in I can see that it is still translucent. Semi transparent. The exoskeleton in the page doesn't belong to the little green grasshopper.
  20. That is how we all learn, through trial and error. Tenacity, persistence, patience along with encouragement will pay off, with rewarding results. It isn't always an easy technique to master, to obtain that realistic effect, that we all know isn't real. As Carole said it is fantasy.
  21. Great choice of topic, trains, lorries and heavy equipment make for great OOB. I wonder how it would look if the train and track was above the keyboard. Good idea to create your own mock-up.
  22. Although I use the words thrilled, pleased, delighted, and the list goes on, to use the word chuffed lifts the meaning of those to a higher level.
  23. We are quickly approaching the Winter Solstice, which entails the festive season. This year's advent calendars for my little girls are already en route. Seeing as Michele has posted a lovely Xmas page, and mentions having fun colouring. I thought I'd post some of the dates that are printed onto multi purpose removable labels. (11/2 x 11/2 inches) which are easy for the girls to peel off. I have a nice large collection of Xmas monogram fonts which I use, and grows with each year. I use the same font for the numbers( Ariel). Colouring is time consuming, but I really do enjoy the tediousness of it.
  24. You always do such a cracking job, on whatever you put your mouse or stylus to.
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