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Everything posted by Suzy

  1. Now that is really awesome, Susan! Yours looks just like it! The fading of a vector sounds like a real headache…any thing with a vector sounds like a headache…but I don’t think I could have even thought of it, much less considered how it would be done. I can’t wait for the class on Sunday! Maybe we’ll learn when to convert to a path, and when to convert to a raster. LOL!
  2. Aw, Susan, I hardly know what to say, but thank you!
  3. Thank you so much….and you probably see Cassel’s creativity. The seamless pattern script, the date script, the preview script, the sticker script, and yes, the phrase cut out scripts. ROTFL! I like the papers, too, a lot. I finally figured out the seamless pattern script, and the secret is that there will be one layer named “seamless” but it might have pieces and parts of other layers. (One flower in 2 separate pieces for example - these need to be put on the same layer as their matching pieces so they can be recolored together.). Once I figured out how to do this quickly, I have been able to make those patterned florals really fast. Oh, and Cassel did that video of how to make a flower, too! And then this weekend will be how to make a flower that borders on the “wonky” side instead of vector perfection, so I am way excited about that. My last flowers I made into POPCORN in my effort to get them away from digital perfection. Not a good look. ?
  4. Aw, you guys are THE BEST! Thank you so much! Each month for about 9 months or so, I’ve had a few more papers and elements, but not a whole kit until this month. THEN I had to write a TOU, do a preview (blech) and find a hosting site. And the deadline is in one hour for June 1, LOL! Thank you both!
  5. Thank you so much. I think I must have forgotten to put the folders in the mail folder. It isn't intuitive. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/938obtx011pzkpliijw2m/h?dl=0&rlkey=r97c19okadh1sjmekc3osi2t7
  6. If you want to help me, it would be ideal, Susan or anybody, really. I di d a kit for the Pixelscrapper BogTrain, but I don't habve a blog. Or a store or anything,. LOL1 So I think I used Dropbox, but if anybody would like to see if it works, i woukld be beholden to you! The ugliest preview I have ever seen, but I'm not sure how to make one. Here is the link for the kit.l I'm worried about three things -- people can mess with my other folders and files at Dropbox, &/or people can delete or mess around this this kit. OR there is nothing there to download because I did it all wrong! https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/938obtx011pzkpliijw2m/h?dl=0&rlkey=r97c19okadh1sjmekc3osi2t7
  7. Here's what I've been working on - well, since Cassel did the color palette for the Digiscrap.com Blog Train, I added the freebie palettes, er, swatches, to my materials palette and then since it was open I went ahead and did some papers. I'm not sure how to host them, and I have never posted there before, and I only have 2 1/2 days to make any changes. The red color was one of the choices, but when I had all the papers together I wasn't sure I liked the red with the other colors. Now seeing it, maybe I do like it. So basically, I made papers and will probably never post them. LOL!
  8. I think they all got dropped when we went to what is basically a new website platform. All images are gone, even the most scrapbooky of them. ?
  9. I’m impressed you changed the code on the script to personalize it. If I ever take Cassel’s scripting class, I think that would be my main objective.
  10. Hi, I am late to the welcome party, but welcome back, Janette!
  11. Wow, that looks really nice! It is more colorful than I imagined, maybe because you keep calling it the “green room”, or maybe because I only heard about the spider plant and the Monstera, but I like the flowers a lot.
  12. I can't get the directions to work! Is there another step? This is what I get, but nothing happens when I right click. I mean nothing happens. The last photo -- HOWEVER I was able to get rid of the text by using reset...just no icons to be found, especially ones that say Lock, or Link and I know what they look like, too! (whereas I don't know what the other icons would look like).
  13. So this thread is now current and for sharing? I have that daisy center Rene was asking about (the ugly brown one) which I ran thru Cassel's Whitener script. Now I have to find an image hosting site. Any thoughts?
  14. Ug. Thank you for the reply and fix, Carole. I use File -> Workspace -> Save, right? Looks like there are a whole lot of useful things in the icon listing that I didn't even see! I had hoped to have fun tonight with glitter....now I'm fishing for icons. :(
  15. Hi, Everybody. Here is an easy question, I think. I have two photos for illustration purposes. One is narrow and show the size of the Layers Palette I want to have. But the Link and Lock do not show because they are way off to the right, see wider image with the red circles. I have no use for, well, it would be most accurate to say, I don't know how or why to use "collapse all layers", "Expand All layers" "Show and Hide Quick Search", "Show/ Hide Layer effects" or "Edit selection.", so to me those are just wasting valuable real estate for what I do use which is Lock and Link. Right now I am clicking the link and using the properties, but It's slower. I thought 2023 did away with the Lock and Link and even suggested they make it right clickable on their website, LOL! The question is how to get both Lock and Link way to the right so they show in my narrow Layers Palette. Thanks!
  16. Randy very cool! That will look awesome on Facebook! In my opinion, the shadows look good online, even at reduced sizes. It’s printing them on paper where sometimes they look, you know what they look like? A bad spray tan! LOL! But only sometimes. Mine tend to manifest themselves as BANDS of shadows, not smooth shadows like in real life. But that is printing on paper. On Facebook that will look marvelous!
  17. Rene, you are absolutely right! I was trying to think like that, but all I could think of was Gerry was hearing his cats talk to him….the male version of the proverbial “Cat Lady”. I decided he *must* have meant herding, but I believe you are right.
  18. Lol, I say, “ it’s like herding cats” about twice a month! (I hang out with a lot of headstrong people, I guess.) I wasn’t going to comment on these LOs, but I have to say you all are just becoming professional LO artists, they are alll so good! Gerry, those fonts you’re using with the cutouts are really nice, and the way you offset them with shadow (or shadow & bevel) is exceptional. They really stand out and I want to enlarge to see how each letter differs - I like the other font, stay at Home, too. In addition, the colors of your LO are so pretty, and I remember such a pretty palette from your Miami Build a Kit. And the way you framed your cats is exceptional too. Those ears are doing their own “out of bounds”, aren’t they? And I agree with Ann on the spelling.
  19. I just saw these! And they’re are all wonderful…the texture is just right. Visible, but not too big and aggressive. How many toys did Poncho have? You had the word “selfies” on the LO, so I thought the cat stepped on the phone and took her own photos. ?
  20. I was going to say that it wasn’t Poncho at all - it was his great-great-great grandfather! ?
  21. Wow! Just wow! That is really great! ALLL those pictures in alll those little not-squares! I am so sorry you had to redo the effort because to my mind it was Herculean! The gradient metal on the meridian is such a nice detail, too.
  22. Michele, your card is wonderful -- such attention to detail, and the corners are perfect! (Somehow my eye always goes to the corners on rectangles and to the top center on circles.)
  23. Nice! Smooth edges, too. I will have to use this more often. Thank you!
  24. Thanks, Rene. I never knew such a thing existed…I just selected and cut out of the paper. I guess I’ll have to play around with it to see and understand the benefits.
  25. Mary, your album is incredible. I love, love the cover and all the information you’ve added. I think this is something I might want to duplicate, too, someday. SOMEDAY. But for now I feel as if I’ve had a complete travelogue of the city from you! (I love the song, too, but I never knew the entire first stanza!)
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