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Bootcamp - January 2022


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yes she is a chi


this is project 2 we have hummingbirds that migrate threw here in the spring as well as other birds and animals i call them my backyard buddies. i have one woodpecker that has stayed threw this winter and am still feeding her. I am not happy with this papers in this kit for this photo so i will look for a different one and redo it.



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Here is my Project 3 - Winter...


I downloaded the glitters that were on the tutorial page of the video. I adjusted the colour to suit the wintry feel. The snowflakes are a tube from PSP 2022, and I gave them the chisel effect and altered the colour of them. The glitterball was in with the tubes also and I slightly adjusted the colour, but not by much and gave it a drop shadow. I also added a drop shadow to the white background where the photos and the title are.


Carole/Cassel - thank you for the CTRL Y tip - never knew that!

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My Day 7 Project 3.  All the papers and elements are pixel scrapper.  Title font is "Impact" and the paragraph is "Bahnschrift", which could be from windows.  Photo's are my own.  I put a skinny black frame around the photo's glitter paper to help it stand out a bit.  I used an inner bevel on the title to give it a more rugged rusty metal look.


Really enjoying the diversity of pages.  So many creative minds.


Cindy, Hang in there, you got this!



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Carole, thank you about the shadows.  I still use my cheat sheet, but have been playing with settings more and seeing what I like.  Barney is full-grown and he's pretty tall, his head came up to my chest level.  He passed a few years back (old age). He was such a character.
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** Thank you, Cassel. I am adding a second attempt with resized photos.


Sisters are Special


Day 7: This project is fun. I used bits and pieces from various scrapbook kits. Each project I see posted here is so interesting.


I spent my Sunday afternoon thinking about times with my sisters. Before the pandemic, each of us would travel and meet for a sister reunion every year. I miss our reunions.


“A sister is a gift to the heart, a friend to the spirit, a golden thread to the meaning of life.” – Isadora James


A Sister Reunion



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Theresa, you can definitely keep it simple and it is often a better way to showcase the photos and the story than to make everything very busy. Just make sure to add some shadows so we can see the elements you use. On your second layout, I see that shadow you added. If you have your shadow on a separate layer, give a try to a darker but smaller shadow. Compare the two. You can just hide the existing shadow and you can hide and unhide to see the difference. I love that little fox! You are creative with that winter layout; using the glitters as a large background and colorized is well done! Try to stick with black shadows. If you have the opacity anything less than 100%, it will automatically show the color underneath in a natural way.  I think you forgot the shadows on the photos?


Peter, those shadows really make your layout stand out! Having more than one element on a single layer can happen very easily. As long as you don't need to move them, you won't notice but if you have to move or rotate or shadow one element, that is when you notice. And your solution was the only one! Good thinking.


Gregory, that is a statue???? It looks so real!!! Since you are using solid colors for the shapes, I would suggest you add some texture to them. It will just add some depth. There are a few textures you can use in Effects > Texture Effects > Texture.


Lavada, what is it that you don't like about that paper? Maybe a little too bright? You can darken it a little with the Adjust > Brightness and Contrast > Brightness contrast and reduce the Brightness. You can also add a layer, fill it with a different color and reduce the opacity of the solid color layer for another look too. Of course, you can also change paper completely if you prefer.


Liz, you are doing good with the sizing of the images. I would have two suggestions: 1- the black and white strip is on top of the flower; maybe slip it below instead since the flower seems to have more thickness than the paper and 2- try to avoid having some written text over two surfaces; you would likely not be able to do that in a paper project! :)


Susan, very well done on this layout! Have you considered lightening the title a little? I am not sure if it will solve the issue but it seems that the dark color added to the darkness of the bevel AND the dark shadow makes it a little hard to read. Maybe just adjusting the Brightness a little?


Diane, your work with the shadows is great. I am a little concerned about the resizing of the photos. I have the impression that they were not resized proportionally. It is ok if they are not the same width, as long as they are the same height. The middle and the right photo seem a little squished horizontally. Poor ladies might get a headache!


Linda, those are beautiful birds! Your layout uses shadows very well. However, you have that nice branch that extends over the blue paper. This means it is on its own layer so it should have some shadows. May I suggest that you add a small shadow but with a large blur and very low opacity? This would give the impression of the branch being off the page instead of looking like a paper cutout. Give that a try.


Pirkko, beautifully done. Your stipe paper is very well done!

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Running a bit behind but here are my Day 5 and 7 projects.  Still wandering around at my sons, he has lots of native wildlife.  I need to remember my camera when I am there as my phone doesn't zoom very well.   Day 5 saved ok but day 7 refused to save as a pspimage the same as it did for day 3.  Not sure why.  I have attached the error msg.  Thankfully jpg works.  I was using PSP2020.  I had saved quite a few steps but still a long way off finished.  Both projects are my work apart from the flying bird brush.
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Here is Bootcamp Project #3 - It is based on a watercolor painting of the ship, called The Gilded Otter, that carried my ancestors from Amsterdam, The Netherlands, to the New World in the mid-16oos. They landed in Kingston, NY, after traversing up the Hudson River a-ways. The left photo is not identified though the photographer mark is in Dutch. Center is my grandmother and father. Right is my mother, dad and me.  We are all Terwilligers!


Actually, the ship painting is in two halves in a museum in New Paltz, NY, which is near Kingston. I attempted to join them to show the entire ship.

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I photographed these flowers growing out of a wall last year. It’s nice to be able to use them in a project.


I mainly used the spring kit that Carole gave a link to. I downloaded a pink glitter paper from digital scrapbook and made a textured rectangle for the title and below the photos.

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Carole/Cassel - thanks for the advice about doing the drop shadow in black, and I'll give it a go.... But, is it possible to delete/remove the drop shadow, or is it a case of redoing the 'rectangle' and starting that part again to add a fresh drop shadow?




I've opened us the pspimage  of 'Winter' and can't figure out if removing the drop shadow can be done. I've tried changing the settings on it, but it just adds another drop shadow onto it. I was hoping there'd be a 'clear drop shadow' or something similar to click on to remove it... Have looked in the help section regarding 3D effects to see if that has the answer but I'm not having much joy with that..




It's probably something simple, and more than likely something I should know, but  going back to work today after a few days off may have fried my brain a bit LOL ;)


Any help or thoughts would be much appreciated.

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Theresa, it depends if you created the drop shadow on a separate layer or not. If you did, one layer should be called something like "Shadows of Raster 1". If that is the case, you can delete that layer and add a new one. If you created the shadows on the same layer, then it is trickier. You could use the selection tool, select a rectangle where your shadow is and remove it. It would work easily on rectangular elements but obviously would not work if you had a shadow on a flower for example. That is one reason why we recommend adding shadows on a new layer (there is just a checkmark on the Drop Shadow dialog window).
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I've run into several snags on project 3.  First, the one you're most likely to know the fix for:  I was ready to put the textured frame behind my photos, but my Materials palette shows up with no tabs to get to the "textures."  How do I do that?


Second - and I think I'm going to have to start over on this project - when I brought up my project there was only one layer.  It had been a PSPimage file originaly, but was now a jpg.  I imported the three photos into the PSP image, but edited and re-saved each photo as jpg's before proceeding.  I added each photo and "saved" after each addition.  Apparently PSP saved the entire project as a jpg.


I'm stuck, right?  there's no PSPimage file for this.  Do I need to start from scratch?


Also, now that I think of it, is the fact that this image is a jpg what keeps the Materials palette from offering me the options I was looking for?





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I found this Project so frustrating. One: I only have 3 kits all from you as I can't pay - only using free stuff. So it took forever to get a light springy look thus all the coloring doesn't match. Second I had to rewatch the video and figure out how to get the pattern of glitter paper. The trick is to hit the center of the green square (on your video) to get to the next window and scroll to see the paper!! Yikes! Third since I have had 2 major surgeries in 2021 - the last one 4 weeks ago - I can't sit nor stand very long without pain. The anesthesia and pain meds already lost some memory function! Thus more frustration. Sorry!  Not your fault. Carol, what does Anti-alias on the Text Tool do?


Thank you Linda Walker for the snow suggestions. I did download some free there but didn't have time to redo my Project 2 for a 3rd time.


Carol my photos were too big to start so I used the pick tool but I know you said not to do lots of resizing with it. What size should I do on the photo before I bring it into the Project?

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Peter, let me answer your question immediately.


If you have only one layer, you are stuck, whether it is a jpg, a png or a pspimage format. Sorry!


At any point, if you saved your image without noticing the file format, it is POSSIBLE that it was set to jpg as the previous save you had saved, and any subsequent saves would also be of a flattened image. Unfortunately, yes, you will have to start over.


As for your Materials palette question, the Texture is available in the Materials Properties dialog window, which you access by clicking on the swatch itself. Then, it should appear on the top right of the dialog window. But are you trying to add Texture or the glitters pattern?

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