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December FREEBIE challenge 2021


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Freebies are great resources that you can find in many places to build a library of elements, graphics, and tools. Since they are free, they are available to all.


This week (and in the following weeks), you are encouraged to create freebies from this freebie!


Download these wooden frames and decorate them for the holidays. Use whatever supplies you have, supplies you can create, and embellish those frames. Once you are done, zip the png format and email it to me. I will make a list of all the submitted frames for everyone to download. Use picture tubes, ribbons, flowers, gnomes, elves, ornaments, letter tiles, wooden shapes, etc.




Grab them HERE.


There are 10 different frames you can use so I am sure we will have a wide variety of projects.


What will you make?

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I was going to ask that, so not to use any we may have on file.  I requested them and got a reply asking me to clarify my email, but nothing has happened , I have had this problem before and nothing has arrived . Please tell me what am I doing wrong .  thank you xx

Zip file, I have never sent a zip file, how do I do that please  xx

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Trish, did you create an account on the store blog? If so, you can log in and the link will be there.


For zipping, once you have the file in Windows Explorer, you can right-click on it (or select more than one if you have more), and in the options available through the right-click, there should be one to archive or compress. There is at least one by default with your Windows.

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I have had a go at this frame challenge and produced a result more by accident and playing than deliberate design. I used one of Carole's frames and a font by signfonts.com - A & S Christmas Script. I used a free image courtesy of GraphicAngel where I removed the background, placed it in a corner and used a plugin Simple, Top Left Mirror. I made a lattice for the sides. I tried to get an embossed look using several techniques which i cannot remember the sequences but kept going until I liked the final result. I used plugins, blend modes etc. Anyhow, I have done one, yay. TFL.
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Beautiful work, Trish...and Everyone. Thank you Anne and Corrie for the frames in today's Countdown gift! Thank you, Everyone for the frames. Thank you, Carole, for all the Countdown gifts. I have been traveling and have not been around much. Internet was often spotty; however, I have managed to pick up the gifts each day...a bright spot in my day for sure. I am home now scrambling to catch up with everything. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!
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