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What are you working on (September 2021)?


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I felt like creating a frame this evening, and got rather carried away, ended up creating a page. Played with the side border, by wrapping rope around border, and weaved ivy through the rope. Text on a path, word art, Carole's corner punch. When I create a frame, I jot down the size of the borders, so I'm consistent, as on occasions I forget, I also jot down the bevel, cut out, blur etc sizes. I always use the dropper tool, when selecting colours.
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My daily gaming theme today was Awesome Autumn. In order to get the colors I wanted I combined a gradient with a background from Pixel Scrapper (now Digital Scrapbooking); the flowers are from AnnieC; the font is Autumn Embrace Floral from Creative Market. They are all freebies I had in my arsenal! The illustration was found on Google. I used the text cutter for the titles and applied inner bevels and drop shadows. Would have done a more interesting outer frame, but ran out of time. These daily pics are sometimes exercises in "how much can I get done in the amount of time I have left?"
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Thanks so much, Sue and Ann.


Sue, I don't know how I do it, either. Sometimes they're not very good, but I share the "scapbooky" ones that I'm proud of here in the Campus.


Ann, the text cutter is an option you can choose when you use the text tool. It creates a cutout of the text from the layer beneath the text layer. It creates a new image of just the text cutout with a transparent background. It also shows as a separate layer on the original image. That's the one I typically use. There is a cutter preview option that shows what it will look like before you actually cut it. I hope that makes sense. I made a little pic that might help. If I didn't explain it well, here's a link to using it https://help.corel.com/paintshop-pro/v23/en/official-help/index.html#page/Corel_PaintShop_Pro%2Fcreating-a-text-cutout-filled-with-an-image.html

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Ann, Sue and Michele:  Thanks so much.  I learn a lot from you three especially.  And, especially this month.  Thanks for sharing what you have learned.  I never knew about that text cutting option before either, Michele.  Seems like the "HELP" function - which I used to use regularly before joining this scrapbooking group - has more to offer than I thought.
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Michele, the cut out tool is a handy tool, unlike the selection tool in the text tool bar, it does have limitations. I use it to paste as a new image. Using less steps than the selection tool. Using either a solid colour of choice, pattern or photo. There is always more than one way of doing anything in PSP.
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