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May Theme Challenge - FRAMES


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Hi friends, My daughters scrap book is coming together. These 2 pages, were actually done following tutorials from the double take.  So in page No 1, which is on the right I thought the element pages would be appropriate frames for the primary school theme, and in page No 2 on the left High School theme, I have created the frames myself using a gradient for the colour.  Not very adventurous, but effective enough I think for the purpose.
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I'm not quite certain what we are supposed to be making or sending here ... but this was an old frame I made years ago ... but when I made it - it was tiny. Well ... repurposed a bit ... resized in AI, played with a graphic I like from online as it looks like my great niece, used a lino bg we learned how to do right here and loads of colors and well, this was my result. I wanted a sort of extra bright but not quite neon effect. I think this was about as close as I was going to get. Anyway, I was tired of sitting in this chair. LOL I might play with it a bit more later. The bows of course were from "the big sale" and made from the graphic itself. Seems we all LOVED the big sale!
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Thank you, Michele and Cristina. :) Going to try a different one and maybe use more of those toys we all bought. You know what they say ... Practice practice practice. No wait, is that only in music? Works in real life, too, I'm guessing.
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Wow, Shirley and Minka...you are setting the bar high! Beautiful work!


Betty's 91st birthday! I created a layout for her 89th and 90th also (in the appropriate year). The birthday balloon created a lot of interest. Many strangers came to our table to wish Betty a happy birthday. The lady in blue came over and asked if she could sing Happy Birthday to Betty. She has a beautiful voice. Her nephew is in the background and he joined in...another beautiful voice. Template from the August, 2020 A Love For Layout Templates blog train. Template created by Promethean Concepts.

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Bonnie ... just love it.  Loved every darn thing about all of them.  A lady 91 that looks THAT GOOD, you know she is doing something RIGHT!  Loved the friendship sentiment on the blue one, too!  You always inspire with your PP "PickleballPosts"!
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Many years ago when I first had PSP 7 and was learning how to use layers, I had a website called, "Thru My Cottage Window I See..." and I made a banner something like the cottage window shown below.  The original is long gone, lost in an early hard drive crash from before I learned to back everything up.  I've done my best to replicate that image using an image that was very like the early one.  Using my selection tool I erased the original view shown in the window and saved the image-less window as a .pfr file that, unfortunately, will not display here.  I also saved the bare window as a tube (although a rather large one) which I do not believe will show here either, so you if you will imagine the window with the view transparent where you can add any image you'd like to see beyond your desk in the early morning as you write your letters to family and friends just by adding an image as a separate layer, resizing appropriately, sending to the bottom and then merging visibly. I've shown both a cottage and a seaside view, I hope you like them.


If anyone would like a copy of the tube or .psp file just let me know.

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I wasn't sure where to go with this theme as I do not use frames ... as you are probably aware.  I decided to give Cassel's Fanned photo script a go after I had framed the Eastern Ground Parrot with a frame I had made eons ago.  The layout is one I also created a while ago and all papers are my own creation.  The knots are the result of Cassels Knot 15 script and the flowers, moon and stars are tubes I have had for some time and I am not too sure about the arrow ... I think I made it myself.  Thanks for taking a peek my friends.  :D
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It was rather late last night when I found this challenge.  I  made a start last night,  finishing it off this morning.  Lots of really lovely interpretations of frames.  I have also  learnt  that there are so many  different frames to be had.  Mind boggling actually.  I  went a bit over board on the main frame. I added a few  extra borders.  For the  largest  border I used paste into selection the  photo after I edited it, as you see it in the frame.  I darkened it a little then using effects, tiles.   I used the random  tool until I found something I could work with.  Using the triangle, and editing the settings I came up with this.  I wasn't happy with the  black rectangles, therefor I selected them using the magic want and flood filled with the gold.  Now then, there are a few spots on the right side, that didn't change to gold.  I tried  several things, even  used the lock transparency and brushed over it several times, to  no avail.  I closed the page and reopened it, and still nothing.  I could try this  option as I  flood filled with gold on a new layer.  Anyway,  having the odd spot not filled gives it a little character.  I used the  bracket technique for the text frame, and  Cassel's custom brad.  Also did  chisel frames around the  background paper. A little OD'd on the frames!
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I love everything about the work you have put into this and you are right the few little black specks lend some character to the frame. It is beautiful my friend ... and let me just say ... I prefer the black frame, jus sayin! Luv ya to bits Suze so don't make me sit in the corner ok ... besides I would never be able to get up again, lol! ;D
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What a beautiful neck of the woods you live in Ann. The photo is truly delightful and I am envious because we are back to dust bowls here in Bundaberg. Very little grass and limits on watering ... only positive note ... ya don't have to mow! ;D
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Annie, don't panic I won't send you to Coventry my friend!  I actually agree with you, I  prefer the black.  Seeing as it was a frame challenge.  I don't usually create such ornate frames, therefore by  adding the gold  guild  I went over board.  It just goes to show that there  aren't any limits  as to what can be achieved in psp.
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