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Double Take Challenge 2021


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Lynda, despite the tragedy the photos of that family gadering looks great.


At the start of this challenge I thought that there would be 7 days of making double pages, but in the end it were 6. I had the feeling that  there was an open end to my project, so I made one  page extra. Now I can make a book with this project and some more including the Love Challenge.

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Hi Scrapbook Campus. Just wanted to say that I have viewed some excellent work during this challenge and if I haven't commented or responded in anyway it would be because there is just too much going on here ... love it! I sure don't envy Carole's job of commenting on each and everyone and she does it so beautifully. Such a wonderful Campus, thank you my friends for the joy you have put in my life. :D
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I didn't get to do the double take as planned as other things got in the way, and I wasn't very well last week. Yesterday I looked at Day 1 and  I aim to continue present challenges with the scrapbook I am doing for No 2 daughter. The photos I had prepared didn't sit right for the template used, so I searched for more suitable ones, coming up with the ones I have chosen.  I really needed the catch up on converting templates to masks and enjoyed following the tutorial. It has been quite a job trying to make old photos presentable.
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What wonderful work from all. Had fun looking. Lynda ... an awesome retrospect of your family and one can tell that it was made with an abundance of love. I hope you have had more opportunities to all get together ... or will have. Of course the past year and a half probably not so much. All the posts were great! Corrie, I loved your flowers, too! I am not home ... and just have a little laptop with me so not much to play with ... but at least it allows me to peek at everyone else's efforts. Probably see some of you tomorrow night. Have a great weekend everyone.
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After working a little bit every day, I managed to have at least the Day 1 layout completed. I will work on the next layouts later, but first, I will finish another project that is half-done.


The background paper is a freebie "november2remember" pp10 by Harper Finch.


I added Word Frames to the photos following Cassel's tutorial and added Cassel's Corner Brushes A #5.


Taking advantage of one of my recent acquisitions from the Store (CopperIt script), I created the signs.


Fonts: Areno Rough and Candy Round BTN



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Cristina, what an incredible double page  you created.  I see why it took a while to complete, so many techniques, and as always you put emphasis on so many small details.   Well done!




So many beautiful works of art being posted.

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