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March SKETCH Challenge


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Learning scrapbooking is often done with practice, looking around for inspiration, and trying to recreate projects we admire. Sometimes, we can be inspired by finished projects, but sometimes, we also have to use our imagination to interpret something.


This challenge will give you an opportunity to envision something from a "boring" base, and you will have to imagine the end result differently. The sketch is only a written idea, and you can fly with it, modify it, and customize it to fit your vision, your photos, your supplies.


Here is the sketch you will want to start with. You can use the rectangles to place photos or decorative papers or something else altogether.




And if you want more information on using sketches, check out this article.

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I love sketch challenges. This one is just simple and whimsical. You might get the idea that I like mice and let me tell you I do NOT! Thankfully, I haven't seen any here in Florida. Sure, I know they are probably out there lurking somewhere, but as long as they lurk far away from me we will live on peaceably. Let one try and come in the house and I will turn into their worst nightmare until he is gone to his lofty reward. I can be more tenacious than a cat when it comes to mice. However, if you look at pictures of them, they are darn cute. I will admit that.


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Thanks Bonnie ... Certainly just a simple one but I happened to be looking at pictures of mice at the time so used some. I did see one picture that said "the early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese!" I laughed at that as it's pretty true! I think I will try another that's a bit more complicated.
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Minka, both of your layouts are great.  The mouse one is so much fun to read and the pictures make me grin.  The one with the rain reminds me of my boys playing in the rain.  Great job!
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Val, I also think it was a stroke of genius to place your photo in all frames.


I have been trying to scrap Thanksgiving, 2020 since Thanksgiving Day with now luck. This sketch opened the door and the layout just fell into place. The two young people are my adopted niece and nephew. I have known them since their birth and they are now independent, working adults.

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Time for the Sketch Challenge and another story. I'm afraid the journaling might be small so here's a recap:


"The year was 1978 and movie star Burt Reynolds was accepting an award from N.A.T.O. (National Assoc. of Theater Owners) at the first convention that we attended after becoming theater owners ourselves.


As we watched, Burt pulled our 16- year-old daughter, Laurey,  up on stage with him where we could see she was still trying to take his picture.


The National Enquirer's headline the next day screamed, "BURT'S NEW SQUEEZE" and it faked a story that he was stepping out on Dinah Shore, who was his latest heartthrob."


So that's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;-)


The photos are top row: Laurey at age 16, her closeup of Burt Reynolds; second row: her photo of Burt, the coverage in the National Enquirer, and another of Burt that Laurey took while onstage.


btw: Laurey is the new grandmother of baby Logan who was born Feb 6.

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Lynda: Great use of a mandala on the background. You have some lovely views from your deck; but I am partial to the gnome with the glass of wine. Looks as if he may have drank too much, LOL. You have taken making mandalas to the extreme and they are all awesome.
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